I think you might have missed my post earlier also, it was in the heat of the moment with PO's post.
After reading through each one's posts here, you definitely have the award of the day for the most interesting post. I suspect that there are many more out there, like you who have the same thoughts and feelings, but are unable to express or verbalize themselves like you have. Even maybe too scared to do so.
We were always taught not to question things coming forth from the pulpit. However, when most of what was coming across could not be verified in the Scripture, something had to be done. This, I think, is the beginning of that journey.
I think honest souls here on this forum will express that their most special times of refreshing in the Lord's presence probably came during their own personal devotional time with the Lord, and not necessarily in a big hooping, red hot hoe down Pentecostal service.
But then, maybe I should just speak for myself. I have been mightly blessed of the Lord in many, many services. But those blessings never, NEVER have equaled the presence of the Lord felt during my own devotional time when the Lord dealt with my heart directly, and through his Word. I cherish those times. And they did not happen in a church building.
Don't be afraid to ask these question, and to honestly search for more of God. What if Luther had never bothered to do something about the terrible things he saw in the RC church? What if other great men of God through the ages never sought to take a stand, and walk away from the organized religion of that day? Would we even have Pentecost today had not some been willing to step away from presumed ways to have church?
These are good questions you have asked, as I believe your heart is sincere. Seek God's will, and maybe spend some time fasting too. Read the Word with an open heart, and seek God's direction.
May the Spirit of Truth lead and guide you into all into all truth!
John 16:13