Originally Posted by KWSS1976
N. David what evidence have you seen to prove Zimm followed Trayvon?
Listen to the 911 call. He tells the operator that TM was running. You then hear wind noise as he's walking; and he tells the operator he's following him. You're right, we don't know for fact that he continues to follow him. The reason I believe he did is
1) 3:25 he doesn't know where he's at...even though he lives in the area he tells the operator he's not sure what his location is, "a cut-through" is what he says;
2) 3:35 he's hesitant to give out his address because he didn't want TM to hear him -- if TM ran off, how will he hear Zimmerman give out an address; unless Zimmerman is still following behind him.
3) 3:48 he doesn't tell the operator he'll go back to his car and have the police meet him there, as Truthseeker said; he told the operator to have him "call me and I'll tell him where I'm at." Now, if he's not following him...why doesn't he just say, I'm at my truck; or meet me at this location. Instead he tells the operator to have the police call and he'll tell them where he is.
I think Zimmerman didn't want that ---- to get away. Just like he said at 1:38. So he followed him. Got in a fight and shot him, claiming self-defense. There's a lot in the 911 call that will be used against him. His prejudice. His comment about following him. That they "always get away." That he just wanted police to call him and he'd tell him where he was.