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Old 10-26-2012, 11:12 PM
Tlswift2009 Tlswift2009 is offline
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Re: Prominent Memphis Area Pastor Resigns

Originally Posted by deacon blues View Post
He preached a lot at my home church when I was a kid back in the 70s. He was instrumental in leading my uncle to salvation which was nothing short of a miracle. I was baptized with the HG at the age of 8 when he was preaching a revival and praying with me in the altar. Bonifide miracles transpired in many of those meetings. I love LS. He made an indelible impactbin my life and in the lives of many that I love and cherish.

In the 80s he preached a sermon on angels at camp meeting and it was the first time I thought his preaching was somewhat odd. Then he came to our church in 1988 and preached this message on hair. We ate with him after church and asked questions because many of us on staff disagreed with it, but out of respect for him, wanted him to expound. It was apparent we didn't agree by the end of the conversation. After that meeting he never came back to our church after preaching there for more than a dozen years, literally hundreds of messages.

I began to hear how he began to cut different churches out, refusing to preach fornthem, and kept his circuit of revivals to only a select number of churches he had a relationship with (I suppose those churches that wouldn't question anything he preached). He even had a falling out with POA and the Manguns. Over what I do not know, but he used to be the final preacher at BOTT for many years and then suddenly he stopped preaching that meeting. Years later I think he preached there again, apparently the differences were ironed out. I don't know if he still preaches there anymore.

Last time I heard him preach was at Bethel Springs, TN at an annual conference held there. The message wasn't anything outlandish in my recollection. I approached him after service, he recognized me, smiled profusely and hugged my neck and showered me with kind words and love. He asked about my family and relatives. It was a nice reunion. I do love him. But I love Jesus and His Word more, and it saddens me to watch what this ministry has become and its emphasis on anecdotes and sensationalism.

Back in the 70s he preached a message I remember he said was, "Simply entitled, 'Jesus'". Those were the good ole days. Now it's hair, witchcraft, angels, manifestations, Bin Laden's wives, etc. It seems "Simply Jesus" isn't good enough anymore. It makes me sad.
My Lord, this also saddens me. It’s a dangerous when a leader begins to build a reputation among the church world, and get lifted up. God is not calling for leadership reputation, but leadership accountability and godly character. I heard of Stoneking a few months ago, and listened to his teaching on hair, and was amazed at its foolishness; very outlandish in my estimation. Time will either solidify and anchor you in Christ on the authenticity of the Word of God, or it will sway you away with reputation, and popularity that can off set, and shipwreck your ministry, and credibility. Thanks for sharing.
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Old 10-26-2012, 11:14 PM
Tlswift2009 Tlswift2009 is offline
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Re: Prominent Memphis Area Pastor Resigns

Originally Posted by navygoat1998 View Post
DB, my wife and I even while where still in the UPC cared much for Lee Stoneking he was strange even before the HHM and all Trinitarians are going to hell rant.

The shame is that he could preach on his testimony alone for that is the power of God displayed and leave all that other junk alone.
We had be very CAREFUL with who we say is going to heaven and/or hell. What condition a person's spiritual life/walk may be in at one point can change for the better before the end of that person's days: God's got the final say!!!
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Old 10-26-2012, 11:21 PM
Tlswift2009 Tlswift2009 is offline
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Re: Prominent Memphis Area Pastor Resigns

Originally Posted by CC1 View Post
I hope you are kidding. No Christian organization has more corruption in its past and present than the RC church. It would be quite the stretch of the imagination to see them as better than the UPC in that department.
Amen, but not only the UPC, but any Apostolic Church that's walking in godly integrity, and steadfast in the Apostles Doctrine-the Catholic Churchbrought much harm, and death {leagued with Rome's Gov't} to the early Apostolic Christians.
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Old 10-30-2012, 05:31 PM
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Re: Prominent Memphis Area Pastor Resigns

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
Scripture does not support the church model we have with 1 pastor getting rich off the saints either, nor building projects and fund raisers to support building projects etc etc.

