Originally Posted by R.D. Foster
When I go to the library, I go to the books of info and entertainment that I desire. I see the titles of books that I don't want to read. I check out only the books that I feel will meet my personal desire for righteousness. The internet is an info highway, kind of like a library. I use blocks so that is hard to get bad stuff. They tell me I could get past this block but I don't know how and don't want to know how. On the internet, I choose.
The technology of television is marvelous. But, its system of access is much different than the computer screen. I control the programming of what I view with a computer screen. When one turns on a TV it controls the programming. I know that it is not all bad. But everyone (outside of UPC'ers who want tv) agree that its major function is hollywood style entertainment. Television programming for the most part is anti everything the Bible is for.
This is my brief explanation. I think you will agree that I have some valid points for my personal non use of tv. I am not posting in an holier than thou attitude. Neither am I angry. I feel that the UPC ban on tv did way more good than harm and the reverse of the ban will do way more harm than good. I am not against tv technology but will not go for its programming.
If you rip my statements apart please don't do it in the childish ridiculous fashion that so many use. Please try to have real grown-up arguments of why you think tv is good for you. God bless.
i agree with you except for one thing. We have no business going to librarys.
the books with those tempting titles almost got me last time.
my mind sees images when i read..er i mean used to read those books.
its bad enough in your mind but at least you can hide it better. You cant on a tv or video screen.
thats why i dont allow tv video or cell phones that have miving pictures.
we still use bag phones here.
i sat a sunday school teacher down the other day for 1 year. she was using a flannel graph board and was teaching a lesson about the red sea crossing and actually moved the picture of moses across the board like he was walking.
thats how it all starts!!
one thing tho. If that former saint of mine would have been sneaking off to watch 'as the stomach turns" on tv instead of being on the internet and walking thru the electronic library,
she might have not runned off with a shoe salesman from mobile.