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11-02-2012, 10:45 PM
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Re: Prominent Memphis Area Pastor Resigns
Originally Posted by CC1
I am amazed that there are people who think publicly declaring the sin would be "touching the Lord's annointed". I have a feeling that deep down it is more a case of not wanting to be embarrassed for having followed and revered a man who had done what would be revealed.
The saints of this church deserve and should have honesty. It doesn't need to be dwelt on but it does need to be declared clearly and fully and then the church can move on.
EXACTLY!!!! AMEN!!!! The full healing will not take place til the wrong has been made known, and dealt with..

11-02-2012, 10:48 PM
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Re: Prominent Memphis Area Pastor Resigns
Originally Posted by TPCmusician
In times like this, some think it is a sign of unity to hold out. The will of God is paramount, and the obligation is to God. ...family and THEN church. People not speaking to others because of opposing views, people frustrated because they feel they're being spoon fed information like we're retarded children, and reputations being over protected while others have been publicly trashed in the past . Cliques, hypocrisy. I choose not to subject myself nor family through another meeting in which (by the applause) it's obvious some idolize a pastor WAY out of scriptural context. I was waiting on grape Koolaid at one point. Yes. ...some storms you ride out. Some you run from for your safety.
Enjoyed your post
Now the church ought to say, "AMEN"!!!! We have to know when to hold them, and when to FOLD them: "let every man be pursuaded in his own mind". Good point Brother!!!
Last edited by Tlswift2009; 11-02-2012 at 11:22 PM.

11-02-2012, 10:59 PM
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Re: Prominent Memphis Area Pastor Resigns
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV
He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? Micah 6:8 KJV
Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. 1 John 3:2 KJV

11-02-2012, 11:07 PM
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Re: Prominent Memphis Area Pastor Resigns
Originally Posted by TPCmusician
Everyone has to decide what's best for them and their family. The more time passes, the more ugliness comes out regarding TB, the board, and the "cheerleader" mentality of some members.
If the pastor is a manipulative crook, the board incompetent and many applauding (literally) the concept to fully trust the next pastor , its time to go. There is no scriptural principle that allows a pastor to be a dictator. As i listened to the opinions of some and heard the applause.. .i knew it is time for ME and MINE to leave. Socalled Revival, fake churches we're allegedly building as we are continually moving FAR away from the heart of Memphis.. .scam. The church has been hoodwinked for years and instead of making common sense decisions we debated for two hours about praying folks MORE money.
Servants. Ministers have become everything BUT that.. ..and gullible saints feed the problem.
The fact that our meeting was almost completely talking about severance (still trying to figure out $342,000 and $200,000+ real estate loans for people who make $75,000) suggests the membership is focused on personalities and cliques. ..not righteousness. Unbeweavable, how someone did a near somersault to the front to protect TB’s reputation.
And we're talking about severance? While membership is still worshiping personalities, there's a city still going to hell. The meeting was not completely enlightening because folks are still hiding information. MORE of TB’s family were on payroll than just the SIL’s. Why? Lets "borrow" $8,000 (stolen) for our closing on our house.. ..and then get a severance package. We might as well given the family every dime we have.. ..theres not 'much left ANYWAY
Brother, your heart is on doing what's right, and God's gonna reward you for your labour of love, and seeking the path of rightness/righteousness. While I love and honor leadership; I broke myself loose from personalities, noterieties, and all this BIG I's, and LITTLE U's mess that takes place in the churchworld. My wife and I have/are doing very well financially, but I made it my personal point to live modesty; stay low inspirit, and away from the LIMELIGHTS of Sodom {church cliques and glamour}. I made it my point not to always be found esteeming the Big Shots, but to remember and entreat what is oftentimes considered; "the little guy", I do not like PUFFED UP people, or running with the "inner circle"; I'm a common man, and I like common people; you do not have to be poor, uneducated, sickly, weak, nor broke to be "common"; it's a state of godly humilty, and understanding that we're all equal whether in church, or out in society: God has NO respect of person. I told God back in 1986 that I would live low; stay close to the people, neighborhoods, communities that are in need, and not take easterward migration flight. I told God that I wil not have a ministry of bussing people out, but Iwould set up CAMP {ministry} right in the heart of satan's territory, and build Him an Oasis whereby His people can come in and find REFUGE-HOPE-DELIVERANCE-SALVATION, and rebuild the community: IT'S HARD-TEDIOUS-LONG SUFFERING WORK, but worthy every minute, plus it keeps you low, focused, busy, involved, humbled, fasting and praying, and causes you to be KINGDOM EFFECTIVE!!! I want people to know that "God Is A LifeChanging God" -He's A God Of OTHER Chances-...Let God make something BEAUTIFUL out of your life!!! I've been long tired of al this MADNESS, and CRAZINESS that goes on in the churches-Wife and I chose to work in South memphis because God told me that He had many souls that he wanted to save in a place where people are running from: we've run right into it, and it's a joy and pleasure to see God changing the lives of those thatothers have REJECTED!!! People have got too cofortable in these palacious churches; carnal, and the same-ole-same-old; what people need to do is roll up their sleeves, come out of these lofty fortresses, and gated wall of splendor, and TRULY get that heart of soul winning back; get that puffed up "we have arrived" spirit deflated, and love God enough to go back into the highway and hedges; and that means take your ministry, God's word to the HOOD!!! I love it!!! People have gotten too carnal/fleshly, and selfish, and very KINGDOM LAZY!!!

