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Old 05-21-2008, 12:00 PM
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Re: Should U.S. Share Guilt For China Abortions?

Originally Posted by Antipas View Post
It depends is a way of saying "yes" without being upfront enough to say "yes".
In my world "It depends" means the answer could be, “yes” or “no” depending on the facts. To those of us who are conservatives, and almost Christians, words mean things. “It depends”, means your question cannot be fully answered with yes or no.
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Old 05-21-2008, 12:02 PM
Antipas Antipas is offline

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Re: Should U.S. Share Guilt For China Abortions?

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
Well Fairtraders generally speaking are Marxists and greenicks and all greenicks are idiots. and in general anyone supporting the democratic wing of the democratic party are baby killers so as upsetting as it may be, it is accurate.
That is untrue. There are many Democrats, mainly Catholics, who do not support abortion. There are even dedicated Pro-Life Democrats with Pro-Life voting records. Why lie like this? There are even devout Apostolics who vote Democratic on occasion. Don’t you see how you’re beginning to sound like nothing but a pawn of right wing politics?

and by the way, the vast majority of fair traders have no issue what so ever with China's one child policy. in fact, they generally work from their green idiocracy and believe we need to reduce the human population everywhere.
Fair trade advocates have denounced China’s one child policy since 1993 ferdie boy. Forcing a woman to have an abortion is a violation of human rights worse than rape.

they LIKE abortion.
As an advocate of fair trade I have to say that’s very upsetting. I disagree, I don’t like abortion. I’m crying out against China’s policy, you’re defending our policies that sanction their forced abortion policy. I think YOU like abortion…if you can save a dollar at your local Wal-Mart.

Just because a handfull of christians have decided to ally with baby killers in the name of stopping baby killing doesnt mean i have to join the cause.
Evidently you’re incapable of being civil. You don’t have to join their cause, but you can acknowledge that some of us are working to make changes from the other side are brothers and sisters entitled to some respect instead of calling us baby killers and the like.

Personally i dont like China as it is right now, but I also know that if we arent careful we will find ourselves at war with them and then you can hang it up. Abortion wont be the sin. the sin will be a billion dead people.
If we’re not careful? China needs to be careful.

I was reflecting on a post above. Do you think the earthquake may have been a judgment from God seeing that it’s generated a groundswell of outcry against their one child policy?
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Old 05-21-2008, 12:03 PM
Antipas Antipas is offline

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Re: Should U.S. Share Guilt For China Abortions?

Originally Posted by Baron1710 View Post
In my world "It depends" means the answer could be, “yes” or “no” depending on the facts. To those of us who are conservatives, and almost Christians, words mean things. “It depends”, means your question cannot be fully answered with yes or no.
Not so. If a liberal said, "it depends", we all know the rule...they're being wishy washy. And so are you.
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Old 05-21-2008, 12:10 PM
mizpeh mizpeh is offline
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Re: Should U.S. Share Guilt For China Abortions?

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post

well, it isnt just America that is full of left wingnuts preaching the gospel of fair trade. it is pretty much the entire west and all the marxists around the world in general and their idiotic greenick buddies...(this is me being nice)

And believe me, Fair trade isnt about America telling Eqidor to be nice to its poor people or we wont trade with them. it is the west telling Equidor exactly how their government is to work, how they are not supposed to polute anything, how they are supposed to treat their crops for pests and such (ie not use chemicals) how they are supposed to live "at one with nature" etc.

Fair trade is about the more "evolved" telling the cromagnons of the world how to live their lives, and it is right out of the Karl Marx play book.

Fair trade is anything BUT fair. (oh the preachers of fair trade also get to set the prices because the free market isnt fair, and the preachers of the fair trade gospel get to tell the sellers of the goods how to spend their profits. )
Thanks for reminding me how much I dislike politics!
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Old 05-21-2008, 12:10 PM
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Re: Should U.S. Share Guilt For China Abortions?

Originally Posted by Antipas View Post
That is untrue. There are many Democrats, mainly Catholics, who do not support abortion. There are even dedicated Pro-Life Democrats with Pro-Life voting records. Why lie like this? There are even devout Apostolics who vote Democratic on occasion. Don’t you see how you’re beginning to sound like nothing but a pawn of right wing politics?