But common sense says if you are helping to support the expenses of a local church you have a right to know how the money is being spent
Prax, every now and then you say something that really gives me hope for you even yet!
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Old 10-31-2012, 03:48 PM
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Re: Prominent Memphis Area Pastor Resigns

Originally Posted by tv1a View Post
To be fair TBN and Pat Robertson also fell for the minors screaming in hell scam. The person who made up the story publicly admitted it was a fabrication.
Yeah but isn't Stoneking supposed to have, you know, the gift of prophecy, and 'the truth', and all that jazz?
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Old 10-31-2012, 05:04 PM
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Re: Prominent Memphis Area Pastor Resigns

Originally Posted by whoami View Post
Yeah but isn't Stoneking supposed to have, you know, the gift of prophecy, and 'the truth', and all that jazz?
Don't forget discernment also.
"I think some people love spiritual bondage just the way some people love physical bondage. It makes them feel secure. In the end though it is not healthy for the one who is lost over it or the one who is lives under the oppression even if by their own choice"

Titus2woman on AF

"We did not wear uniforms. The lady workers dressed in the current fashions of the day, ...silks...satins...jewels or whatever they happened to possess. They were very smartly turned out, so that they made an impressive appearance on the streets where a large part of our work was conducted in the early years.

"It was not until long after, when former Holiness preachers had become part of us, that strict plainness of dress began to be taught.

"Although Entire Sanctification was preached at the beginning of the Movement, it was from a Wesleyan viewpoint, and had in it very little of the later Holiness Movement characteristics. Nothing was ever said about apparel, for everyone was so taken up with the Lord that mode of dress seemingly never occurred to any of us."

Quote from Ethel Goss (widow of 1st UPC Gen Supt. Howard Goss) book "The Winds of God"
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Old 11-01-2012, 05:55 AM
exTPCMusician exTPCMusician is offline

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Re: Prominent Memphis Area Pastor Resigns

I sat with an open mind awaiting truth last night. I heard a lot of things that shook the very core of my inner being. I can choose to get BITTER. Or I can heal and get BETTER. I choose to get BETTER. I love my friends that I have known and that have prayed for me and my family for 17 years now. But last night, I felt I was in twilight zone. I heard of a church that handles 'gobs of money' with no attorney. Years ago, at a time when I was backslidden, I still got to hear all the juicy details about those who failed in the church....those who were caught in adultery...those who were caught doing other immoral things. One case involved one of the parties in the TB family, and I heard how the whole saga was paraded before the church - probably because he was a minister (???). These things were not kept private. But, then TB the manipulator (and that's what he was) does things that are so profane it's still being kept hush hush (which is funny...the more people DON'T know the more they speculate ANYWAY!) and he has an entourage of people trying to protect his image. Really? REALLY? Trash a person? NO! Trash his family? NO! But truth is truth! I teach my 13 year old to NEVER do anything you are not man enough to accept the consequences for! If I take every dime from my family's bank account, leave my wife penniless and go lay up in Tahiti with 10 hookers WHY SHOULD MY WIFE BE OBLIGATED TO PROTECT MY PRECIOUS IMAGE AND ACT AS IF IT's NOBODY'S BUSINESS...including my son who is a part of the family?

I don't need to know every gory detail, but when the very HINT of sin came out someone JUMPED up in the meeting and ran to the platform COMPLETELY out of order trying to protect TB's image. Then, someone jumped up with a ridiculous nonsensical statement about TB having a suicide spirit. WHAT? There are undoubtedly some who will backslide and go to HELL (their choice, but he aided) because of the very sins that were committed by this respected pastor and the trust he violated (the fact that only 200+ voting members were present last night suggests something in itself)....and now we are supposed to forget about the CHURCH and our hurting families and focus on HIM? NEWSFLASH - he's laughing! The laid back BMW picture last week (not to mention the very person who jumped up in the meeting trying to protect his image clicking 'like' on his smurking picture) proves he is laughing all the way to the bank WITH his lawyers. Does it occur to some that maybe HE DOESN'T CARE? Does it occur to some (let me have my cynical moment) that MAYBE it has been a joke for him for YEARS (that's how narcissists operate, people!) You don't commit immoral acts, rape a church financially and leave them in debt, repent of a sin, ask for a year's severance and get a lawyer to "protect YOUR interests" when you KNOW the very thing that was promised verbally to you was against the bylaws (manipulation of a naive board). Repentance would have included throwing himself at the mercy at the church. You don't go hire attorneys to cause the church (that you CLAIMED to have loved all these years) to have to incur legal expenses when you have already raped us financially. NEWSFLASH - we ain't buildin' no church. LIES! Downtown church owing bills in six figures from almost 6 years ago. WHY DIDN'T ANYONE KNOW THIS?! And for those of us who gave lump sumps of sacrificial money, yes I AM MAD today and there is nobody who will tell me that somehow as an Apostolic I don't have a right to be right now. I will heal. But I'm mad. LET ME BE MAD and grieve through this. I give and it is given to God. But the folks that handle the business of the church are REQUIRED to be good stewards. ooohhh...oopsie. we made a mistake. Resign!

