Originally Posted by Pastor Poster
Has this board become utterly predictable and boring over the past couple of months?I keep getting calls asking my why I'm not posting.
Well, it's simple. I don't see a whole lot that is interesting (other than the unverifiable gossip).
The Reckhart junk is old.
Who really gives a flyin' fajita who is leaving the mothership anymore?
We all know you guys are enjoying your Charismatic ultra-left-wing-liberal-anything-goes fanatic "Christianity" that allows you to drink, smoke, cuss, fuss, gossip, attend church AT THE MOST once a month, and laugh at everyone else who shows any signs of true Christian committment. It's lost it's shock value.
No one really knows what the OOPSEY (UPC) is gonna look like after Tulsa (I don't care what the California whackos say, like they know anything).
Anyway, enjoy yourselves while I go back under the bridge.
Pastor Poster,
The bolded above in your posts is what I am responding to.
I mentioned in a post on another thread today that we are living in a time of fast food, where there is a lack of patience, finicky, and I will add to that, spoiled bratish "kids" that evidently have never been disciplined through the years. Spoiled, whining, and childish children. Has it changed much since those complaining, foolish Israelites crossed the howling wilderness? They had it hard but their needs were provided.
When we were growing up, it wasn't easy either. But you don't see us complaining today either. We are thankful unto Him and we bless His name. For the Lord is good, His mercy is everlasting and His truth endureth unto all
generations. Praise the Lord!
I happen to know there are some great threads and posts on this forum. I will agree that it seems the whining, very little substance threads get the most attention. (Crave fast food, not solids.)
And "GL", if is HAS been boring, perhaps it's because you have not added anything of substance. If you don't have anything to offer, why complain when others offer what they do have.
And Bro. Pastor Poster, before you crawl back under that bridge, why don't you do a bit more research. You might find something of worth to take under there with you. I guarantee you, there are some threads and posts that are not boring, if you really want to find them.
Some might not like my threads and posts for whatever reason, but the PM's and e-mails let me know they are not overlooked or boring. There are some things that may not be the best taste wise, but otherwise they could do you good. Many children don't care for some veggies, such as spinach, broccoli, turnips, etc. and other things. Even milk. But they are disciplined to eat not just fast food, but things that are good for them.
You can tell sometimes the children who grew up on "junk". That's all they still want today unless they have learned to partake of better, solids. Junk food, sweets all the time, does not a good healthy human make. Neither does "junk", foolish, arrogant posts and threads, a good forum make!!
Not to offend but to provoke some solid thoughts!!!