Grace is not an excuse for a lack of holy living. Grace was never intended to be an escape mechanism from holiness. Understand that through grace we have been given access to the Throne of God that previous peoples did not have. That means that we are allowed a different dimension of His presence than they had.
Now think for a moment…without grace they were required to live a certain way and they still were not allowed direct access to His presence. Does it not stand to reason then that we who have received this access by grace should expect to live by the same and possibly even higher standard? After all, we are in closer proximity to the true Holy of Holies.
In this hour we face the reality of the distortion of grace. Jude verse 4 states "For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ."
In other words there are those that will try to liken grace to a base act of the flesh They will take it totally out of the realm of the spiritual and make it carnal. How obvious it is that it is happening! People claim Christ but continue to live according to the flesh and hide behind a false definition of grace. As mentioned previously, the basic definition of grace is "
the unmerited favor of God towards man." More completely it means "
The divine influence upon the heart and it's reflection in the life."
A new revelation of grace? I do not need a new revelation of grace. The one that came in the original package is still good enough for me. It is interesting to note how often these same people have incorrect concepts of the judgment of God also.
The tragedy of Lot’s life is that his revelation of grace was distorted and led him astray spiritually. In Genesis chapter 19 the tragic story of his misperception is played out. Verse 15 shows us that he is given a command to leave Sodom so that he can avoid judgment. Notice he is not told where to go. Sometimes God doesn't say where to go right away. The main thing is getting you out of where you are.
Verse 16 is indicative of his love for the city when it says that he lingered - Notice how the spirit of the place had to have gotten a hold on him. The Lord was merciful to him. Lot did not deserve it, especially after kicking and fussing the whole way. Yet, God still delivers him. Realize that deliverance from a present circumstance did not end the direction of God. Being delivered from sin is the beginning of direction from God, not the end.
The story further unfolds as the Lord directs him to the mountain and explicitly says not to stay in the plain. How much clearer does it need to be?? But Lot wanted the best of the worst situation. Until you get rid of the best of the worst in your life you will always struggle spiritually and in following the will of God.
Lot rejects the counsel of God. Big surprise, huh!? And here is the real kicker; the excuse Lot uses for doing his own thing is that he has found grace! Really? Who told him that he had found grace? And there is the problem. We don't find grace, God reveals it!
Lot makes a fatal mistake. He mistakes the mercy of God for the grace of God. Mercy. Grace. Mercy is the act of God towards man that requires nothing to receive it. In its basic sense, it is the compassion of God. Grace, in its basic sense is the favor of God.
Grace demands a response on our part for it to be grace and for it to continue in our lives. Remember that grace teaches, and teaching demands a response.
His revelation of grace said "I can't go to the mountain because something evil might happen and I will die." Now tell me, why would God deliver him from fire and brimstone just to kill him on the mountain? If God had wanted him dead He would have allowed him to stay in the cities during the destruction!
Lot’s Revelation of Grace gives him a plan for life. He quickly pleads his plan before God, "Let me go to this little city over here." "I don't want to go up the mountain of God, I would rather do my own thing. After all God showed me mercy and delivered me and now I have grace and grace will allow me to do whatever I want, right?"
This next point is critical: The Allowance Of Grace. Amazingly enough, God's grace will allow you to do whatever you want. Just remember that doesn't make it right. Lot felt o.k. about it. He didn’t feel convicted about it. We don’t need to feel conviction for it to be wrong. Folks that hide behind grace using the excuse “I don’t have a personal conviction against such and such” need to quickly come to the realization that if the word declares it to be wrong, either by specific word or principle, than it matters not at all how you feel about it.
Just because you are blessed by God does not mean that you are right with God. Yet people who depart from the truth will many times say “I’ve heard from God.” Seems perplexing, doesn’t it? I mean how can they hear one thing and you hear another thing and both of you be right? Quite simply, it just can’t be. But the truth is that many of them have indeed “heard” from God.
According to
II Thessalonians 2:11-12 “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”
We find Lot, in his distorted revelation of grace, begging to go to Zoar. To those looking for an easy out there is always a place called Zoar. The name Zoar means "to be brought low, small, or ignoble.” The inference is that you will lose the place or standing that you once had and to be brought low. T is quite a distance from Zoar to the mountain where God intended for Lot to flee to.
Judgment does arrive in verse 24. If God promises judgment it will come. Lot's wife died because of one look back. What she was looking back for is immaterial. How much better it would have been for her to have set her face like a flint and scaled the mountain of God’s command. Instead, she had to have a final look and paid with her life for a last glimpse.
Amazingly enough verse 30 lets us know that Lot finally makes it to the mountain. And I guess that we ought to be thankful that he finally obeyed God. the problem with such thankfulness is the bittersweet realization that a distorted definition of grace will always exact a high price.
Your revelation of grace today will determine your judgment tomorrow. His daughters went to the mountain but they never left the spirit of Zoar or Sodom and Gommorah behind. They ended up committing gross sin with their father.
By incestuous relationships Lot became the father of Moab and Ammon. Those two boys grew up to be the beginnings of the Moabites and the Ammonites who in time became 2 of the greatest thorns in Israel's side.
That which you allow into your life today through a distorted revelation of grace will be the very thing that will come back and impregnate you with the seeds of your own destruction.
God help us to embrace this thing called grace and never forget the high price that He paid to bring it to us