Originally Posted by pelathais
How old are you Deano? I'm just asking because I'm mid 40's and I've seen the "conservatives" change quite a bit over the last 30 years. And again, it's just from my experience - but I've seen "cons" throw standards out the window whenever it suited them as readily as "libs."
I don't see the "cons" sticking to a stand that they've always held. They are as malleable as anyone else- and I mean that in a good way.
The problem with "cons" is when you mess up their echo chamber. They want to hear the same noises from others in their clique that they make. When someone else comes along and says, "The TV advertising ban is only 30 years old..." many will freak. They want to hear that Paul preached against TV advertising. Sorry, it just ain't so.
Also, the Apostolic pioneers didn't hold to most of the standards that the "conservative" element of Apostolics preach today. Can you imagine G.T Haywood and Frank Bartleman sitting though some of the sermons we hear today?
For the record, the 'Deano' tripe is getting a little old. If that is your attempt at being intellectually superior it's only fair to tell you that it isn't working. While I may post as a 'poster' and not always as an administrator I think it's a little ridiculous to show disrespect solely because you disagree with me.
As for my age? According to your account we are about the same age and I find myself quite content with the corn I have in my crib. My only regret is that I haven't accomplished more for the Kingdom. Even so, my heart, health and hopes have been put into the cause of God and I have not one regret that I've held on to what made me strong, reached out to those that couldn't help me and endured hardness as a good soldier.
Could I have done more? Perhaps by not wasting quite so much time on this forum. However, I'm convinced that my way has not been hindered in any fashion by keeping my spiritual disciplines intact.
As for seeing people change? That is something that all honest people must admit: we've seen men change from one extreme to another.
I'm not them. I'll take my chances right where I am because what I am is not predicated on what's popular or acceptable by others. I'm smart enough to know that not all change is bad, though, as long as it isn't a change that will end up costing me my soul or the souls of those I Pastor.
Stay blessed Palathais. I intend to do the same.
P.S.: I agree that Haywood and Bartleman might have a hard time with some of the extreme fringe preaching of the day. On the same token I can't imagine them sitting silently by hearing someone preach an 'anything goes' message, either without voicing an opinion.