Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind
Jeffery, it's an honor to converse with a man of ideas and not narrow-minded ideaology. I'll answer your question with a question. Is abortion murder? Is wearing a condom a sin? Are sexual relations only for the purpose of reproduction or for pleasure also? Like I said, I don't support abortion personally, but it's not my decision to make. I believe it's a woman's right to choose. You may call it murder as a religous person but the law does not recognize an embroyo as a person. I prefer women have a safe and legal medical procedure rather than some backroom alley and a coat hanger. How about pastors that support abortion in the case of rape or incest? Are those murders religously acceptable? I believe marriage is a God ordained institution and therefore should not be extended to include homosexuals since there is no recognition of God in their actions. I don't know how a center right nation elected Barack Obama. We may be center right on social values but 50/50 on economic policy.
The pleasure is mine.
So you consider (and admit) that abortion is a form of contraception? The problem is, condoms prevent conception, abortions terminate something already conceived. This fact would also rule out sexual relations, etc.
So, why don't you personally support abortion? Do you support condom wearing?
I believe it's as much a woman to choose as it is a murderer to choose. The caveat (which we surprisingly usually center the abortion debate on rare exceptions) is when the mother's life is in jeopardy. Pastors who feel mom's should abort children conceived by rape have unfortunately let their emotion and compassion blind what is right and what is wrong. In the case of the mother's life, it is the saving of life that is at stake, not convenience or death.
Actually, I believe America is center on social policy, and right of center on economics. Saying the word "socialism" or "taxes" goes a long way
Any studies we can reference to find out more? Seems like I've seen quite a few on this topic. America elected Barack with a conscience of wanting to do the right thing at a historical moment, moved by a person of charisma (versus an old, tired and flip-flopping McCain) and moved by promises in the middle of economic hardship. My opinion of course. I'm sure more concrete and objective studies would show us more.