The board should have been voted out last night. They have NOT been good stewards of God's money! There WAS no board. There was a facade...a man who was in complete power who used a figurehead board as a rubber stamp to finance his immorality and insanity. What corporation has a board of directors who don't have a CLUE about finances? Even I would have been asking for financial statements! How many times did I hear folks dance around questions last night about salaries? And....15% of the tithes? So, if we were 5,000 strong and collected millions of dollars it makes sense to vote to pay a pastor 15% of the tithes?!!! I kept wondering if any more ridiculous motions could be brought up last night and if any more ridiculous information could be shared that I had not already heard. When direct questions were asked about a building fund virtually NON EXISTENT balance, we heard "read your bylaws"? WHAT? NO...answer the questions! Financial statement available in the office or not....church business meeting to vote on severance packages, etc (with no legal representation for the church...REAL smart)....auggh! Severance packages agreed upon illegally.

A blatant statement was made that we can't be saved without a pastor (true) but to allude that we are to BLINDLY follow a man.... Paul said follow me AS I follow Christ. We were never told to pray without WATCHING! DAH!

So, I asked myself the question - Do I buy into the nonsense that TPC is the only place to be saved? Do I choose to muddle through financial oblivion and a board who stands and says they didn't KNOW the church was in that financial position (WHAT????!!!!), more people jumping up defending SIN (just as many of TB's messages the last year were designed to do) all while we go through arbitration with a man and families of people who (I'm sure) when the audit is complete will show more dirty laundry and have cause for more 2 hour business meetings.

I choose to love God, love my family, worship God and go home. My salvation is NOT based upon my attending TPC --- and since we were TAUGHT to be good stewards all the while run by an out of control leader and a board who didn't know enough to ask questions (that's why they were hand picked) I choose to seek refuge for my family and soul. When the head is 'messed up' the body suffers. Our "head" has been messed up for YEARS. We just didn't know it.

I love my TPC family. But I love God more. I choose not to surround myself with junk and mess right now and trying to control my spirit and emotions while surrounded with those that seemingly would defend wrong and cover up at all cost. I saw, last night, exactly how Jim Jones manipulated +/- 1,000 people to commit suicide. To the contrary, board member: I need a pastor to get to heaven, but Jesus NEVER asked me to BLINDLY trust myself let alone another man of flesh. That's how we got into this mess in the first place. To do the same thing and expect different results equals insanity. I don't do crazy.

Love you friends. But I gotta go. I'm praying for the TPC family. That's all I can do ---- My soul and family are more important to me right now than protecting the reputation of TB and playing 'coverup'.

If I offend anyone by this post...oh well. Blame the source....the one who wants a year's pay after living in sin, preaching a lie, and ripping us off. It can't get any plainer than that! He used all of us for his purpose.

Yes...I'm using a public forum to vent. Why not? Maybe I've gotten just as crazy as 1/2 the folks I heard cheering last night.

Last edited by exTPCMusician; 11-01-2012 at 06:08 AM. Reason: Typos
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Old 11-01-2012, 06:52 AM
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Re: Prominent Memphis Area Pastor Resigns

Originally Posted by TPCmusician View Post
I sat with an open mind awaiting truth last night. I heard a lot of things that shook the very core of my inner being. I can choose to get BITTER. Or I can heal and get BETTER. I choose to get BETTER. I love my friends that I have known and that have prayed for me and my family for 17 years now. But last night, I felt I was in twilight zone. I heard of a church that handles 'gobs of money' with no attorney. Years ago, at a time when I was backslidden, I still got to hear all the juicy details about those who failed in the church....those who were caught in adultery...those who were caught doing other immoral things. One case involved one of the parties in the TB family, and I heard how the whole saga was paraded before the church - probably because he was a minister (???). These things were not kept private. But, then TB the manipulator (and that's what he was) does things that are so profane it's still being kept hush hush (which is funny...the more people DON'T know the more they speculate ANYWAY!) and he has an entourage of people trying to protect his image. Really? REALLY? Trash a person? NO! Trash his family? NO! But truth is truth! I teach my 13 year old to NEVER do anything you are not man enough to accept the consequences for! If I take every dime from my family's bank account, leave my wife penniless and go lay up in Tahiti with 10 hookers WHY SHOULD MY WIFE BE OBLIGATED TO PROTECT MY PRECIOUS IMAGE AND ACT AS IF IT's NOBODY'S BUSINESS...including my son who is a part of the family?

