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Old 12-21-2007, 08:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Coonskinner View Post
You are mixing things together here, J.

Telling someone to "knock it off" is exercising spiritual authority?

Jekyl was discussing two different issues--one, a personal interaction he had with Dora, and the other a matter of his perception of her attitude toward authority.


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Old 12-21-2007, 08:41 AM
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You have been hailed on several occasions as being one of the sharper tools in the AFF drawer. I just figured you knew me well enough by now.

The post in question where I asked why you would even care to post your thoughts and opinions was most definitely and positively TONGUE IN CHEEK. If you think I actually want you to stop posting your thoughts and opinions on this forum, then you really just don't understand me at ALL.

Why would a woman who has obviously been posting her very own thoughts and opinions on a regular basis fault another woman for posting hers???

You got caught in this deal because you posted a message that basically reiterated my own thoughts and received figurative pats on the head and a "Go Girl" from these Ultra Cons who had very recently decided to launch a Squash Dora compaign for posting similar material.

Until recently, you were considered an X'er - a nice X'er, but an X'er nonetheless. You posted pics of yourself showing obviously cut hair, earrings, etc. Do you understand that I fault you NOT regarding these things??? And whether or not you have decided to go back to your Old Landmarks and adhere more closely to your former standard of living due to your Holy Ghost convictions, it is your personal decision to make. Why on earth would I have a problem with that?

Nice begets nice...I'll try be nicer in the future and learn from your example. I remember you calling me a while back and saying something along the lines of trying to make your points in a kinder manner. It's a good principle to live by.

Here's where we may part ways, though. I can't see the usefulness of sweeping certain behaviors under the rug and just hoping no one notices the lumps. I will not stroke the egos of preachers just because they are preachers. If they are behaving badly, why make them feel as if they are on the right track when they are sadly way off??? I have lived around preachers my entire life and I know they are HUMAN BEINGS just like the rest of us. We all have our faults. I have mine (lots of 'em).

I think we fool ourselves when we think that covering our true feelings and placating those who offend us is ever going to make things change for the better. Perhaps challenging ourselves and others to face our deficits and working together to improve the situation would be more proactive and beneficial in the long run. Perhaps...maybe...ya never know.

Hope this makes sense....

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Old 12-21-2007, 08:43 AM
SDG SDG is offline

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Originally Posted by Jekyll View Post
This "prevalent mindset" is established in Romans 13. Don't bend yourself over too backwards to pat Dora on the back because this is the WHOLE issue. She had a problem with me esentially telling her to knock it off, she doesn't want to be a part of Rom. 13:2 and since no one can "tell her what to do," she has fired off a series of nonsensical blatherings garnered to bring her sympathy.
Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
Jekyll, I'm having trouble understanding the difference (of attitude) in your post from Dora's at times. Seems it's okay for a guy to "fire off".
Seems like backslider RGCraig sensed Jekyll's condescending tone too.
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Old 12-21-2007, 09:28 AM
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To Jekyll,

You, sir, have no idea what my true motives are.

You, sir, do not know me personally. Yet you have openly accused me of having a lack of respect for the authorities that God has placed in my life.

If you were to call my former pastors for a reference regarding my conduct respecting the position of "pastor", I hope and pray that you would hear a good report of me.

Anyway, this UPCI vs WWPF isn't about me. Nor is it about individual preachers making a decision to turn in their UPC licenses and signing up with this new organization or fellowship or whatever.

It's about how this effects the Kingdom of God as a whole. The UPCI is NOT the Kingdom of God, but it is a significant PART of that Kingdom.

One has to ask the question of those who have put this thing together: "How does this effect the Kingdom of God and does it further the spreading of the gospel and how will this effect the people who your ministry serves?"

"No man is an island." The actions of one has a ripple effect on others.

Are these men conducting themselves honorably as befits their office?

