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Old 03-14-2011, 01:22 PM
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Re: A Sense of Dread

This report with the pictures here concerning the potential incredible impact upon us here in the USA is quite alarming.

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Old 03-14-2011, 04:08 PM
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Re: A Sense of Dread

Originally Posted by Apprehended View Post
This report with the pictures here concerning the potential incredible impact upon us here in the USA is quite alarming.

It's hard to sell newspapers with headlines like: "At Least OUR Power's On."

So instead, we have: "We're All Gonna DIE Because the Japs Don't Have Lights!"

It's a real mess - an expensive mess; but it probably won't affect us in the States anywhere nearly as badly as the tsunami that wrecked Crescent City's marina. The media seem to be attempting to out do each other with the sensationalism. Typical.

Even if the worst case scenarios developed for all three affected nuke plants - there's really little cause for concern stateside. The Japanese authorities would have to deliberately drill through the concrete and steel casings around the reactor cores to expose the cores and release any truly dangerous levels of radiation. I doubt they're inclined to do that.

I'm getting more radiation than the people of Sendai just because I'm closer to the sun and in a much thinner atmosphere.

Oh, and I still feel dread. Today I defied my doctors and tried some caffeine. No luck there. A double dose of OJ gave me a little bit of a sugar "high" - I think. It was probably psychosomatic, though. Still dread. And worry.

"And worry?" That's not even a sentence. See how bad the world is getting?
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Old 03-14-2011, 05:59 PM
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Re: A Sense of Dread

Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
It's hard to sell newspapers with headlines like: "At Least OUR Power's On."

So instead, we have: "We're All Gonna DIE Because the Japs Don't Have Lights!"

It's a real mess - an expensive mess; but it probably won't affect us in the States anywhere nearly as badly as the tsunami that wrecked Crescent City's marina. The media seem to be attempting to out do each other with the sensationalism. Typical.

Even if the worst case scenarios developed for all three affected nuke plants - there's really little cause for concern stateside. The Japanese authorities would have to deliberately drill through the concrete and steel casings around the reactor cores to expose the cores and release any truly dangerous levels of radiation. I doubt they're inclined to do that.

I'm getting more radiation than the people of Sendai just because I'm closer to the sun and in a much thinner atmosphere.

Oh, and I still feel dread. Today I defied my doctors and tried some caffeine. No luck there. A double dose of OJ gave me a little bit of a sugar "high" - I think. It was probably psychosomatic, though. Still dread. And worry.

"And worry?" That's not even a sentence. See how bad the world is getting?
All of these news reports of unspeakable human tragedy, suffering and the estimated ten thousand dead and the more than 2000 bodies washed ashore, the more than 180,000 that had to evacuate their homes to escape radiation, is probably not just hype and exaggerated stories for sensationalism, not to mention the continuing, long term inestimable suffering that will plague the people for decades.

Meanwhile, I will continue to pray for the people in Japan and especially for the people of God there.

Last edited by Apprehended; 03-14-2011 at 06:28 PM.
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Old 03-15-2011, 05:52 AM
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Re: A Sense of Dread

Originally Posted by Apprehended View Post
All of these news reports of unspeakable human tragedy, suffering and the estimated ten thousand dead and the more than 2000 bodies washed ashore, the more than 180,000 that had to evacuate their homes to escape radiation, is probably not just hype and exaggerated stories for sensationalism, not to mention the continuing, long term inestimable suffering that will plague the people for decades.

Meanwhile, I will continue to pray for the people in Japan and especially for the people of God there.
To say that "180,000 had to evacuate their homes to escape radiation" is just the sort of sensationalism to which I refer. 180,000 people were evacuated as a precaution. For now, the radiation is all neatly (well, not so "neatly") bottled up within several layers of concrete and steel containment buildings.

No one has been exposed to seriously high levels of radiation - not even the workers injured in the explosion of hydrogen gas at Fukushima. The only fatality associated with the nuke plants was a crane operator who was killed during the earthquake itself.

Even you have to hype your own litany of woes: "estimated ten thousand dead and the more than 2000 bodies washed ashore..."

Wouldn't the 2,000 unfortunate also be included in the tally of the 10,000 deceased? Or did these bodies appear through some sort of dimensional warp? Nope, they all died in the earthquake and tsunami.

I am glad that your own spiritual life receives some sort of impetus at this time. It just strikes me as a bit odd... maybe a bit "over hyped" - that 10,000+ people had to die before you noticed them. I guess that's the way it is with all of us, to some degree. It takes a tragedy that forces us to confront our own mortality to wake us up to the suffering of others. I just wouldn't recommend staying in a state of constant hype and dreadful mortality.

Life is to be celebrated as well. The people who died in Japan all laughed and sang songs at some point in their all too brief existence on this mortal coil. They loved, they lived. They ate spicy foods just for the fun of it at times. They flew kites so that they could "see" the wind. They nurtured their children and their grandparents. We ought to celebrate their lives; not exploit their deaths.
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Old 03-15-2011, 09:06 AM
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Re: A Sense of Dread

Exploit their deaths????

Doctor P, you are too much medicine for just one act.

All those people that are doing all that joyful celebration are probably unaware that their cities just got wiped out. Hahaha....

But, hey!

I'm with you. A couple of weeks ago an old lady that I called on for a visit explained to me her litany of physical problems which was capped off with the sorrowful lamentation that her daughter does not love her any more and never comes to see about her. I then said to her, "But look how much better off you are." She gave me a long, blank but questioning stare. I continued, "You are much better off than the billions of people who are already dead." I suddenly felt that I had worn out my welcome. I prayed for her and left. There was no cheering her up with the thought that she is still alive.

