Griff had to go do "lawyer stuff." I'm the scruffy character that hangs around his office looking for scoops and "side jobs." Let's go across the street and I'll let you buy me a sandwich and a drink. Diet Coke is fine...
Thanks. Now, concerning your questions about...
The Case of the Sheepskinned Sheep!
a Quinn Martin Production.
See here, nothing libelous has been said. The most damning information concerns the players who sell these fake degrees - and that information was from the public records available from local courts and police agencies.
The "Apostolic" preachers who have been named have only been accused of flaunting fake credentials calling themselves "Doctors" and "Ph.D.'s" and stuff. The evidence that these degrees are fake has been provided by these preachers themselves when they have named the degree granting "institutions."
Basically, these guys cheated. They bought phony degrees to stuff their shirts with and one of their associates (who was named as having purchased a phony degree himself in an investigation done by a major newspaper) flew off the handle and made some threats over the phone with a bunch of the guys that hang out at the Juice Bar on the corner.
The whole thing smacks of my Bible College days when a bunch of the boys got hoodwinked by a criminal organization into serving as mules for stolen vehicles. Why is it that these things keep happening to us? Is it because we keep wanting to take the short-cuts in life? Is it because we lack faith in God? Dunno.
Thanks for the sandwich. Gotta go. Griff's gonna want his hat back.
As far as this thread you are absolutely correct.
However, I believe the question I addressed was more general in nature, and the answer is generally you can still face liability for what is said on a public forum, it all depends on the circumstances....
(And if you got a sandwich out of deal, you did better than I did, if I had a dollar for... never mind)
However, I believe the question I addressed was more general in nature, and the answer is generally you can still face liability for what is said on a public forum, it all depends on the circumstances....
(And if you got a sandwich out of deal, you did better than I did, if I had a dollar for... never mind)
People have actually faced criminal charges for the things they have said - consider that lady whose cruelty lead to a young girl's suicide a while back. I forget how that ended up - wasn't she let off some how? Still, it was a pretty harsh ordeal, and probably deserved.
I understand the nature of your answers here. That's why I only chime up when you step out of the office.
Location: Oil City, Louisiana (North of Shreveport)
Posts: 252
Re: AFF God has spoken
Originally Posted by Maximilian
To our legal brothers: Is a public forum exempt from accusations of libel?
Or, because, this is not a blog by an individual owner, but rather a public forum, is all fair game?
And must the facts be false to be considered "libel" or is that not always the case?
To the best of my knowledge, to prove libel, one must prove not one but 2 points. 1)The statement was known to be false by the person who made it at the time it was made 2)The "victim" must have been damaged by the statement - damaged in legal terms, IE: monetarily. For example, if he was fired based solely on the false statement or a customer cancelled a contract or something like that, then it is libel. No monetary damage, no legal recourse.
Don't mock elders
next time He might not let you back online.
Couple of observations at the end of the universe (ok.. thread)
When God puts something down. It doesn't get back up. ever.
Could God bring down AFF? He's brought down nations, a forum wouldn't present much of a challenge.
No-one here mocks God, haven't seen it yet. Do they mock doctrines that are iffy at best and screwball at worst. sure. If you preach a screwball doctrine and someone here calls you on it... bummer for you... no foul. Advice, if it isn't in the Bible keep your trap shut. If you speak publically and you aren't prepared to have every word scrutinized you need a new line of work
Do they go to far sometimes. I think so. But It isn't my call.
Who is John A and what role does he play at AFF? I host AFF, for which the owners pay me to use the resources of one of two web servers I lease and maintain at a data center in AZ. I do not run a hosting co anymore. Been there done that, had to hock the t-shirt to buy lunch, If you ask me to host you I will point you to I exercise no admin control over this forum whatsoever.
What is the meaning of life? easy, it's 42
Last edited by John Atkinson; 07-07-2010 at 06:06 PM.