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Old 04-27-2007, 11:49 AM
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Originally Posted by SoCaliUPC View Post
You got that right.

I guess some people just are not grounded in the faith...and unshakeable in their doctrine like what you and I were brought up. I guess everyone needed a David Gray and a Bill Yandris to lay a firm foundation that is unshakeable. If someone is worried that by singing at an event with Tye Tribbitt or Gaithers or this person and that person, and it is THAT which will send you the (overused term) "way of TBN"....I would call their foundation very weak. You have been to many non-UPC events and look....you are still doctrinally sound. Haven't changed. I have been to non-UPC events....I'm still doctrinally sound. We have both sang for non-UPC people....and look....still doctrinally sound. If a singing event is going to change someone's doctrine and beliefs....they never had it to begin with.

i think that's right. I know a CON pastor who sung at for Brooklyn Tab a few years back . I didnt hear one complaint. you see, UPC likes their music.
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Old 04-27-2007, 12:18 PM
ThePastorsCoach ThePastorsCoach is offline
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Great Thad!

Thad - It is an incredible compliment to you and your crew to be invited to front for TT!
I am impressed - with you - not with him! LOL

If we really believe what we say we do - why do we keep it all inside our four walls! Maybe someone should read the Great Commission! GO - Into all the world! Hmmmmmmmmmmmm What a novel idea!

Thad - Thanks for being an Apostolic Influence to many thousands that would never know or hear or be influenced in any way otherwise.

I commend you - you really believe what you say you do!

I have a UPC friend - that was asked this week to play and travel with a MAJOR guy that has MAJOR influence!
. I cannot say much more that that - but people are gonna be talkin'! LOL
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Old 04-27-2007, 11:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Thad View Post
Wrrrrrrrrrrrong wrong wrong! First, we don't "Run" with these people! we don't even know them! do you know what they believe?
This is a paid concert not a fellowship. It's the business and in this business, the Music business, you just sing your songs and minister. what they do is on them.

Did you even READ what I posted, or did you just take offense at the first couple of lines?

Did you READ where I said I thought you OUGHT TO do it? I simply made the observation that this is what stirs up the ucons of CA! Your response makes it sound like I agree with them! Make sure you READ all that I post before you jump, bro!
Oh! That I may be found faithful!
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Old 04-27-2007, 11:15 PM
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Originally Posted by SoCaliUPC View Post
About 3 hours late responding to this...but it may have already been dealt with.

This is one of the most ridiculous statements I have heard. I guess using this logic, you really should not work for someone who holds a different doctrinal view than you. You really should not mix with other family members who hold different doctrinal views. For surely, in your day to day live, you around people who don't quite share all that you believe to be true.

This mentality puts a real arrogant approach as "You are not worthy to be ministered by what we have." I guess that "little light of mine...I'm gonna let it shine" refers to the church and those of like-precious faith.

The background to this story is that Thad and his choir tore it up at CLC at their music conference. The promoter of the concert happened to be present at that meeting and felt the presence of God so strong that she asked them...with 2 weeks notice...that they needed to open for Tye Tribbitt. Thad's choir MINISTERS....even in concerts. I have been to 2 concerts that his choir has ministered in...and the concert changed to church. May the group that comes to the concert that night...feel a difference they never have before.
You kinda have me wondering...

Did you READ ALL that I posted?

Did you note that I said Thad OUGHT TO DO IT?

Did you note that I said the UCs of CA would feel this way?

I understand your difference with them on this. I differ with them for a DIFFERENT reason than you.

Please make sure that you don't ascribe what they hold to me, because my post clearly delineates what I think about what Thad should do, from what I think the UCs will think of it.

I was making an observation--not a declaration.

Guess I'm a little testy, as Thad seemed to take the position that I agreed with the UCs. NOT the case, at least THIS time.
Oh! That I may be found faithful!
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Old 04-27-2007, 11:22 PM
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Another "concert" that I won't make.

DOCTOR Old Paths for all your spiritual needs.

STILL believing the same after all these years
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Old 04-28-2007, 11:37 AM
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Bump for Thad and SoCali
Oh! That I may be found faithful!
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Old 04-28-2007, 01:26 PM
berkeley berkeley is offline
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Originally Posted by Brett Prince View Post

Did you even READ what I posted, or did you just take offense at the first couple of lines?

Did you READ where I said I thought you OUGHT TO do it? I simply made the observation that this is what stirs up the ucons of CA! Your response makes it sound like I agree with them! Make sure you READ all that I post before you jump, bro!
Are you suprised?? lol
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Old 04-28-2007, 01:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Brett Prince View Post
You kinda have me wondering...

Did you READ ALL that I posted?

Did you note that I said Thad OUGHT TO DO IT?

Did you note that I said the UCs of CA would feel this way?

I understand your difference with them on this. I differ with them for a DIFFERENT reason than you.

Please make sure that you don't ascribe what they hold to me, because my post clearly delineates what I think about what Thad should do, from what I think the UCs will think of it.

I was making an observation--not a declaration.

Guess I'm a little testy, as Thad seemed to take the position that I agreed with the UCs. NOT the case, at least THIS time.
Did I read everything you said...YES.
Did I see where you said he ought to do it...YES.

I think the issue here is what all the Ultra Cons in this state/district think of everyone else. Frankly, I don't care. No matter if you did everything right...you are still not "one of them" and will never "measure" up. Your post was more of ...do you see why they feel this way about your church. This one incident has nothing to do with what they think about his church. It is because his pastor is not one of the CONS. I've said it before...and I will say it again...if one is not part of the VM or NW camp....they are the talk of the district and that is it.
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Old 04-28-2007, 02:29 PM
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Originally Posted by SoCaliUPC View Post
Did I read everything you said...YES.
Did I see where you said he ought to do it...YES.

I think the issue here is what all the Ultra Cons in this state/district think of everyone else. Frankly, I don't care. No matter if you did everything right...you are still not "one of them" and will never "measure" up. Your post was more of ...do you see why they feel this way about your church. This one incident has nothing to do with what they think about his church. It is because his pastor is not one of the CONS. I've said it before...and I will say it again...if one is not part of the VM or NW camp....they are the talk of the district and that is it.
I understand your point. However, I have always considered Sam Emory to be a con. I feel sorry for those that look down on him. He is one of our finest. Although he would not ascribe to this, when I think of GT Haywood, and others of that caliber among our black ministers, I put Sam Emory right there with any of them. He is indeed, one of our finest...any color, any nationality, any click, he's in the top tier IMO.
Oh! That I may be found faithful!
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Old 04-28-2007, 05:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Brett Prince View Post
I understand your point. However, I have always considered Sam Emory to be a con. I feel sorry for those that look down on him. He is one of our finest. Although he would not ascribe to this, when I think of GT Haywood, and others of that caliber among our black ministers, I put Sam Emory right there with any of them. He is indeed, one of our finest...any color, any nationality, any click, he's in the top tier IMO.
Unlike you, I view Sam Emory to be just Sam Emory. He is neither, lib, con, or UC. If I had to place him on a spectrum from liberal to Ultra Con...he would be a moderate. However, in California....that means you are going down the slippery slope.

I count Sam Emory as a top preacher....regardless of color.
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