Originally Posted by Kutless
I would bet that 99.9% that are leaving would say they aren't leaving solely based on the TV vote but a series of things over the last few years. The TV vote would just serve as the camels back breaker.
99.9% of the ones leaving - are CONTROL FREAKS to start with. Good men that I have preached for many of them - but they are control freaks.
They did not get their way - so they go an whine and say we believe in HOLINESS and you don't. They lost so they leave. Most of them are out of position now from Term limits so - they have no voice. They will start up something else then fight like dogs to become the big cheese in that and it will split and then that will split and then they are left without fellowship.
Most of them are so mean and ugly to people - Nobody wants to listen to all that!!!!!!!!!!
Let them go have their little meeting and scream about holiness to the rafters then hate people all in the name of HOLINESS!
They are really FOLLOWING PEACE WITH ALL MEN aren't they? They will do like they have always done - live a double standard. They will preach one thing to their people and live another. They pick and choose which part of the BIBLE they believe.