And the pope came out and reconfirmed a literal place of "endless torture" today! Got to get the natives back in line.
__________________ For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)
What ?? How's that ???... name every Apostolic ??? We could be here all night?????
You know perfectly NOT one Apostolic believes water remits sins however TRUE Apostolics believes sins are remitted IN(not by) water baptism by faith in the shed blood of Christ. The water is the PLACE not the ACTION.
You know perfectly NOT one Apostolic believes water remits sins however TRUE Apostolics believes sins are remitted IN(not by) water baptism by faith in the shed blood of Christ. The water is the PLACE not the ACTION.
You know perfectly NOT one Apostolic believes water remits sins however TRUE Apostolics believes sins are remitted IN(not by) water baptism by faith in the shed blood of Christ. The water is the PLACE not the ACTION.