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Old 07-18-2008, 05:07 AM
OP_Carl OP_Carl is offline
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Re: Do you still believe in Corporal punishment?

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
Everyone has the right to raise their child as they see fit, mistakes and all, unless there is real abuse occurring. If I stand idly by and allow a child to be abused under the umbrella of "parental rights", what kind of person does that make me? Their rights are more important than a child's safety and wellbeing?

If someone is causing actual physical injury to a child, the child should be protected. To be clear, I'm not calling "red marks" left from spanking "real abuse" (necessarily), although my FIL spanked my husband and his brother so hard one time that their backside and legs bled. I'd call that abusive.

That's like saying a man has the right to treat his wife however he wishes, whether he's a jerk or not. Well, sure. Unless I happen to witness him punching her in the face. Then I'm going to call the police.

Abusing a child puts one in much worse company than Karl Marx. I wouldn't report someone just for spanking their child--even if they did it when the child didn't really need a spanking. That's bad judgment--not abuse. But if a child was actually being harmed, I most certainly would report them. Absolutely. Karl Marx or not. The Law is for the Lawless.
I'm ALL FOR societal order, Miss B.

Societal order comes from societal agreement about acceptable and unacceptable behavior. As a practice, this generally has worked well for a society made up predominantly of Christian individuals, with behavioral guidelines derived from aspects of Christian morality, as America was founded to be.

The presuppositions under which you are operating, however, break down when the arbiters of acceptable and unacceptable behavior are practitioners of anti-Christian doctrine, rather than people who respect Christian and/or traditional family values. Said arbiters are the family court judges, legal "experts," and social workers. The anti-Christian doctrine is Political Correctness, and its founding tenet is, indeed, the DESTRUCTION of the traditional family. But I'm sure they've got your best interests at heart . . .

The best part about PC is that its practitioners can accomplish its chief goal without realizing what it truly is.

This is serious stuff, and these are serious times. Calling for the law no longer summons Andy Griffith. Our population is becoming less moral and more secular.

The record is FULL of cases where CPS stepped in and removed children with zero evidence, and the parents spent weeks, months, and thousands "proving their innocence" against an anonymous accuser. Often the Foster care system further traumatizes children. At key ages, the bonding periods forfeited can never be regained. On the flip side of the record are the cases where many calls were made, several CPS visits occurred, and the parent(s), through acts of commission or omission, killed the kid anyway.

Although this looks like proof that the "child protection" system isn't very good at achieving its goal, it makes perfect sense when you realize that its goal isn't truly the protection of every individual child. Its goal is to use fear to herd families into an ever-narrowing band of conformity to self-destructive behaviors.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion that you will consider a call to the authorities over some other person's kid a viable option. The trouble is that all the suspicion and intuition in the world is NOT PROOF - but the authorities swoop in and take the kids prior to the investigation as though it were. I would only place the call if I saw, with my own eyes, a parent punch their kid or break a bone. The Golden Rule comes into play here, and there are plenty of "others" out there who think whatever training method you're currently using IS "real abuse."

Woe to them who appeal to the mercies of a merciless system.
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Old 07-18-2008, 06:35 AM
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Re: Do you still believe in Corporal punishment?

My son is now 17, but I am a mom who did the counting thing. I was on the platform a lot at church and my son had to sit by himself from a very very young age.

If I would look out and he would be doing something, I would put my hand to my side and hold up one finger. Then two fingers. IF I got to the third finger, I left the platform, took him to the back offices, corrected him, brought him back to his seat and went back to the platform.

I only had to come off the platform twice. BUT saying all of that, I was consistent at home with the disipline. I gave him three chances for everything. And truely, he most always did the right thing the first time. He is still that way. As H1 said, the smart mouth is about to do me in, though. And he is a 1 1/2 foot taller than me. So the 1,2,3 thing is not getting it now!
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Old 07-18-2008, 07:31 AM
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Re: Do you still believe in Corporal punishment?

Originally Posted by OP_Carl View Post
You are certainly entitled to your opinion that you will consider a call to the authorities over some other person's kid a viable option. The trouble is that all the suspicion and intuition in the world is NOT PROOF - but the authorities swoop in and take the kids prior to the investigation as though it were. I would only place the call if I saw, with my own eyes, a parent punch their kid or break a bone. The Golden Rule comes into play here, and there are plenty of "others" out there who think whatever training method you're currently using IS "real abuse."

Woe to them who appeal to the mercies of a merciless system.
First of all, you are apparently assuming that I meant it is okay to call the authorities because someone "suspects" or has a "feeling." Of course I don't. And I didn't say so in any previous post. Unless a person is observing the obvious effects of abuse, or witnessed abuse take place, there is nothing to call about, is there?

Secondly, I am sorry that our justice system has so many cracks, crevices and faults. However, even you agree that if you saw, "with [your] own eyes", a parent punch their kid or break a bone, you would "place a call", and that was the point I already made.

Be that as it may, that there may be those who think my form of discipline is "real abuse", I have to live as ethically as possible, and if I see a child being harmed (Yes, according to my [good] judgment), I will still have to report it, or else I would not be able to live with the guilt of leaving a child in pain or suffering, simply to make a political statement.

