Originally Posted by n david
There is proof ... you're just blind to it and would rather accept science instead of faith.
If you had such proof you would have no doubt been filling the board with it. But we find nothing. Nada. Zip. Nothing.
Originally Posted by n david
Dare I ask ... I dare ... you don't believe in the second coming?
I not only believe, but I have an earnest and fervent hope and expectation of that very event.
Originally Posted by n david
Yes, and those words were another parable spoken by Jesus, not at all similar to the statements Jesus made about the last days and second coming.
You were the one looking for "the words in red..." so I shared some. What exactly is the difference that you are trying see here?
In the case of the flood story Jesus made an allusion to the accounts and descriptions recorded in that story (with or without the written approval of Major League Baseball) and set people's expectations accordingly.
In the case of Abraham's bosom He made an allusion to a well known and well accepted tradition within Rabbinic Judaism and set people's expectations accordingly. So again, what's the difference betweeen the two pericopes that they cannot be compared?
Originally Posted by n david
I've stated the case and proof enough, you can continue to reason science and submit allegories and parables Jesus gave as a means to try to further your ideas.
With all due respect, my friend and brother, you have not offered any "proof" whatsoever. And the furtherance of "my ideas" merely seeks to give you confidence concerning the ground beneath your feet. It is to that soil, dirt and rock that I make my appeal.
Coincidently, your feet themselves, your entire body itself, is composed of the same material and carries the weight of my arguments. The next breath you inhale will further prove my point, and when you and I have gone the way of all flesh- the very dust mouldering from our bones will continue to make "my case."
Originally Posted by n david
You do well enough, but have yet to bring up anything other than parables Jesus taught as a way to refute the absolute statements of Jesus.
There is no evidence of a global flood occuring in the last 3.5 billion years. None.
Consider the types of rock we find under our feet, however. This picture was taken near my home:
The red and brown layers are sandstone and the grey crumbling rock are layers of shale. The sand is the remnants of an ocean beach that is now 7,000 feet above sea level. The shale is silt that was deposited in river estuaries like the Mississippi River delta in Louisiana.
The reason for the layering is that over the years the river channel would silt up and the outlet would then change and the mouth of the river would be miles away from this spot. Then sand and beaches would form and deposit a layer of sand. Then the river would move back and deposit silt; then move away and the sea would depost sand; then silt and so on for millenia. This area is now about 2,000 miles from the nearest beach or river estuary.
I have another picture of the little worm and crustacean tunnels that show creatures living out their entire life spans within these layers when the layers themselves were the ground upon which the creatures skittered - undisturbed by any cataclysm other than a beach slowly growing and then eroding away.
In Texas there is one bed of similar layers that includes over 22,000 sequences of the river silting up and moving back and forth. Within each layer there are worm tunnels and animal tracks showing that the layers were deposited over long periods of time and were not the result of deposition and sorting in a global flood.
These are not just "rocks" laying on the ground. They tell a story of their time here and they bear the imprints of living creatures that passed over these places before the rocks themselves were even rocks. They tell of a long history and age for the earth and that history has never been interrupted by a global flood.