Originally Posted by Pliny
Since some of you know so much about tithing please enlighten us on who taught Abraham to tithe?
Who said tithing should cease?
Get ready to eat your "LOL".
Pride always goes before a fall.
The burden of proof is on YOU, not us.
The burden of proof is on you to tell us where the modern system called "tithing" of giving 10% of your gross income is found anywhere in the Bible. Please tell us.
Abraham gave 10% ONE TIME, NOT of income or any personal possession, but of spoils of war. It was a custom to pay such tribute to the local king. Now, please tell us where God commanded Abraham to do it. Please tell us where he ever did it again. Please tell where he ever tithed his person possessions. Please tell us what hermeneutical model you use to say that this example of Abraham is some how telling New Testament saints to give 10% of their gross income. You'd be on safer ground to say that we are all called to offer up our first born sons because Abraham did. At least that was something God actually commanded him to do.
You asked, "when and where does the Bible say tithing ceased?" No, when and where does the Bible teach the system you refer to as "tithing"? Under the Law? Nope. So your question is pointless. Something that the Bible never taught to begin with cannot be discontinued.
So please step down off of your self righteous high horse before God knocks you off of it. You are teaching an extra-biblical doctrine that is no better than the garbage any cult would twist scripture to come up with.