I still believe the Law is for the Lawless, and while we still have it appeal to, then I will appeal to it when necessary. Personally, I've had to deal with the law myself, for some minor offense like speeding or making a wrong turn, and while it was annoying, and inconvenient, I deserved the ticket or warning I received, and it was justly delivered.
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Old 07-18-2008, 07:36 AM
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Re: Do you still believe in Corporal punishment?

Originally Posted by 1399 View Post
Some kids deserve a beating.

Some teenagers need a thorough beat down by a man that cares for them. They usually end up getting one, unfortunately, from the police and by then, it's too late.

You can beat your children without crushing their spirits.

Originally Posted by StMark View Post
Good word

It's easy to pronounce harsh judgment upon something that is not your own.

See: The Story of Solomon, Two Women and a Baby
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Old 07-18-2008, 10:08 AM
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Re: Do you still believe in Corporal punishment?

Originally Posted by 1399 View Post
Some kids deserve a beating.

Some teenagers need a thorough beat down by a man that cares for them. They usually end up getting one, unfortunately, from the police and by then, it's too late.

You can beat your children without crushing their spirits.
I have 3 teen agers - I can't imagine myself "beating" them under any circumstances. The very thought crushes my spirit.
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Old 07-18-2008, 10:50 AM
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Re: Do you still believe in Corporal punishment?

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
It's easy to pronounce harsh judgment upon something that is not your own.

See: The Story of Solomon, Two Women and a Baby

I was saying what happend to ME when I was
that age. My mother was old fashioned and didn't playcate
to the vain philosopies of men
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Old 07-18-2008, 10:52 AM
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Re: Do you still believe in Corporal punishment?

Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
I have 3 teen agers - I can't imagine myself "beating" them under any circumstances. The very thought crushes my spirit.
Beating is too harsh of a word- really not meant in the same
way as taking a baseball bat to someone. when one says a
Beat down" in this context, it's meant as the same thing as
a whippin' or spanking.
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Old 07-18-2008, 10:54 AM
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Re: Do you still believe in Corporal punishment?

Originally Posted by StMark View Post
I had to run out to the car to get something and heard
the 3 yr old screaming across the street. He was rolling on
the grass throwing a horrible temper tantrum, yelling at
his Father, making demands. It was a site to see !!!

The thing that struck me was the Father's reaction.
He just acted very docile, tried to appease the child,
reason with him,and basically let the kid act out and control
the situation.

Are many Parents today afraid of their kids?? If that was
my father or mother they would have tore by butt up
no Qs asked.

I recently talked to a parent in my church and was
astounded at their liberal views of corporal punishment.
i think they might have read too many Doc. spock books??

I'm not advocating abuse or always whippin' on a kid
for anything, I'm mostly talking about Kids who have
been allowed to take over the household by way of

your thoughts on this
Yes, Corporal Punishment Is Scriptural and The Lack Of Scriptural Correction and Discipline Has Corrupted This Generation!
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Old 07-18-2008, 10:58 AM
StMark StMark is offline
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Re: Do you still believe in Corporal punishment?

Originally Posted by AbundantGrace View Post
Yes, Corporal Punishment Is Scriptural and The Lack Of Scriptural Correction and Discipline Has Corrupted This Generation!
I agree and it's shocking how so called Apostolics have
bought into (brainwashed) secular thought on this topic.
we can clearly see where it's led us as a Nation (along with
taking prayer out of the school and other things).

Even in my own church, we have had situations where
church members threatend to turn in other members to
CPS because they witnessed them spanking their child in
the restroom. what a hot mess
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Old 07-18-2008, 12:21 PM
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Re: Do you still believe in Corporal punishment?

Originally Posted by StMark View Post
I agree and it's shocking how so called Apostolics have
bought into (brainwashed) secular thought on this topic.
we can clearly see where it's led us as a Nation (along with
taking prayer out of the school and other things).

Even in my own church, we have had situations where
church members threatend to turn in other members to
CPS because they witnessed them spanking their child in
the restroom. what a hot mess
Is spanking against the law in CA?

Here in OK, the state passed a law stating that parents have the right to spank their child. I see parents swatting their kids in the middle of the mall or Target, and no one even blinks an eye. LOL!!!

The worse parenting episode I have ever seen--I was visiting Jeff when he was working in NC, and the kids and I went to wash clothes at a local laundry. This woman came in with her daughter, (the daughter appeared to be about 12), and the woman was ordering her daughter around using the foulest language I have ever heard an adult use with a child, things like, "you F.... Bi***, You're such an F**** idiot, and much more than I can even refer to on this forum!!!! My mouth was open, and I moved my children outside (Sarah had looked at me in total shock, Hannah was too busy drawing to notice) and out of earshot.

What I remember most is that girl caught my eye, and looked SO ashamed, I hurt for her. To be humiliated like that in public, and treated that way by someone who was supposed to love her...ridiculous and shameful!

I firmly believe it is the breakdown of the HOME and parental immorality that has led to children behaving the way they do. You can "discipline" all you want, but if, at the end of the day, the child feels unloved and unsafe, the discipline won't accomplish anything.
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