Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
Was the deficit accumulated in the last 8 months alone?
Bernanke the Republican is staying put-- could it be that his Republican prescription for the American economy that was at the brink of collapse is working, slowly, but working?
Spend now is better than economic collapse now.
Harldy anyone on the right was screaming about government spending when the Bush White House was giving out government contracts with neglible oversight to control the spending of those private companies on the tax payers dime.
This was done in the name of "Suporting Our Troops" and we still did not have the proper body armor or protection for our vehicles into very, very late in the game.
If the economy had collapsed, then Obama would be blamed for not being experienced enough to handle the national crisis.
The economy didn't collapse, so the Republicans blame him for the multi-trillion dollar deficit that he accumulated in little over 8 months of being in office.
This the pot calling the kettle black.
Jermyn, your question doesnt address the problem Obama and his crack team miss stated the deficit by 30%! They didnt revise numbers up by some paultry amount, this is HUGE.
It indicates that they are either inept or were dishonest about the amount of debt they were wracking up! either way this is very bad!
and by the way to answer your question, when Barak Obama took office, the estimated deficit spending level over 10 years was around 1 trillion dollars. Barak has spent like a drunken sailor.
as for the stimulus package passed this year, NO economist has stated that it has done a blessed thing to impact the economy. better than 85% of the money in that bill wont be spent until 2010 - 2012. It isnt a stimulus bill.
Obama isnt doing things to help the economy. He is doing things to push America towards a top down government system. A system where government is in control of ever expanding aspects of an idividuals life.
We are seeing all the things we said would happen before the election. You said he would do those things then, now you are saying he isnt doing them when we see it every day.
I dont get it.