Originally Posted by Ronzo
Just going over my finances...
I don't have enough to cover all the expenses I have each month and now it's time to cut things...
I've dropped my cell bill down to the next lowest level.
Gonna have to eliminate the gym... $30 a month can go a long way... I'll use the apartment gym and I'll have to motivate myself from now on...
There are a few other things I'm going to have to eliminate as well.
You are reminding me of the time we lived in Austin and everythang (lol) was falling apart. Church split, my husband's job, my job and a baby on the way!
I was on William Cannon and I saw a guy selling flowers. You know how they do? lol
The thought came to me, "Well, I've been in sales. If it gets much worse I could sell flowers."
The Lord spoke to me right then - "I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed
begging bread." He emphasized "begging".
I've never had to work and we are blessed today. It's going to happen!
Prayin' for ya!!!! But, like this thread you started - It's your road. We can pray and care about you, but we can't walk the day to day. It's your road.
You're gonna make, just as long as you and Jesus stay friends!

I like that song, especially when Murell Ewing sings it.