I don't think DAII needs to be banned; he's more of an antagonist than a trouble-maker, IMO, and keeps us on our feet...
No one needs to be banned unless, of course, they're blatantly throwing accusations meant to tear down instead of discuss and debate like iron sharpens iron...
I can understand why some are bothered by the word Apostolic in the name, but it is what we all have in common.
Well, really as old as I am Pentecostal would be a better word - like AQP said - Apostolic is the replacement word for Pentecostal.
well to see it from several of my good friends here, they are just shocked that anyone would be bothered by the use of the term Apostolic here.
I have no intention to openly get into the name calling game. Lets just all be grown up enough to admit that AFF could find a name that would better reflect the tone and nature of the forum. That doesnt mean the place needs to be called some foul name.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
well to see it from several of my good friends here, they are just shocked that anyone would be bothered by the use of the term Apostolic here.
I have no intention to openly get into the name calling game. Lets just all be grown up enough to admit that AFF could find a name that would better reflect the tone and nature of the forum. That doesnt mean the place needs to be called some foul name.
Honestly Ferd. I disagree. How else will people know to come here unless it's called Apostolic. Maybe it could be called ApostolicMishMashForum.
Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt the people doing it. ~Chinese Proverb
When I was young and clever, I wanted to change the world. Now that I am older and wiser, I strive to change myself. ~
well to see it from several of my good friends here, they are just shocked that anyone would be bothered by the use of the term Apostolic here.
I have no intention to openly get into the name calling game. Lets just all be grown up enough to admit that AFF could find a name that would better reflect the tone and nature of the forum. That doesnt mean the place needs to be called some foul name.
Don't try to kick us off your curb.
Being "apostolic" is much more broad that the small identity brand people want to conform it to
well to see it from several of my good friends here, they are just shocked that anyone would be bothered by the use of the term Apostolic here.
I have no intention to openly get into the name calling game. Lets just all be grown up enough to admit that AFF could find a name that would better reflect the tone and nature of the forum. That doesnt mean the place needs to be called some foul name.
What would you suggest?
Most churches don't even have Apostolic in their names, so I'm not sure why the offense to some.
If I had to put a "title" on what I am, I would still say I'm Apostolic in belief.
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
PhD in Petulant Tantrum Quelling
Dean of the School of Hard Knocks