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Old 07-11-2008, 09:31 AM
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Re: Who then can be lost?

Originally Posted by CC1 View Post
Cut hair. I believe it actually refers to a specific hairstyle of cut hair on women back from the first part of the 20th century. Since those AMF types like Elder Epley live in that era in their minds (LOL) I think they use that term to apply generically to cut hair on women.
Yep us OLD codgers still say bobbed hair.
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Old 07-11-2008, 09:54 AM
StMark StMark is offline
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Re: Who then can be lost?

Originally Posted by Michael Phelps View Post
I respect your stand, Elder. Unfortunately, scripture doesn't stand with you.

What MIke is trying to tell you is, God is standing with him
and that he knows more bible than you do
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Old 07-11-2008, 10:10 AM
Nina Nina is offline
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Re: Who then can be lost?

"No one who does not engage in foot washing is apostolic."

"No one outside of apostolic circles are Christians."

"No woman with bobbed hair will be in the bride."

"No one who smokes will enter heaven/be in the bride."

"No one who eats to the point of gluttony will be in the bride."

Brother Epley,

How about the last one?

And the other questions You were asked concerning fellowshipping gluttons?

You aren't afraid of these questions, are You?

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Old 07-11-2008, 10:14 AM
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Re: Who then can be lost?

Originally Posted by Nina View Post
"No one who does not engage in foot washing is apostolic."

"No one outside of apostolic circles are Christians."

"No woman with bobbed hair will be in the bride."

"No one who smokes will enter heaven/be in the bride."

"No one who east to the point of gluttony will be in the bride."

Brother Rpley,

How about the last one?
And the other questions You were asked concerning fellowshipping gluttons?

You aren't afraid of these questions, are You?

Again I answer gluttony is a sin any sin not repented of will cause one to be lost.
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Old 07-11-2008, 10:33 AM
TCSQ TCSQ is offline
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Re: Who then can be lost?

Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
Jesus after teaching was asked "Who then can be saved." Mt.19:25 But on AFF then question is who can be lost. Baptism not essential, tongues a maybe, suck cigarettes and have the HGB, church attendance optional, no tithe paying, pastor is an abomination. Nothing is essential and anything is okay. It is impossible to be lost.
You know Brother Epley, a lot of this is probably an over correction or overreaction by many to the years and sometimes decades or even lifetimes of grossly distorted preaching by so many "hardline" preachers that is all the product of THEIR troubled relationship with God, and THEIR insecurity as to wether they are actually saved or not that manifests itself with this constant beat the sheep attitude, heap more incredibly NON BIBLICAL ***JUNK***on them, and then after you have done everything you can to poison THEIR relationship with God , cast them out when they just cant do this stuff!

Unfortunately the reaction so many have is to just give up, throw up their hands and respond to the FALSE image of God created in their minds by so many Phariseeical or Sadduceeical men and say "Thats It! NONE OF THIS brings me any peace, I just cant do it, I QUIT!!!!

I reached that point several months ago sitting in the congregation of a conference where a DEEPLY disturbed man was up ranting and raving about the internet, constantly repeating the name of a website ***HE*** had accessed at the public library of women having relations with animals, screaming that all men with long sideburns are queers, calling all the children in the congregation from 6 to 8 to come down front, then the 8 to 10s and when all the little girls and boys were down front telling them to imagine they were in a hotel in San Francisco without their parents, BUT ( as an aside to the parents in the congregation) telling them "Don't worry....down in the lobby there is a security guard!" And then speaking to the innocent little boys and girls gathered in front of him he says "BUT...in the room next to you there are lesbians! and in the room next to YOU their is bestiality going on! And in the room next to you..."

This of course was the THIRD year in a row I had gone to this major conference, the first year was surprised to hear the story of the pastors wife in the LA area whose husband took her down to the basement and forced her to be intimate with a German Shepherd ( the dog NOT a herder of sheep from Germany) the NEXT year heard the story from the speaker of how he used to give his dog corn cob suppositories dipped in kerosene. So as the third (and last) year rolled around was NOT in the least surprised to hear yet another bestiality tyrade...do YOU see a very disturbing trend here???? I DO.

Went to other conferences where I got to hear that men who wear beards are either effeminate, reprobate or unholy, hear the wedding ring garbage ad infinitum, the colored shirt garbage, watch as the clergy takes over the saints and reduces Pentecost to a spectator sport, and so as I am sitting in another conference months later and the same self hating, sheep mutilating stuff starts, it just hit me so intenseley

ENOUGH OF THIS ........! (Can you say "........" on this board??? evidently NOT well it starts with a "C" and rhymes with trap) "MY DAD LOVES ME AND HE IS *****N*O*T*H*I*N*G***** LIKE WHAT YOU ARE MAKING HIM OUT TO BE!"

I think the capper was the message preached by a very very sick man at the Admit conference where he began to go after the OTHER SPEAKERS (!) at the conference one by one, humiliating and ripping them before he got to the HEART of his attack....some unfathomable tyrade about the "spirit of Zen that influences the way we DRIVE(!?) and of course the message God gave him about the Chicago Bulls BASEBALL team (AGAIN!?) before he got down to his real intent and purpose the attempted destruction of a brother that he cant even begin to compare to with the now infamous line "SMART PEOPLE CAN'T KNOW GOD!!!!!!!" While you can hear the audience of his fellow preachers jumping up and yelling "AMEN!!!!"

No Brother Epley if you REALLY want to identify the root cause of so much of what disturbs you (AND ME!) in the current trend by so many dear people to just chuck it all away, one need look no further than the kind of crowd that you and so many of the rest of us have ran with in the past, men whose fruit (the constant destruction and character assasination going on behind the scenes that you WELL are aware of) demonstrates that with their LIPS they proclaim God but with their hearts they dont even know him at all!