Fair trade advocates have denounced China’s one child policy since 1993 ferdie boy. Forcing a woman to have an abortion is a violation of human rights worse than rape.

As an advocate of fair trade I have to say that’s very upsetting. I disagree, I don’t like abortion. I’m crying out against China’s policy, you’re defending our policies that sanction their forced abortion policy. I think YOU like abortion…if you can save a dollar at your local Wal-Mart.

Evidently you’re incapable of being civil. You don’t have to join their cause, but you can acknowledge that some of us are working to make changes from the other side are brothers and sisters entitled to some respect instead of calling us baby killers and the like.

If we’re not careful? China needs to be careful.

I was reflecting on a post above. Do you think the earthquake may have been a judgment from God seeing that it’s generated a groundswell of outcry against their one child policy?
the only thing you got right here is that i am incapapble of being civil.

the rest of what you said is drivil.

on the very first point, you sound exactly like Chirs Hall. ARE YOU?

i said the democrat wing of the democrat party. i stand by the statement. you ally with baby killers and guys who like to parade down the street in buttless chaps decrying the descrimination queers suffer because we dont like seeing them in buttless chaps. I dont care how christian you are, those are your allies! YUCK.

more over, YOU may decry abortion but you are VASTLY wrong on the subject of world population and free trade. Free traders have long been part of the liberal/green world. and THAT world (taking from the green bible Earth in the Balance) clearly has identified world population as one of the largest problems facing us today. Free Traders may be paying lipservice to the notion of ending forced abortions in China but they SUPPORT The UN Human Right Commission (run by terrorist and other horrible HR violators). They SUPPORT efforts to reduce human populations around the world. AND they support communist nations in general.

Free Traders ARE part of the Liberal/Green alliance and they stand against freedom!
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Old 05-21-2008, 12:11 PM
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Re: Should U.S. Share Guilt For China Abortions?

Originally Posted by Antipas View Post
Not so. If a liberal said, "it depends", we all know the rule...they're being wishy washy. And so are you.
I spent 3 years and $80,000, and passed the DC bar exam (something Hillary couldn't do). Guess what I learned in three years? And what answer got me a pass on the bar? "IT DEPENDS"!!!! So I don't find it wishy washy, I find that the facts change the answer.
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Old 05-21-2008, 12:18 PM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Re: Should U.S. Share Guilt For China Abortions?

Originally Posted by Antipas View Post
Would you buy good from Nazi Germany if you were on a "tight budget"?
To be honest, if you knew where every dollar you spent was being used for, in order to be consistent, you'd have to be a hermit and live off the land. You couldn't drive a vehicle, shop at any store, buy any item including Bibles, or see any physicians.

Oh, and you won't have utilities because those are really tax dollars, and you know what those are used for.

Would I buy from Nazi Germany? Yes. What's my alternative, buying from the United States??
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Old 05-21-2008, 12:20 PM
DividedThigh DividedThigh is offline
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Re: Should U.S. Share Guilt For China Abortions?

HO, as always honest, maybe to honest for the faint of heart, but i will take it, dt
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Old 05-21-2008, 12:29 PM
Antipas Antipas is offline

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Re: Should U.S. Share Guilt For China Abortions?

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
Antipas would you freely ally yourself with communists who believe in exteme population control in the name of human rights?
No. And don’t’ be idiotic. Not every human rights or Fair Trade advocate is a communist. And not all who advocate environmental safety rules are green peace extremists. Don’t you realize that over 600,000 children die a year from mercury poisoning as a direct result of free trade policies that have no environmental safety requirements. It’s not all about global warming. It’s about clean water. But you don’t give a *........*, of course you’d probably be more upset with me if I used the “s” word than the fact that 600,000 children died of mercury poisoning as a result of our failure to enforce Fair Trade environmental standards in international trade and manufacturing.

Don't be so stupid as to throw the baby out with the bath water.
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Old 05-21-2008, 12:30 PM
Antipas Antipas is offline

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Re: Should U.S. Share Guilt For China Abortions?

Originally Posted by Baron1710 View Post
I spent 3 years and $80,000, and passed the DC bar exam (something Hillary couldn't do). Guess what I learned in three years? And what answer got me a pass on the bar? "IT DEPENDS"!!!! So I don't find it wishy washy, I find that the facts change the answer.
So you're lawyer? Now I know I can't trust a word you say. LOL
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