Originally Posted by warrior
Well there is so much more of God after the one God message. I think we are unbalanced if that is all we want to hear. Hence the reason we are so acceptable of the other errors. After one God there isn't anything taught correctly and you shower down your blessing on that preacher because he teaches the one God message. Eat the whole role.
I ate the whole roll. It was sweet to my mouth but bitter to the stomach.
I once had the same attitude that you have. I had always believed the truth of One God as a matter of theological accuracy.
I always believed it from that perspective until I went to Alexandria in 1961. G. A. Mangun went totally crazy...went wild....went totally nuts....lost his ever-lovin'-mind.
I thought, "whasadealhereenneyway?" I wondered, "Can't the man find anything else from the Word of God to preach?" Little did I understand. He had much more wisdom than this tall skinny blackheaded boy understood. Then, the same fire that was in the very marrow of his bones deeply, profoundly, permanently affected me. I saw the glory of the Lord in it.
This revelation knowledge that supercedes all theological discussion, far above all wisdom and understanding of matters of mere deliberation is a world or a realm all of its own that can be little understood by the most profound deliberation.
It is the penacle of understanding. All truth flows down from this summit, though sometimes missed by the best among us, leaving us in error in some areas. But the light shines from above from who is the Light of this city of God