11-02-2012, 11:19 PM
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Re: Prominent Memphis Area Pastor Resigns
Originally Posted by TPCmusician
Hallelujah! !!! Preach!!! Manipulation, cover up, violation of by laws, a financially beat up church and we get an "oops". So funny the other adultery and sin of others was never hidden. But now we want to protect a reputation. When a pastor abruptly resigns in sin and manipulated a lavish lifestyle the church deserves to know what happened.
STAND YOUR GROUNDS OF CONVICTION TPCmusician!!! You don't need agreements from people; follow God's lead for you and your family. Who knows, God may be looking at another David {leadership in you} while King Saul was destroying things-God had the unknown David in the waiting. While Judas was out conferring and plotting with the enemies of Jesus; he ended up destroying himself, and GOLDEN opportunity, but the church ROLLED on. Out of every trial/failure of leadership; God's NEVER short on finding/having someone else to come forth. TPCmusician, stand on your own convictions; you can stand firmer/stronger on your's than someone else's suggestions. "Let every man be pursuaded in his own mind"!!! TPC willsurvive and have great oppotunity to grow/flourish if the people will allow God, and REfocus their eyes/hearts-AFFECTIONS on Him. GOD IS GOD, AND CAN DO ALL THINGS BUT FAIL!!! TRUST IN THE LORD AND WAIT PATIENTLY ON HIM!!!

11-03-2012, 01:54 AM
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Re: Prominent Memphis Area Pastor Resigns
Originally Posted by CC1
I am amazed that there are people who think publicly declaring the sin would be "touching the Lord's annointed". I have a feeling that deep down it is more a case of not wanting to be embarrassed for having followed and revered a man who had done what would be revealed.
The saints of this church deserve and should have honesty. It doesn't need to be dwelt on but it does need to be declared clearly and fully and then the church can move on.
The ""supposed"" anointed of the Lord is NEVER above REBUKE-CORRECTION; the bible is full of evidence/incidence whereas God rebuked His leadership; even one Prophet disobeyed God instructions not to eat after he completed his assignment and this Prophet accepted food anyway, and God sent a lion to kill him. We need to follow Jesus' example in obeying, and submitting to God's will as leaders; Jesus success came because he kept a close prayer life connection with God, and did not get caught up in the worldly trappings, and EGO's of life/lifestyles of the churches RICH, and FAMOUS. Jesus was a COMMON man. Look at these pitiful, worldly, secularized noterieties of today pastors of: T. D. Jakes, Olsteen, Dollar, Hinn, Ms. White, Bynum, Meyers, the late Zachary Tims, etc; caught up in themselves!!!

11-03-2012, 09:26 AM
God's Son
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Re: Prominent Memphis Area Pastor Resigns
The church members deserve to know the truth. The Bible gives directives how to handle this. When the information gets to AFF, it's gossip. A wise man told me there's person A's version of facts, there's person B's version of facts, and the truth is usually something different.
Anyone jumping to conclusions based on what they read on the internet, or based on their "personal" investigations are out of line with the Bible.
Situations are meant to be dealt with locally with direction from the organization the church is associated with.
The same Bible that teaches integrity in the pulpit also teaches against gossip.
I have been through rocky church transitions. Pastors left church thousands of dollars in debt, left after inappropriate communication with other women. One pastor left out church, then six months later announced his homosexuality. It's not an issue of touching God's annointed or sweeping everything under the rug. The Biblical way to handle this is to ask what can I do to ease the pain of people hurt by the alleged events?
I don't like what TB taught. I don't like how he promoted legalism. The only thing I liked was he had a few pdf files on his website that helped me as a musician. With that said, I'm not going to participate with the sharks, vultures, and snakes as they try to feed off his carcass. Today's society is full of peeping toms who never have to leave their home. People get a kick out of eatching people fail.
The difference between today and the day where Nero fed christians to the lions is the spectators are other christians.
Originally Posted by CC1
I am amazed that there are people who think publicly declaring the sin would be "touching the Lord's annointed". I have a feeling that deep down it is more a case of not wanting to be embarrassed for having followed and revered a man who had done what would be revealed.
The saints of this church deserve and should have honesty. It doesn't need to be dwelt on but it does need to be declared clearly and fully and then the church can move on.
A religious spirit allows people to tolerate hatred and anger under the guise of passion and holiness. Bill Johnson
Legalism has no pity on people. Legalism makes my opinion your burden, makes opinion your boundary, makes my opinion your obligation-Lucado
Some get spiritual because they see the light. Others because they feel the heat.Ray Wylie Hubbard
Definition of legalism- Damned if you do. Damned if you don't. TV