Brother Jekyll, questioning human behavior does NOT qualify as "touching God's anointed." While I have a certain level of respect for some of them, these men have no authority over me, nor do you have the wherewithall to apply the figurative rod of correction to my backside. You have overstepped your "authority" and falsely accused me. Better get that log out of your own eye before you try irrigating the dirt out of mine.
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Old 12-21-2007, 09:50 AM
mizpeh mizpeh is offline
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NICELY written posts, Dora.
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Old 12-21-2007, 10:25 AM
LaVonne LaVonne is offline
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Originally Posted by Dora View Post

You have been hailed on several occasions as being one of the sharper tools in the AFF drawer. I just figured you knew me well enough by now.

The post in question where I asked why you would even care to post your thoughts and opinions was most definitely and positively TONGUE IN CHEEK. If you think I actually want you to stop posting your thoughts and opinions on this forum, then you really just don't understand me at ALL.

Why would a woman who has obviously been posting her very own thoughts and opinions on a regular basis fault another woman for posting hers???

You got caught in this deal because you posted a message that basically reiterated my own thoughts and received figurative pats on the head and a "Go Girl" from these Ultra Cons who had very recently decided to launch a Squash Dora compaign for posting similar material.

Until recently, you were considered an X'er - a nice X'er, but an X'er nonetheless. You posted pics of yourself showing obviously cut hair, earrings, etc. Do you understand that I fault you NOT regarding these things??? And whether or not you have decided to go back to your Old Landmarks and adhere more closely to your former standard of living due to your Holy Ghost convictions, it is your personal decision to make. Why on earth would I have a problem with that?

Nice begets nice...I'll try be nicer in the future and learn from your example. I remember you calling me a while back and saying something along the lines of trying to make your points in a kinder manner. It's a good principle to live by.

Here's where we may part ways, though. I can't see the usefulness of sweeping certain behaviors under the rug and just hoping no one notices the lumps. I will not stroke the egos of preachers just because they are preachers. If they are behaving badly, why make them feel as if they are on the right track when they are sadly way off??? I have lived around preachers my entire life and I know they are HUMAN BEINGS just like the rest of us. We all have our faults. I have mine (lots of 'em).
I think we fool ourselves when we think that covering our true feelings and placating those who offend us is ever going to make things change for the better. Perhaps challenging ourselves and others to face our deficits and working together to improve the situation would be more proactive and beneficial in the long run. Perhaps...maybe...ya never know.

Hope this makes sense....

Excellent points Dora!
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Old 12-21-2007, 11:00 AM
Coonskinner Coonskinner is offline
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Can someone point to the post where Felicity has suggested that bad behavior be swept under the rug?

What meaneth this?
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Old 12-21-2007, 11:02 AM
Coonskinner Coonskinner is offline
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You folks are so wigged out by kindness and ladylike behavior that it sends you spinning into all kinds of funny directions.
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Old 12-21-2007, 11:03 AM
AmazingGrace AmazingGrace is offline
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You just really dont want to let this die do you?
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Old 12-21-2007, 11:04 AM
berkeley berkeley is offline
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Originally Posted by Felicity View Post
What my husband meant is that I haven't been cutting it.

I know you're not expecting me to have to defend or justify why I'm not cutting it, but since you and others have mentioned it I might as well just explain that I started letting it grow simply because it's so much quicker and easier to fix. I can clip it up and have it done with and out of my face in the matter of a few minutes and it's done. That's the reason I started letting it grow, not because of UPC or GC or codes or any kind of outward pressure.

Just want to note too that I haven't made a big deal out of what I do or don't do presently in regard to my outward appearance, but others certainly have. The reason for this is kind of puzzling to me really.

If I was making a big deal of it and condemning others or telling others what they should or shouldn't do in regards to how they look would be one thing, but I've never done that.

Love you anyway bro.
didn't you also remove those dangly things from your ears??? Hmm.. letting hair grow.. removal of jewelry... hmm
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