Originally Posted by NW Pastor
I agree that the posting became infantile and rediculous. But why delete the entire post because of a couple of guys that can't abide by the rules? If a couple of kids are throwing sand in a sandbox, I don't tell all the others to bag up their toys and leave. I take the two kids and escort them from the sandbox to the woodshed. End of story.
Agreed... I have to add that there's so much good information posted on that topic that was lost because of deleting it...
Tomorrow is General Conference time, but business meetings don't start till Thursday afternoon. I think there's going to be news and discussions about Steve Buxton and Company's meeting with Pastor Ompad (former UPC Phils. Superintendent, Pastor Art Martinez (present Asst. Superintendent for Region 1, and Pastor Alfredo Bodegas (present General Supt.)...