Originally Posted by rgcraig
I've seen it before.
I've seen my kids struggle with forgiving their dad and I know it's a hindrance to them and sometimes it's so hard to know what to do.
I don't want them to give up on him, but he broke their trust and it will take a lot for him to rebuild that trust with them.
This is where it gets hard because he's not even claiming to live for God now, so the fruit he is bearing is pretty bare. But, does that mean we aren't suppose to forgive this type person too? As a Christian, shouldn't we even though they aren't?
Studying this has just brought more questions in my mind than answers. I really appreciate your post.
Forgiveness can be difficult for anyone especially children in divorces… regardless of age.
I always stressed with my girls that they were responsible for the 4th commandment (Honour your mother and your father) as a Christian… and it doesn’t matter whether their father was doing as he should or not or if he was a Christian…they should always respect his position as their father. Has it been difficult at times? … absolutely.
Someone else’s behavior or lack of commitment doesn’t excuse us as Christians from doing what we know is right. My mom used to quote this scripture to me… and funny thing is.. I quote this to mine.
Deuteronomy 5:16 Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
In dealing with issues of forgiveness in my life… I have found that you cannot pray for someone and carry any feelings of unforgiveness against them. It is always a signal to me that I need to pray when I am hanging on to feelings… whether it is anger, spite and vindictiveness… praying always puts the right perspective on things… puts love where there was other feelings not like Christ.
Trust I think is one of the bigger issues that we have to deal with as humans when someone has done wrong. It is one thing to forgive… but another to trust. I don’t think we're able to forget as Christ... so unable to trust completely in anyone after they have been guilty of something that has hurt us deeply. Trust is built in time when the person that inflicted the hurt makes restoration by actions that begin to cover the wrong that they did. We have to trust God to lead that person to a place of restoration.
We may not ever be able to trust man… but always trust God who will protect his children for obeying his Word… which commands us to forgive.