Originally Posted by Esther
So instead of quitting you think she should have stayed and let the cost to Alaska drain them for all the frivolous lawsuits?
If a lawsuit is deemed frivilous and tossed out, there is a way to recoup the court/lawyer fees. She will face heat in any office she holds, including (God forbit) as a VP or President.
Originally Posted by Esther
Where exactly have you found her not intelligent in regards to policy?
Have you watched her in an interview with anyone other than Hannity? Have you seen a speech. The only thing she's clear on is God Bless America, Libs are bad and BHO is a socialist. When it comes to the nit and grit of policy, she's as bad as BHO.
Originally Posted by Esther
How can you say she has terrible family values? If you are referring to her daughter getting pregnant then I hate to bust your bubble but we have had many pastors daughters getting pregnant, and I'm sure they had good family values as well.
It's not just her daughter getting pregnant. It's her allowing Levi to stay at their home. It's her flaunting and parading Levi and Bristol in front of the convention and cameras as though it's normal and okay. It's her running around the country and other places around the world giving speeches while having a special needs child and other children who she leaves at home.
Originally Posted by Esther
As to calling her a media whore you are way out of line.
Here's a definition of whore for you: "compromise oneself for money or other gains." Pretty sure this nails it. SP puts herself out there, says things the media deem as controversial, and instead of addressing the issue once and letting it drop, she lives the definition ... she compromises herself (and family) for money (speeches) or other gains (book deal).
I'm not out of line, you just don't like and can't handle the truth.
Originally Posted by Esther
She is the one that invigorated John McCain's ticket.
That may be true, but anything with a pulse would have invigorated LameMcCain's ticket.