We could never measure the amount of people who will never darken our doors because of the image that this "minority" presents as necessary to serve God.
I nominate this for Whack Post of the Day (Month? Year?)!!
And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and his name one. [Zechariah 14:9]
Ignorance of the Identity of the One True God is not a valid reason to practice idolatry.
AFF is not a true representation, but there are many posters here who have experienced legalism at its worst.
You contradict yourself, my friend. First you try to use AFF FOR your argument, but then you turn around as say it is not a true representation. Which is it?
Why are you here then? To save us?
I'm not sure where I said I was here to save anyone. Never has been before and won't ever be job.
And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and his name one. [Zechariah 14:9]
Ignorance of the Identity of the One True God is not a valid reason to practice idolatry.
Originally Posted by Esther
Coonskinner, you talked about being a separate people and gave many scriptures to confirm that.
I agree with you about being a separate people. What I don't agree with is those who think the outward appearance is who we are to be separate.
Jesus never mentioned a thing that I can recall about how folks dressed.
However, what HE did define was about our attitudes. Being humble, now that would set us apart, even among ourselves.
Turning the other cheek, now that would set us apart. Who among us is good at doing this? Not I.
I could go on, but I think you get my drift.
Originally Posted by CC1
DING,DING, DING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE HAVE A WINNER!!!!
Esther, you have hit the proverbial nail on the head. The fruit of the spirit and godly attitudes, actions, reactions, etc all are REAL seperation, not a long blue jean skirt with no slit.
Thanks CC1, I missed what Esther said but was thinking along the same lines as you and she regarding the issue of separation.
The A-church has defined their brand of separation and it is unfortunate that even among themselves they are widening the fracture with the unsaid but expressed attitudes that..."I am more separated than you are/you are not as separated as I am." This is what drove my thoughts regarding my question to CS, "separated from whom and separated unto what?"
If a group is separated unto themselves for the purpose of secluding and identifying themselves, then I really can't see it being a spiritual matter, and really if they desired to achieve complete OBEDIENCE to the scripture of separation, which should be absolutely uncompromising A-folks would have to start making their own clothes, shoes, cars, bathing products...
A-folks aren't really separated from the world, they are only separated to a degree just like the rest of us.
You contradict yourself, my friend. First you try to use AFF FOR your argument, but then you turn around as say it is not a true representation. Which is it?
I'm not sure where I said I was here to save anyone. Never has been before and won't ever be job.
well, i just read the entire thread and I didnt see any contradiction.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
(no application with OGIA, it points back to series of posts on another thread where obedience to commands of God were being presented as not being works)
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath [James 1:19]
MOW, are you saying that others unlike you are not seeing these things happen? Are you saying that UCs (or even your average ol' con) don't love unconditionally and force baptism on people?
I'm sure that's not what you're saying, but it is insinuated, even if subconsciously.
Absolutely not and neither do I insinuate that either. My point is that even though there is a ditch on both sides of the spectrum, and since I am considered a liberal, I have not fallen into that ditch and continue to see salvational fruit even though I do not resort to the afformentioned tactics.
My sub-point is that truth does not need screamed, hollered, ranted, raved nor shoved down someone's throat. It simply needs planted and watered with unconditional love and it will bring forth fruit.
Devoid of the love of Jesus Christ, "force" is perceived as a needed tool. Some use the KJV word "compel" to justify their surly ways of presenting the gospel.
"Those who go after the "Sauls" among us often slay the Davids among us." Gene Edwards