I am not your enemy. And I am a very merciful person. But I will NOT overlook the sin of homosexuality. The family unit is continually in a battle in this world. I am hearing more and more preachers, and saints, "coming out". I refuse to be silent when this sin that has the potential of making one reprobate is becoming so prevolent and accepted in our society.
And I will not stay silent when the promotion of a concert with a known homosexual is taking place. AFF has enough of a stigma to overcome. I am not going to allow promotion of a homosexual lifestyle to be another mark against it.
Amen, finally someone tough enough to stand firm on something that the lORD has already said that is WRONG.
Now I do feel sorry for those who 'FEEL' that they are in the wrong body but those feelings eminate from spirits that are not of GOD, so I am compelled to pray for such as are bound in this 'nightmarish' existence, I know many even some whom are family, and its tragic, it really is.
But "promote" this as a lifestyle? Only if one doesn't give a hoot about the soul., I can't tell someone its ok to do this.
Amongst other things.
__________________ You can tell more about people
by what they say about others...than by what others
say about them.
I dont deny LW has issues. Something bad was going on there...
I just cant accept that it was ALLOWED to continue for years.
I cant speak to what was or was not known as fact in the years before the incident. I can state clearly that many people suspected something wasnt right.
but back in those days there was quite a bit that wasnt right in Jackson. LW was just one of several issues that seemed to be going on.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Is there any responsibility on LW's part to publicly denounce the homosexual lifestyle and/or make some sort of restitution for the past? (Obviously some things are beyond repair)
It seems to me that when someone is in a position of leadership, power and/or influence, they have a greater responsibility to make things right with the people they have injured, as well as with God.
Time doesn't heal all wounds.
Well said! The guy needs to quit singing in churches. I should think his name is mud forever in most people's opinion.
Last edited by Rev; 01-10-2008 at 01:12 PM.
Reason: change spelling
Is there any responsibility on LW's part to publicly denounce the homosexual lifestyle and/or make some sort of restitution for the past? (Obviously some things are beyond repair)
It seems to me that when someone is in a position of leadership, power and/or influence, they have a greater responsibility to make things right with the people they have injured, as well as with God.
Time doesn't heal all wounds.
It sends the wrong message ( messages). If you are popular enough and bring in enough money, they we'll over look things. Too many people have been hurt from this whole situation. When they are allowed to continue, it just says that it's okay to hurt people or be a stumbling block to someone but only as long as you can still bring in the crowds $$$. jmo
I never met a chocolate I didn't like!
*sigh* I did nothing yesterday.... I wasn't finished so I did nothing again today!
If you heard what you said, that is a blow to many of us choosing to remain UPC. Because we have no intention of compromising anything. I know my DS doesn't desire to drop any standards, and he has been taken to task on this forum for supposedly dropping them. I have had two very long conversations with him recently, and find him to be committed to the truth, regardless of what others say or hear.
If the two men you heard say that did indeed say it, shame on them.
Really, UPC or not, really doesn't have anything to do with it. Oneness is becoming terribly polluted and I believe and pray that there is a purge coming. I think the Lord is already sick and is about to spew a lot out of his mouth. When he gets finished with his glittering flaming sword we might be surprised what's going to be left.
For the record, I have asked some that were very close to him if LW ever came out and denied the rumors. They said that they didn't know!
If those closest to him don't know, you can pretty safely assume that a statement was never made!
Right after it happened he went by and told Bro. Barnes that it wasn't true. Bro. Barnes didn't say if he believed him or not. But obviously he lied to Bro. Barnes. Can you imagine that!?
The time has come where I feel I must leave the AFF. I have enjoyed the friends I have made, but I've not enjoyed the enemies I've made. I just hope those who are so judgmental here can live a sinless life, because God will not forgive those who refuse to forgive. St. Matthew put the nail in the coffin.
However, I will be praying for those who speak the truth in love.
God bless you all,
Just because someone does not agree with everything you say does not make them an enemy.
__________________ Let it be understood that Apostolic Friends Forum is an Apostolic Forum.
Apostolic is defined on AFF as:
There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
Every sinner must repent of their sins.
That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.