Actually it is a medical term, as someone who was a certified dialysis technician and having worked exclusively with blood and blood related issues, I know this. And if you would bother to use a dictionary, you would know this too.
Actually it is a medical term, as someone who was a certified dialysis technician and having worked exclusively with blood and blood related issues, I know this. And if you would bother to use a dictionary, you would know this too.
highly-sulfated glycosaminoglycan is an anticoagulant.
Anti coagulize is also a made up expression.
I am impressed. Kidney work. I first performed 1 renal transplant on an experimental basis in the early 70's in an animal lab.
i am excited that you know how kidneys are another issue that wipes out the theory of evolution. No one has evidence how the mammalian kidneys secreted as well as reabsorbed solutes and water as required when critters supposedly left water and started life on land. I am sure Palthais can shed light on the first Alveolar Epithelium transport mechanisms for us.
highly-sulfated glycosaminoglycan is an anticoagulant.
Anti coagulize is also a made up expression.
I am impressed. Kidney work. I first performed 1 renal transplant on an experimental basis in the early 70's in an animal lab.
i am excited that you know how kidneys are another issue that wipes out the theory of evolution. No one has evidence how the mammalian kidneys secreted as well as reabsorbed solutes and water as required when critters supposedly left water and started life on land. I am sure Palthais can shed light on the first Alveolar Epithelium transport mechanisms for us.
I am only going to reply to the *somewhat* relevant part of your response...
Going by the very, very odd, and pretty strange hypothesis you have going regarding "made up" words, virtually all of the English language would fall under these parameters.
I am only going to reply to the *somewhat* relevant part of your response...
Going by the very, very odd, and pretty strange hypothesis you have going regarding "made up" words, virtually all of the English language would fall under these parameters.
But, as usual, carry on with the incoherency...
Heparin is a noun.
It is poor grammar to just turn nouns into verbs.
It is not uncommon to build words and over time watch them be commonly used. We also have semantic shift or semantic progression from the bible times till now and from when the KJV bible was first translated till now.
Last edited by rgcraig; 10-15-2010 at 02:14 PM.
Reason: fixed quote
Heparin is a noun.
It is poor grammar to just turn nouns into verbs.
It is not uncommon to build words and over time watch them be commonly used. We also have semantic shift or semantic progression from the bible times till now and from when the KJV bible was first translated till now.
Having a daughter who is finishing her Bachelor degree in Linguistics this school year, I'll defer to her knowledge of the English language.
I will keep is real simple. Real simple. Schroeder is into physics. Nothing wrong with that. evolution is about changes of frequencies of occurrence of alleles in populations over generations. Schroeder works with a telescope and biology uses the opposite a microscope.
Schroeder is a waste of time regarding evolution. As a PHD at MIT he uses the exact same math I use and if he is a little older also had to write some of his own programs for calculations in Fortran
before canned software came along after my time.
You said
What a bogus claim. It is about as bad as Pelthais saying apostoilics are insane if they don't buy into darwinian evolution. But I can tell you that evolution theory is a soft science and mostly extrapolation and not observable.
Pelthais is surely not prepared to addmit criteria for diagnosis and placement in an asylum were where people are insane and can't take care of themselves.
Schroeder has a PhD in both physics and earth sciences, He does not believe in Darwinian evolution. If you haven't read his books, you don't have a clue to his qualifications to this subject.
God is to be discovered in His creation, if you don't study the earth sciences, you will not know much about God. The creation is his masterpiece, and He is very embedded in His creation.
You are wasting your time refuting evolution, science is way past Darwinian evolution, only the atheist are hung up on it. Evolution is true, just not in the Darwinian definition. Life suddenly appeared, way too fast and too advanced, for Darwin theory.
__________________ For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)
Dawkins is offering panspermia. Life forming in space just moves the problem to another planet.
Same way with old earth arguments. It didn't evolve from non life but if given enough time, it could have. Now with strong math probability tests, they need trillions of years.
Can you explain thy the flat earth evolutionists were putting the Miller urey experiment in childrens science text that did claim it was proven life came from non life?
1Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by giving heed to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons.
First published:
TJ (now Journal of Creation) 18(2):28–36
August 2004
by Jerry Bergman
The religion of evolution is packed and loaded top to bottom with wishfull thinking. So much goes into the classroom and they use the courts to interfere with people that suggest questioning the brainwashing.
Good students today know biochemistry is much too complex for life to come from nuttin. Miller Urey didn't know that. Pelthais doesn't grasp it.
As I said true scientists, already know that life did not come from nothing, and after the Cambrian discoveries, it is clear that life appeared suddenly far advanced.
__________________ For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)
Engrish is my second language of 4. i did also take latin before studying medicine. We have 6 languages in use at our house.
I'll take your word on that.
I would be interested in having a breakdown of all of your fields of studies and any degrees that you possess?
From what I understand in just a few days of reading your posts, is that you apparently teach, have some involvement in the medical field, and are also somewhat of a self professed language and science expert?
I am also wondering, with this much expertise, what your current job placement is, since you seem to have a large amount of time available to spend on the internet?