A couple of years ago, I decided to get a spray tan. Not good! By the time I left the salon, it had come off my neck onto my t-shirt. I had to go back and be resprayed. They were not happy with me.
My daughter had a spray tan once and we didn't realize that it has latex in it, which she is very allergic to. She swelled up like a balloon and had to go to the ER. It was actually very dangerous.
See, what you DON'T have to put up with? I would love to have nice dark skin.
I think I'll get me a hidden camera and the blackest person I know and go down to one of those spray tan places and let the hilarity ensue. I wonder what they would say or if they would go ahead and try to spray with a straight face for fear of a discrimination lawsuit.
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.
Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
I would!! 17 years ago we were paying almost $2,000 a month in rent for a 4 bedroom house.
There are very few new houses or apartments up there, it is pretty much land locked. So most all housing is older.
It used to crack me up when people would say things about Bakersfield being so hot, I would be like, well, yeah, but at least they are smart enough to put air conditioning in the homes down there!
The median price for a house in Marin County( north San francisco)
is $980,000 even in the housing market crisis
I think I'll get me a hidden camera and the blackest person I know and go down to one of those spray tan places and let the hilarity ensue. I wonder what they would say or if they would go ahead and try to spray with a straight face for fear of a discrimination lawsuit.
That would be great!!!! I guess they could spray them a "lighter" shade like Papersack Tan or High Yellow.
Hardly any real estate in the Bay area has air conditioning, I lived there for 7 years in three different houses, and none of them had air. They were fairly nice places too.
I think that when houses were being built in that area, the weather was a little different. I mean, it usually doesn't get above 101 at it's worst up there, but 101 with no air is NOT good!!
further proof of the lunacy of the left coast!
Ive lived in the south all my life, we STILL have HEAT!
dont use it much but about a couple of weeks out of the year, you need it.
gotta think the same is true with Cali in the summer!
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
The median price for a house in Marin County( north San francisco)
is $980,000 even in the housing market crisis
There was a little house close to where Ashley's apartment is that just sold for $840K. It would be about $125-$150K here in Jackson. My home would be worth a small fortune if I could transport it out there.
There are a LOT of homosexual people in the area. I was there the week they started getting married; San Francisco was a zoo downtown.
Yea it's a mess for sure.
My drummer was downtown his parents took them
there for his birthday. They didn't know it was Gay Day
you know the parades they have? Anyhow, he had some
stories to tell at church the next day.
Yea it's a mess for sure.
My drummer was downtown his parents took them
there for his birthday. They didn't know it was Gay Day
you know the parades they have? Anyhow, he had some
stories to tell at church the next day.
Ashley and Adam were there a few weeks ago - NOT in the Castro District - down by Union Station, and there was a NAKED BICYCLE PARADE. She said no one was acting like it was weird at all. They were protesting something. I'm glad I live in naive little Tennessee.