I don't need to know every gory detail, but when the very HINT of sin came out someone JUMPED up in the meeting and ran to the platform COMPLETELY out of order trying to protect TB's image. Then, someone jumped up with a ridiculous nonsensical statement about TB having a suicide spirit. WHAT? There are undoubtedly some who will backslide and go to HELL (their choice, but he aided) because of the very sins that were committed by this respected pastor and the trust he violated (the fact that only 200+ voting members were present last night suggests something in itself)....and now we are supposed to forget about the CHURCH and our hurting families and focus on HIM? NEWSFLASH - he's laughing! The laid back BMW picture last week (not to mention the very person who jumped up in the meeting trying to protect his image clicking 'like' on his smurking picture) proves he is laughing all the way to the bank WITH his lawyers. Does it occur to some that maybe HE DOESN'T CARE? Does it occur to some (let me have my cynical moment) that MAYBE it has been a joke for him for YEARS (that's how narcissists operate, people!) You don't commit immoral acts, rape a church financially and leave them in debt, repent of a sin, ask for a year's severance and get a lawyer to "protect YOUR interests" when you KNOW the very thing that was promised verbally to you was against the bylaws (manipulation of a naive board). Repentance would have included throwing himself at the mercy at the church. You don't go hire attorneys to cause the church (that you CLAIMED to have loved all these years) to have to incur legal expenses when you have already raped us financially. NEWSFLASH - we ain't buildin' no church. LIES! Downtown church owing bills in six figures from almost 6 years ago. WHY DIDN'T ANYONE KNOW THIS?! And for those of us who gave lump sumps of sacrificial money, yes I AM MAD today and there is nobody who will tell me that somehow as an Apostolic I don't have a right to be right now. I will heal. But I'm mad. LET ME BE MAD and grieve through this. I give and it is given to God. But the folks that handle the business of the church are REQUIRED to be good stewards. ooohhh...oopsie. we made a mistake. Resign!

The board should have been voted out last night. They have NOT been good stewards of God's money! There WAS no board. There was a facade...a man who was in complete power who used a figurehead board as a rubber stamp to finance his immorality and insanity. What corporation has a board of directors who don't have a CLUE about finances? Even I would have been asking for financial statements! How many times did I hear folks dance around questions last night about salaries? And....15% of the tithes? So, if we were 5,000 strong and collected millions of dollars it makes sense to vote to pay a pastor 15% of the tithes?!!! I kept wondering if any more ridiculous motions could be brought up last night and if any more ridiculous information could be shared that I had not already heard. When direct questions were asked about a building fund virtually NON EXISTENT balance, we heard "read your bylaws"? WHAT? NO...answer the questions! Financial statement available in the office or not....church business meeting to vote on severance packages, etc (with no legal representation for the church...REAL smart)....auggh! Severance packages agreed upon illegally.

A blatant statement was made that we can't be saved without a pastor (true) but to allude that we are to BLINDLY follow a man.... Paul said follow me AS I follow Christ. We were never told to pray without WATCHING! DAH!

So, I asked myself the question - Do I buy into the nonsense that TPC is the only place to be saved? Do I choose to muddle through financial oblivion and a board who stands and says they didn't KNOW the church was in that financial position (WHAT????!!!!), more people jumping up defending SIN (just as many of TB's messages the last year were designed to do) all while we go through arbitration with a man and families of people who (I'm sure) when the audit is complete will show more dirty laundry and have cause for more 2 hour business meetings.

I choose to love God, love my family, worship God and go home. My salvation is NOT based upon my attending TPC --- and since we were TAUGHT to be good stewards all the while run by an out of control leader and a board who didn't know enough to ask questions (that's why they were hand picked) I choose to seek refuge for my family and soul. When the head is 'messed up' the body suffers. Our "head" has been messed up for YEARS. We just didn't know it.

I love my TPC family. But I love God more. I choose not to surround myself with junk and mess right now and trying to control my spirit and emotions while surrounded with those that seemingly would defend wrong and cover up at all cost. I saw, last night, exactly how Jim Jones manipulated +/- 1,000 people to commit suicide. To the contrary, board member: I need a pastor to get to heaven, but Jesus NEVER asked me to BLINDLY trust myself let alone another man of flesh. That's how we got into this mess in the first place. To do the same thing and expect different results equals insanity. I don't do crazy.

Love you friends. But I gotta go. I'm praying for the TPC family. That's all I can do ---- My soul and family are more important to me right now than protecting the reputation of TB and playing 'coverup'.