11-03-2012, 12:23 PM
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Re: Prominent Memphis Area Pastor Resigns
Maybe TB will go across town and start selling used cars.

11-04-2012, 12:08 AM
Hoot man Hoot
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Posts: 2
Re: Prominent Memphis Area Pastor Resigns
Originally Posted by TPCmusician
It was verbally promised during an illegally held board meeting and the board was "pushed into it" with the assistant of Dr. JH and Pastor JK - translation: the board had no clue what their position was and had no backbone and when someone said "BOO" loud enough, they jumped and agreed to it. Ultimately, at the end of the day while THEY too circumvent responsibility and merely say "I'm sorry" I don't think they quite understand the legal and financial hole they too helped dig the church into. My tithes and offerings are going into a savings account until we find a church home. I do not intend to support man's agenda and the false pretense that we were "reaching the city". Nope. We were lining TB's and TB's family's pockets. I ain't scared to say it!
Kilgore and Hughes were brought in by TB as UPCI gunslingers. They were damage control. When they saw that they were not going to be able to steamroll the congregation like they did the 3 man board and a blindly gullible ministerial association they left pdq. Kilgore and Hughes were at the "meeting" at a hotel where the board was intimidated (not hard to do) into a severance package and other concessions. My biggest gripes are things like this- when church hierarchy is used to confuse and intimidate. These men were NOT told to leave by the board- the board actually asked Kilgore to be interim pastor for 6 months!
Bro. Black has left my church confused- financially strapped and divided. Still TPC loves Bro. Black and his son in laws.
People act as if facts are character assassination? There is a huge difference between observation and judgement. The financial review was straight forward and shows that abuse was rampant. There was no oversight and a 3 man rubber stamp board that have never read the by-laws. (Literally) The congregation is still in the dark on all the gory details and that is probably a good thing. The truth is ugly and depressing- just the opposite of what a pastor should be. I understand that pastors are flesh and bone like me and you- that said it really hit home for me when I had a friend/member of TPC honestly ask me
"what IS real??"
The hard line course TB and company has chose after things started surfacing has everyone's head reeling. Attorneys - threats of law$uits - and circling back through scattering the flock for another BIG bite shows me who the jackal is...

11-04-2012, 01:24 AM
God's Son
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 3,743
Re: Prominent Memphis Area Pastor Resigns
Correction is to come from top down not bottom up. Many saints believe God gave them the right to rebuke the ministry. Nothing like getting a rebuke from some trailer park trash with a webcam.
Jesus was not a common man. Jesus was extraordinary. Don't think Jesus didn't have an ego? He loved to tease the Pharisees with the fact he was the Messiah. Ego itself isn't bad. Many people have a hard time with people who are full of confidence. Jesus had an ego. What he did with the ego is put it under subjection to the will of the Father.
Originally Posted by Tlswift2009
The ""supposed"" anointed of the Lord is NEVER above REBUKE-CORRECTION; the bible is full of evidence/incidence whereas God rebuked His leadership; even one Prophet disobeyed God instructions not to eat after he completed his assignment and this Prophet accepted food anyway, and God sent a lion to kill him. We need to follow Jesus' example in obeying, and submitting to God's will as leaders; Jesus success came because he kept a close prayer life connection with God, and did not get caught up in the worldly trappings, and EGO's of life/lifestyles of the churches RICH, and FAMOUS. Jesus was a COMMON man. Look at these pitiful, worldly, secularized noterieties of today pastors of: T. D. Jakes, Olsteen, Dollar, Hinn, Ms. White, Bynum, Meyers, the late Zachary Tims, etc; caught up in themselves!!!
A religious spirit allows people to tolerate hatred and anger under the guise of passion and holiness. Bill Johnson
Legalism has no pity on people. Legalism makes my opinion your burden, makes opinion your boundary, makes my opinion your obligation-Lucado
Some get spiritual because they see the light. Others because they feel the heat.Ray Wylie Hubbard
Definition of legalism- Damned if you do. Damned if you don't. TV
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