first, the lady is talking about Ill. STATE taxes NOT FEDERAL.
second, the supposed trial that is discussed is not mentioned in a way that anyone could go to the state records and prove the event ever actually happened. All we have is a person on video stating it did.
yall gotta do better.
The law stated that one would only have to file a State Income Tax filling if a federal one was required as well.
As a proud Son of the South, I have never seen Gone with the Wind and I intend to die in my old age having never viewed that movie!
Seriously, the book is historically factual on the Civil War and the Reconstruction. I did enjoy that part. After the war is over it's simply trashy soap opera stuff.
Seriously, the book is historically factual on the Civil War and the Reconstruction. I did enjoy that part. After the war is over it's simply trashy soap opera stuff.
I used to disappear as a kid when the females in the house started to watch it when I was a kid.
The law stated that one would only have to file a State Income Tax filling if a federal one was required as well.
They went looking for that law & came up empty.
Thanks for taking a boo at it anyways Ferd!
I listened to both of them, but kept coming back to Ferd's point - no documentation of the court case. We are so conditioned to having that on this forum, it was distracting. I also would walk by the computer and read - I honestly am a skeptic when I read these types of of web addresses.
But, you are doing a great job, you hardheaded Canadian!!!
That what he said? (it has been quoted in various places a million times in my lifetime!"
Yea, pretty close to what he said. LOL! See, I never have to use profanity now that I've seen this movie. When my husband is annoying, I just look at him and say, "What Rhett said."
I listened to both of them, but kept coming back to Ferd's point - no documentation of the court case. We are so conditioned to having that on this forum, it was distracting. I also would walk by the computer and read - I honestly am a skeptic when I read these types of of web addresses.
But, you are doing a great job, you hardheaded Canadian!!!
Yea, pretty close to what he said. LOL! See, I never have to use profanity now that I've seen this movie. When my husband is annoying, I just look at him and say, "What Rhett said."
What is funny is being married to someone from the Philippines when she gets thoroughly annoyed with me (which rarely happens) her native tongue springs up!