If I offend anyone by this post...oh well. Blame the source....the one who wants a year's pay after living in sin, preaching a lie, and ripping us off. It can't get any plainer than that! He used all of us for his purpose.

Yes...I'm using a public forum to vent. Why not? Maybe I've gotten just as crazy as 1/2 the folks I heard cheering last night.
My heart hurts for you and your Family as well as the Church Family of TPC. I am praying for healing (mentally, emotionally and spiritually). And it is good that you are allowing yourself to grieve. You and yours have lost so much in such a short time. I am sorry for all of your pain.

Bella1 "Live 4 2 Day"
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Old 11-01-2012, 07:07 AM
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Re: Prominent Memphis Area Pastor Resigns

Originally Posted by TPCmusician View Post
I sat with an open mind awaiting truth last night. I heard a lot of things that shook the very core of my inner being. I can choose to get BITTER. Or I can heal and get BETTER. I choose to get BETTER. I love my friends that I have known and that have prayed for me and my family for 17 years now. But last night, I felt I was in twilight zone. I heard of a church that handles 'gobs of money' with no attorney. Years ago, at a time when I was backslidden, I still got to hear all the juicy details about those who failed in the church....those who were caught in adultery...those who were caught doing other immoral things. One case involved one of the parties in the TB family, and I heard how the whole saga was paraded before the church - probably because he was a minister (???). These things were not kept private. But, then TB the manipulator (and that's what he was) does things that are so profane it's still being kept hush hush (which is funny...the more people DON'T know the more they speculate ANYWAY!) and he has an entourage of people trying to protect his image. Really? REALLY? Trash a person? NO! Trash his family? NO! But truth is truth! I teach my 13 year old to NEVER do anything you are not man enough to accept the consequences for! If I take every dime from my family's bank account, leave my wife penniless and go lay up in Tahiti with 10 hookers WHY SHOULD MY WIFE BE OBLIGATED TO PROTECT MY PRECIOUS IMAGE AND ACT AS IF IT's NOBODY'S BUSINESS...including my son who is a part of the family?

I don't need to know every gory detail, but when the very HINT of sin came out someone JUMPED up in the meeting and ran to the platform COMPLETELY out of order trying to protect TB's image. Then, someone jumped up with a ridiculous nonsensical statement about TB having a suicide spirit. WHAT? There are undoubtedly some who will backslide and go to HELL (their choice, but he aided) because of the very sins that were committed by this respected pastor and the trust he violated (the fact that only 200+ voting members were present last night suggests something in itself)....and now we are supposed to forget about the CHURCH and our hurting families and focus on HIM? NEWSFLASH - he's laughing! The laid back BMW picture last week (not to mention the very person who jumped up in the meeting trying to protect his image clicking 'like' on his smurking picture) proves he is laughing all the way to the bank WITH his lawyers. Does it occur to some that maybe HE DOESN'T CARE? Does it occur to some (let me have my cynical moment) that MAYBE it has been a joke for him for YEARS (that's how narcissists operate, people!) You don't commit immoral acts, rape a church financially and leave them in debt, repent of a sin, ask for a year's severance and get a lawyer to "protect YOUR interests" when you KNOW the very thing that was promised verbally to you was against the bylaws (manipulation of a naive board). Repentance would have included throwing himself at the mercy at the church. You don't go hire attorneys to cause the church (that you CLAIMED to have loved all these years) to have to incur legal expenses when you have already raped us financially. NEWSFLASH - we ain't buildin' no church. LIES! Downtown church owing bills in six figures from almost 6 years ago. WHY DIDN'T ANYONE KNOW THIS?! And for those of us who gave lump sumps of sacrificial money, yes I AM MAD today and there is nobody who will tell me that somehow as an Apostolic I don't have a right to be right now. I will heal. But I'm mad. LET ME BE MAD and grieve through this. I give and it is given to God. But the folks that handle the business of the church are REQUIRED to be good stewards. ooohhh...oopsie. we made a mistake. Resign!

The board should have been voted out last night. They have NOT been good stewards of God's money! There WAS no board. There was a facade...a man who was in complete power who used a figurehead board as a rubber stamp to finance his immorality and insanity. What corporation has a board of directors who don't have a CLUE about finances? Even I would have been asking for financial statements! How many times did I hear folks dance around questions last night about salaries? And....15% of the tithes? So, if we were 5,000 strong and collected millions of dollars it makes sense to vote to pay a pastor 15% of the tithes?!!! I kept wondering if any more ridiculous motions could be brought up last night and if any more ridiculous information could be shared that I had not already heard. When direct questions were asked about a building fund virtually NON EXISTENT balance, we heard "read your bylaws"? WHAT? NO...answer the questions! Financial statement available in the office or not....church business meeting to vote on severance packages, etc (with no legal representation for the church...REAL smart)....auggh! Severance packages agreed upon illegally.

