Originally Posted by Pliny
Please give me the scripture that states the Mosaic Law ended.
Please tell me where tithes is ONLY for the Mosaic Law.
A "tithe" by definition is 10%:
מעשׂרה / מעשׂר / מעשׂר
ma‛ăśêr / ma‛ăśar / ma‛aśrâh
BDB Definition:
1) tithe, tenth part
1a) tenth part
1b) tithe, payment of a tenth part
Tithes under the Mosaic law were food items produced within the boundaries of Israel as commanded by our lord.
10% of what?
New International Version
For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace.
You can't promote tithing money using mosaic law. Respectfully you are not rightly dividing the word of God.
No one here is saying not to tithe. The discussion has to do with a command to the N.T. church to tithe money.
Also those who were not involved in agriculture under Mosaic law were not required to tithe. This alone shows a flaw to those who say everyone is required to tithe.
The law has been fulfilled, need a scripture for that?
Now answer this question, what am I to tithe?