Originally Posted by n david
I agree with what you wrote here. Absolutely. It's fine to be physically attracted to your future spouse. I have no disagreement with this.
But what you wrote is not the same as what we've been discussing. What you wrote here isn't about masturbation, which is where the train initially went off the rails.
There's a chasm of difference between being physically attracted to the opposite sex and fantasizing about having sex with them in your mind in order to satisfy yourself.
I was only responding to this post....
A long time ago, I was 22. I asked a Pastor about this and the greater implications for a single young man. He actually did not advise against doing this deed if a person could somehow be mechanical about it, i.e. not lust.
I think today, if I had a son, I would just advise against it while making sure to emphasize the Grace that is there for the single man that takes matters into their own hands regarding this sin.
I've heard that too back in the day. But I mean seriously, what is a man to think about, the latest subprime interest rates on John Deer tractors? LOL
So, I responded with a similar conversation that I had with a pastor I had growing up,
I asked my pastor about this too back in the day. He said it wasn't a sin, but that one shouldn't lust. I told him I didn't think it was possible to not lust and masturbate. He looked at me and said, "Son, a man knows the difference between fantasy and lust."
He's right. There is a difference.
That guidance helped me understand the difference between normal and healthy desires and interests that I should feel no condemnation over and actual "lust".
I'll confess something here. I'm not proud of it and it sickens me to remember my condition. I didn't always live for God. When I was in the military I strayed quite a bit from the path of Christ. I remember what it was like to look across the bar and see a woman and determine in my heart to see how far I might be able to go. I remember what it was like to order a woman another drink, knowing that her resistance is getting weaker with every sip. I remember what it was like to make her laugh and weave a web of seduction. Those thoughts and intentions of the heart are so far beyond a mere fantasy. All I can say is that it is pure selfishness, evil. I'd get so far and then my conscience would kick in. But before that, I knew my intentions were not of God. I know and understand what Jesus meant when He said if a man looks upon a woman to lust after her, he's already committed adultery with her in his heart. My heart was already set on the evil intent before I said, hello.
I'm not bragging. I'm ashamed. I've only dug up these old bones to try to help explain what I'm saying. There is a difference between a single person having a fantasy by candle light in the bathtub on a cold and lonely night... and truly looking upon a woman with the intent to commit adultery. Knowing that difference, I can't blast some young single, who is struggling with their sexual needs, and accuse them of adultery. Maybe I'm just a big softy. But I just can't do that.
Now, I might be wrong. If I've offended you in any way, let me be the first to stop and apologize right here. That wasn't my intention. We've talked before and I've really enjoyed the conversations and I deeply respect you. If I am wrong, I welcome your prayers. But I'd be wrong to pretend not to have this perspective just to fit in. I've got to be authentic about who I am and what I think, even if I'm mistaken. I'm not going to pretend to agree if I don't. After all, why do that? I'm going to stand before the Lord one day and own it anyway, right or wrong.
I think lying about some things is often worse than just being honest and telling it as you see it. I don't mean any offense. I hope I didn't offend you. If I did, I apologize.
(I'm trying very hard to be as clean as possible. I could post much more detail, but I don't believe it's appropriate in mixed company.)
I can respect that. I am too. But some subjects take a degree of frankness to convey the proper emphasis or nuance. If I've offended in any way brother, I apologize.