But, I'm with you, Dr. P. I agree.
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Old 03-15-2011, 09:29 AM
OldPathsII OldPathsII is offline
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Re: A Sense of Dread

Originally Posted by Apprehended View Post
I tried to shake the sense of dread after being notified of a potential land dispute, hoping that was all there was to it. The sense of dread lingered on anyway. No doubt this great, great disaster that has torn Japan apart is what that was all about.

When I feel this way, I am always led to pray this prayer, "Oh Lord, remember the righteous and spare your people."

Apprehended, you are one of the few here that seems to hold the apostolic line as I've always understood it. You even stood against going to worldly organized sporting events and I think you and I were the only two.

But I'm a bit confused here. First you said you felt dread about something bad happening, then you said it was just for yourself and a property deal. Now, you are back to applying it to the earthquake? Help me out here, I'm not quite following you.
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Old 03-15-2011, 09:55 AM
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Re: A Sense of Dread

Originally Posted by Apprehended View Post
Exploit their deaths????

Doctor P, you are too much medicine for just one act.

"Exploiting their deaths" is just what the news media is doing. The hype is so overblown now that people are reported to be "fleeing Tokyo in panic..." Yet no one has found dangerous levels of radiation anywhere outside of the reactors themselves and one particular used fuel storage area.

Originally Posted by Apprehended View Post
All those people that are doing all that joyful celebration are probably unaware that their cities just got wiped out. Hahaha....
I wouldn't laugh about it. I'm just saying that life is better than death - especially the "dying" part of death. In particular, the drowning beneath a city bus trapped between a fishing trawler and a train car while being washed out to sea part of dying.

I prefer to think of these people as alive - when they were alive, and when they may yet be alive again in another place.

Originally Posted by Apprehended View Post
But, hey!

I'm with you. A couple of weeks ago an old lady that I called on for a visit explained to me her litany of physical problems which was capped off with the sorrowful lamentation that her daughter does not love her any more and never comes to see about her. I then said to her, "But look how much better off you are." She gave me a long, blank but questioning stare. I continued, "You are much better off than the billions of people who are already dead." I suddenly felt that I had worn out my welcome. I prayed for her and left. There was no cheering her up with the thought that she is still alive.

But, I'm with you, Dr. P. I agree.
Some folks either have such a miserable condition or maybe they simply perceive themselves as being in a miserable condition that "death" is preferable. That is, it's preferable until someone points out just how troubled their thoughts are. Your comment may have been a better salve than your prayers... if the dear lady catches on.
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Old 03-15-2011, 10:33 AM
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Re: A Sense of Dread

Originally Posted by OldPathsII View Post
Apprehended, you are one of the few here that seems to hold the apostolic line as I've always understood it. You even stood against going to worldly organized sporting events and I think you and I were the only two.

But I'm a bit confused here. First you said you felt dread about something bad happening, then you said it was just for yourself and a property deal. Now, you are back to applying it to the earthquake? Help me out here, I'm not quite following you.
I did explain it in post no. 90. Go back and read it.

Don't expect me to take any bows for having experienced a dreadful sense of dread. Goodness! I'm no super-spiritual. My sense of dread did not answer to the potential property dispute. It not only lingered, it got worse. I could only pray that God's will would be done. I now pray for the Japanese people and especially for the righteous that are there.
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Old 03-15-2011, 10:48 AM
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Re: A Sense of Dread

Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
"Exploiting their deaths" is just what the news media is doing. The hype is so overblown now that people are reported to be "fleeing Tokyo in panic..." Yet no one has found dangerous levels of radiation anywhere outside of the reactors themselves and one particular used fuel storage area.
If the sufferings were not exploited by hype and news media, do you suppose that would in the least diminish the suffering, the loss and desperation? It matter not to me that there are media outlet that exploit it for their own profits. So what? The suffering lingers on anyway.

I wouldn't laugh about it. I'm just saying that life is better than death - especially the "dying" part of death. In particular, the drowning beneath a city bus trapped between a fishing trawler and a train car while being washed out to sea part of dying.

I prefer to think of these people as alive - when they were alive, and when they may yet be alive again in another place.
You are certainly free to think whatever you wish...including every happy thought that you can conger up in your mind. I would love to be assured that all 10,000 souls are now singing in glory. That would be a happy thought. Forgive me for being unable to bring myself to such a land of imaginary utopia. Even if they were all with the Lord at this point, the soul wrenching agony over so many lost loved ones are enough to make angels weep....including me. But, you keep all those happy thoughts.

Some folks either have such a miserable condition or maybe they simply perceive themselves as being in a miserable condition that "death" is preferable. That is, it's preferable until someone points out just how troubled their thoughts are. Your comment may have been a better salve than your prayers... if the dear lady catches on.
At least those 10K have no choice. The unspeakable devastation which affects will be painful for decades to come can be somewhat minimized by "happy thoughts" if they could but catch on to this philosophy. I would suggest you go there and teach them how to think and be forever free of all care. You could call your road show, "How To Think and Grow Happy and Cheery." I'm sure it would change everything.

hahaha.... Too much juice for one treatment, Dr. P.

Luffa ya, eeniehow.
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Old 03-15-2011, 11:03 AM
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Re: A Sense of Dread

Originally Posted by Apprehended View Post
I did explain it in post no. 90. Go back and read it.

Don't expect me to take any bows for having experienced a dreadful sense of dread. Goodness! I'm no super-spiritual. My sense of dread did not answer to the potential property dispute. It not only lingered, it got worse. I could only pray that God's will would be done. I now pray for the Japanese people and especially for the righteous that are there.
Shouldn't we pray for the unrighteous especially?
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
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He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? Micah 6:8 KJV

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