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Old 03-06-2013, 04:59 PM
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Re: To tithe or not to tithe?

Originally Posted by DaveC519 View Post
Hello Truthseeker,

I'm assuming you meant "ministry".

No, Paul wasn't arguing for the Levitical system itself, he was arguing for support based on the underlying principle of the Levitical system, which was the tithe.
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Old 03-06-2013, 05:46 PM
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Re: To tithe or not to tithe?

I recall Paul stating in Acts 20:34, You yourselves know that these hands of mine have supplied my own needs and the needs of my companions

It wasn't "tithes" that financially supported Paul's ministry but rather the laboring of his own two hands! Paul was a prime example. Please compare Paul's situation versus pastors these days who live off the "tithe" while playing golf all day.
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Old 03-06-2013, 05:55 PM
houston houston is offline
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Re: To tithe or not to tithe?

I don't attend church. Can I tithe to myself?
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Old 03-06-2013, 05:55 PM
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Re: To tithe or not to tithe?

Originally Posted by Jacob's Ladder View Post
I recall Paul stating in Acts 20:34, You yourselves know that these hands of mine have supplied my own needs and the needs of my companions

It wasn't "tithes" that financially supported Paul's ministry but rather the laboring of his own two hands! Paul was a prime example. Please compare Paul's situation versus pastors these days who live off the "tithe" while playing golf all day.
.....and driving big fat Cadillacs to go to big steak dinners with their overweight ladies..........bad me...
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Old 03-06-2013, 07:36 PM
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Re: To tithe or not to tithe?

Originally Posted by Dordrecht View Post
.....and driving big fat Cadillacs to go to big steak dinners with their overweight ladies..........bad me...
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Old 03-06-2013, 07:45 PM
DaveC519 DaveC519 is offline
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Re: To tithe or not to tithe?

Originally Posted by Jacob's Ladder View Post
I recall Paul stating in Acts 20:34, You yourselves know that these hands of mine have supplied my own needs and the needs of my companions.

It wasn't "tithes" that financially supported Paul's ministry but rather the laboring of his own two hands! Paul was a prime example. Please compare Paul's situation versus pastors these days who live off the "tithe" while playing golf all day.
Hello Jacob's Ladder.

Paul did not exercise his right to ministerial support for a very specific reason, and it's actually the reason you've stated: he wanted to provide an example of a work ethic, and avoid the appearance of ministering merely for the gain of filthy lucre (2Th 3:10).

However, simply because he did not exercise his right does not mean he obviated it. In 1Cor 9, he lays out his case that not only ministers of the Gospel in general are due this right, but he and Barnabas specifically have earned it (vs. 6, 11-12).

As I stated previously, those who abuse this right and that which is entrusted into their care do not negate the commandment to support the ministry based upon the underlying principle of the Levitical system- the tithe. Yes, there are those who minister for filthy lucre's sake. But for every one of these, there are countless others who do so genuinely, and for the right reasons, and are faithful stewards of God's resources.
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Old 03-06-2013, 07:48 PM
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Re: To tithe or not to tithe?

Originally Posted by shag View Post
Please explain the difference between ot tithing and nt tithing, inclusive of explanation 1)where it was changed from ag to money. 2)who ALL trade wise is involved in tithing in the OT, and where and when it wAs altered in the nt to everyone 3) who all received tithes in the OT in comparison to who ALL exactly should receive tithes in the nt. please be explicit seeing as how this transformation is not explained at all in the nt, and there are many mAny nt ministries in the kingdom 4) how exactly was the tithes handled and "worked out" between the new Christians AND the unbelieving Jews while the it temple yet remained "in operation" for the next +/-35 years after Jesus resurrection.
5) Should nt Christisns have "a year of jubilee" and not pay tithes for a year? Please explain why or why not.

Backing it up with scripture would be good, so we don't have to just guess.
It's a misconception that it was agriculture. It was "as the Lord prospered" them and since most people worked at home on their "farm" rather than earning a wage, they tithed what they had

In fact money could be given if it was a burden to bring all that agriculture to Jerusalem by exchanging it for money
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Old 03-06-2013, 07:49 PM
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Re: To tithe or not to tithe?

Originally Posted by DaveC519 View Post
Hello Jacob's Ladder.

Paul did not exercise his right to ministerial support for a very specific reason, and it's actually the reason you've stated: he wanted to provide an example of a work ethic, and avoid the appearance of ministering merely for the gain of filthy lucre (2Th 3:10).

However, simply because he did not exercise his right does not mean he obviated it. In 1Cor 9, he lays out his case that not only ministers of the Gospel in general are due this right, but he and Barnabas specifically have earned it (vs. 6, 11-12).

As I stated previously, those who abuse this right and that which is entrusted into their care do not negate the commandment to support the ministry based upon the underlying principle of the Levitical system- the tithe. Yes, there are those who minister for filthy lucre's sake. But for every one of these, there are countless others who do so genuinely, and for the right reasons, and are faithful stewards of God's resources.
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Old 03-06-2013, 08:21 PM
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Re: To tithe or not to tithe?

Originally Posted by DaveC519 View Post
Hello Truthseeker,

I'm assuming you meant "ministry".

No, Paul wasn't arguing for the Levitical system itself, he was arguing for support based on the underlying principle of the Levitical system, which was the tithe.
He didn't say it was to be by tithes. it was just a comparison of being taken care of.
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Old 03-06-2013, 11:31 PM
shag shag is offline

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Re: To tithe or not to tithe?

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
It's a misconception that it was agriculture. It was "as the Lord prospered" them and since most people worked at home on their "farm" rather than earning a wage, they tithed what they had

In fact money could be given if it was a burden to bring all that agriculture to Jerusalem by exchanging it for money
Who ALL is the them? From what I read, it only involves animals and ag crops...and in certain instances was able to be redeemed using money(with a 1/5 "penalty" add on)lev.27:30-33, Deut.14:22-27.

Do you believe that the children of Israel that had all the many vocations like tent makers, carpenters, iron smiths, etc.(even the poor) paid tithes in money, and skipped every 7th year, or what? Please explain your view if things concerning tithing relative to these ot trades. I'm not sure what all exactly u mean with your post.
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Last edited by shag; 03-06-2013 at 11:38 PM.
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