Well thank God I didnt cast away the fundementals of the Apostolic faith, but I sure as shootin' have jettisoned all the man made nonsense that I HOPE is being weighed in the balance of Gods Word by so many of this next generation of preachers!
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Old 07-11-2008, 10:36 AM
Nina Nina is offline
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Re: Who then can be lost?

Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
Again I answer gluttony is a sin any sin not repented of will cause one to be lost.

Will You fellowship with a glutton?

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Old 07-11-2008, 10:53 AM
Nina Nina is offline
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Re: Who then can be lost?

Originally Posted by Nina View Post

Will You fellowship with a glutton?


Do You let gluttons preach for You?

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Old 07-11-2008, 10:56 AM
U376977 U376977 is offline
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Re: Who then can be lost?

Originally Posted by TCSQ View Post
You know Brother Epley, a lot of this is probably an over correction or overreaction by many to the years and sometimes decades or even lifetimes of grossly distorted preaching by so many "hardline" preachers that is all the product of THEIR troubled relationship with God, and THEIR insecurity as to wether they are actually saved or not that manifests itself with this constant beat the sheep attitude, heap more incredibly NON BIBLICAL ***JUNK***on them, and then after you have done everything you can to poison THEIR relationship with God , cast them out when they just cant do this stuff!

Unfortunately the reaction so many have is to just give up, throw up their hands and respond to the FALSE image of God created in their minds by so many Phariseeical or Sadduceeical men and say "Thats It! NONE OF THIS brings me any peace, I just cant do it, I QUIT!!!!

I reached that point several months ago sitting in the congregation of a conference where a DEEPLY disturbed man was up ranting and raving about the internet, constantly repeating the name of a website ***HE*** had accessed at the public library of women having relations with animals, screaming that all men with long sideburns are queers, calling all the children in the congregation from 6 to 8 to come down front, then the 8 to 10s and when all the little girls and boys were down front telling them to imagine they were in a hotel in San Francisco without their parents, BUT ( as an aside to the parents in the congregation) telling them "Don't worry....down in the lobby there is a security guard!" And then speaking to the innocent little boys and girls gathered in front of him he says "BUT...in the room next to you there are lesbians! and in the room next to YOU their is bestiality going on! And in the room next to you..."

This of course was the THIRD year in a row I had gone to this major conference, the first year was surprised to hear the story of the pastors wife in the LA area whose husband took her down to the basement and forced her to be intimate with a German Shepherd ( the dog NOT a herder of sheep from Germany) the NEXT year heard the story from the speaker of how he used to give his dog corn cob suppositories dipped in kerosene. So as the third (and last) year rolled around was NOT in the least surprised to hear yet another bestiality tyrade...do YOU see a very disturbing trend here???? I DO.

Went to other conferences where I got to hear that men who wear beards are either effeminate, reprobate or unholy, hear the wedding ring garbage ad infinitum, the colored shirt garbage, watch as the clergy takes over the saints and reduces Pentecost to a spectator sport, and so as I am sitting in another conference months later and the same self hating, sheep mutilating stuff starts, it just hit me so intenseley

ENOUGH OF THIS ........! (Can you say "........" on this board??? evidently NOT well it starts with a "C" and rhymes with trap) "MY DAD LOVES ME AND HE IS *****N*O*T*H*I*N*G***** LIKE WHAT YOU ARE MAKING HIM OUT TO BE!"

I think the capper was the message preached by a very very sick man at the Admit conference where he began to go after the OTHER SPEAKERS (!) at the conference one by one, humiliating and ripping them before he got to the HEART of his attack....some unfathomable tyrade about the "spirit of Zen that influences the way we DRIVE(!?) and of course the message God gave him about the Chicago Bulls BASEBALL team (AGAIN!?) before he got down to his real intent and purpose the attempted destruction of a brother that he cant even begin to compare to with the now infamous line "SMART PEOPLE CAN'T KNOW GOD!!!!!!!" While you can hear the audience of his fellow preachers jumping up and yelling "AMEN!!!!"

No Brother Epley if you REALLY want to identify the root cause of so much of what disturbs you (AND ME!) in the current trend by so many dear people to just chuck it all away, one need look no further than the kind of crowd that you and so many of the rest of us have ran with in the past, men whose fruit (the constant destruction and character assasination going on behind the scenes that you WELL are aware of) demonstrates that with their LIPS they proclaim God but with their hearts they dont even know him at all!

Well thank God I didnt cast away the fundementals of the Apostolic faith, but I sure as shootin' have jettisoned all the man made nonsense that I HOPE is being weighed in the balance of Gods Word by so many of this next generation of preachers!

SO WELL SAID. Exactly why I would never join an organization. They all to this to some degree or another.
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Old 07-11-2008, 11:50 AM
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Re: Who then can be lost?

Originally Posted by Nina View Post

Will You fellowship with a glutton?

Firstly how would I know someone was a glutton because they were overweight????????? YOU know folks who are not gluttons are overweight.
This one is difficult if someone eats more than I are they a glutton? Since I am not a big eater nearly everyone would be a glutton.
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Old 07-11-2008, 11:59 AM
Nina Nina is offline
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Re: Who then can be lost?

Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
Firstly how would I know someone was a glutton because they were overweight????????? YOU know folks who are not gluttons are overweight.
This one is difficult if someone eats more than I are they a glutton? Since I am not a big eater nearly everyone would be a glutton.


Do You know any human vacuum cleaners?

How difficult is it when You and I both know that the Apostolic ranks are RIFE with this problem?

It's the only "legal sin," if You will.

Have You ever seen a glutton disfellowshipped?

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