A blatant statement was made that we can't be saved without a pastor (true) but to allude that we are to BLINDLY follow a man.... Paul said follow me AS I follow Christ. We were never told to pray without WATCHING! DAH!

So, I asked myself the question - Do I buy into the nonsense that TPC is the only place to be saved? Do I choose to muddle through financial oblivion and a board who stands and says they didn't KNOW the church was in that financial position (WHAT????!!!!), more people jumping up defending SIN (just as many of TB's messages the last year were designed to do) all while we go through arbitration with a man and families of people who (I'm sure) when the audit is complete will show more dirty laundry and have cause for more 2 hour business meetings.

I choose to love God, love my family, worship God and go home. My salvation is NOT based upon my attending TPC --- and since we were TAUGHT to be good stewards all the while run by an out of control leader and a board who didn't know enough to ask questions (that's why they were hand picked) I choose to seek refuge for my family and soul. When the head is 'messed up' the body suffers. Our "head" has been messed up for YEARS. We just didn't know it.

I love my TPC family. But I love God more. I choose not to surround myself with junk and mess right now and trying to control my spirit and emotions while surrounded with those that seemingly would defend wrong and cover up at all cost. I saw, last night, exactly how Jim Jones manipulated +/- 1,000 people to commit suicide. To the contrary, board member: I need a pastor to get to heaven, but Jesus NEVER asked me to BLINDLY trust myself let alone another man of flesh. That's how we got into this mess in the first place. To do the same thing and expect different results equals insanity. I don't do crazy.

Love you friends. But I gotta go. I'm praying for the TPC family. That's all I can do ---- My soul and family are more important to me right now than protecting the reputation of TB and playing 'coverup'.

If I offend anyone by this post...oh well. Blame the source....the one who wants a year's pay after living in sin, preaching a lie, and ripping us off. It can't get any plainer than that! He used all of us for his purpose.

Yes...I'm using a public forum to vent. Why not? Maybe I've gotten just as crazy as 1/2 the folks I heard cheering last night.
We live in a different paradigm so I would have never sat under a pastor like TB anyway but laying aside those differences for a moment I believe your post is exactly how I would feel if I were in your shoes.

For those who think this thread is just idle gossip it will be worth it if just one saint, board member, or pastor reads your post and others and realizes that to protect their church, their pastor, and themselves, they had better have some checks and balances in place.

As President Ronald Reagan once said when asked if he trusted the Soviet Union to keep an arms treaty they had just signed - "trust but verify".
"I think some people love spiritual bondage just the way some people love physical bondage. It makes them feel secure. In the end though it is not healthy for the one who is lost over it or the one who is lives under the oppression even if by their own choice"

Titus2woman on AF

"We did not wear uniforms. The lady workers dressed in the current fashions of the day, ...silks...satins...jewels or whatever they happened to possess. They were very smartly turned out, so that they made an impressive appearance on the streets where a large part of our work was conducted in the early years.

"It was not until long after, when former Holiness preachers had become part of us, that strict plainness of dress began to be taught.

"Although Entire Sanctification was preached at the beginning of the Movement, it was from a Wesleyan viewpoint, and had in it very little of the later Holiness Movement characteristics. Nothing was ever said about apparel, for everyone was so taken up with the Lord that mode of dress seemingly never occurred to any of us."

Quote from Ethel Goss (widow of 1st UPC Gen Supt. Howard Goss) book "The Winds of God"
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Old 11-01-2012, 08:49 AM
mizpeh mizpeh is offline
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Re: Prominent Memphis Area Pastor Resigns

I'm so sorry for you and the rest of the saints in your fellowship, TPCmusician. Praying for you all.

I'm surprised to hear that your former pastor has not confessed his sins to the church body and asked for forgiveness but instead is asking for money.
His banner over me is LOVE.... My soul followeth hard after thee....Love one another with a pure heart fervently. Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?

To be a servant of God, it will cost us our total commitment to God, and God alone. His burden must be our burden... Sis Alvear
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MOW meets prominent UPC pastor on cruise...in speedos! ManOfWord Fellowship Hall 65 03-21-2007 12:02 PM

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