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Old 05-13-2009, 09:22 AM
blueeyes blueeyes is offline
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Question Do you believe the innocent party in a situation

Do you believe the innocent party in a situation of adultery can remarry?

I saw this question on an old forum here, and I myself question the biblical reference to answer this question. I know many within the apostolic faith who believe that the innocent party is able to remarry within the church and receive God's blessings. However I am not sure....
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Old 05-13-2009, 09:25 AM
Crossfire Crossfire is offline

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Re: Do you believe the innocent party in a situati

This is something I have thought about off and on.

Some churches believe that even if you divorce before salvation, that divorce carries through past the Blood, and continues on. Personally, I have always seen the whole as this.

Let's say a wife wants a divorce from her husband. He does not want one, and refuses to sign the papers. The judge grants the divorce anyway. The husband is innocent of the divorce. However, should he be able to remarry? That is another question.

Much to think about.
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Old 05-13-2009, 09:28 AM
Rhoni Rhoni is offline
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Re: Do you believe the innocent party in a situati

Originally Posted by blueeyes View Post
I saw this question on an old forum here, and I myself question the biblical reference to answer this question. I know many within the apostolic faith who believe that the innocent party is able to remarry within the church and receive God's blessings. However I am not sure....
Depends on which legalistic organization you belong to. The UPCI recognizes adultery as "innocent party" but ALJC does not recognize right to remarry under any circumstances. I truly believe that God forgives even divorce and once repented of frees anyone to remarry. I believe I have scripture to back it up. We have several threads on this issue, but the world we live in, with over 50% of marriages, in or out of the church, ending in divorce - we would have a lot of frustrated single people if they could not remarry.

There are rarely any innocent parties in a divorce. Some individuals would never commit adultry if they had multiple needs not getting met, having little to nothing to do with sex. It takes three in any marriage; i.e., husband, wife, and Jesus. Leave any one of the three not committed tot he success of the marriage then it will end in divorce.

Blessings, Rhoni
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Old 05-13-2009, 09:31 AM
blueeyes blueeyes is offline
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Re: Do you believe the innocent party in a situati

For the longest I understood and was taught if an innocent party is faced with divorce because of adultery then that person is released from the vows and free to remarry. Recently, I had a discussion with a minister and that was brought up. Now I feel confused about the matter. I just want to know the truth and what God thinks.
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Old 05-13-2009, 09:31 AM
Rhoni Rhoni is offline
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Re: Do you believe the innocent party in a situati

Originally Posted by Crossfire View Post
This is something I have thought about off and on.

Some churches believe that even if you divorce before salvation, that divorce carries through past the Blood, and continues on. Personally, I have always seen the whole as this.

Let's say a wife wants a divorce from her husband. He does not want one, and refuses to sign the papers. The judge grants the divorce anyway. The husband is innocent of the divorce. However, should he be able to remarry? That is another question.

Much to think about.
Most of this stuff is pure legalism, gagging at a knat and swallowing a camel. It is just men trying to justify their actions.

God forgives ALL sin, and we live under God's grace. Does this give us a right to sin? Absolutely not, as Romans bears out, but if we do sin: we have and advocate with the Father through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Blessings, Rhoni
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Old 05-13-2009, 09:45 AM
blueeyes blueeyes is offline
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Re: Do you believe the innocent party in a situati

I am not sure I agree with you concerning there rarely being a truely innocent party, but I guess only God truely only knows the circumstances and matter of a persons hearts. I am not trying to justify remarriage or divorce by no means but I just have questions. I doesn't matter what organization I am in, the truth of the Word of God is what saves and leads you into all truth.
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Old 05-13-2009, 09:51 AM
simplyme simplyme is offline
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Re: Do you believe the innocent party in a situati

Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post
Depends on which legalistic organization you belong to. The UPCI recognizes adultery as "innocent party" but ALJC does not recognize right to remarry under any circumstances. I truly believe that God forgives even divorce and once repented of frees anyone to remarry. I believe I have scripture to back it up. We have several threads on this issue, but the world we live in, with over 50% of marriages, in or out of the church, ending in divorce - we would have a lot of frustrated single people if they could not remarry.

There are rarely any innocent parties in a divorce. Some individuals would never commit adultry if they had multiple needs not getting met, having little to nothing to do with sex. It takes three in any marriage; i.e., husband, wife, and Jesus. Leave any one of the three not committed tot he success of the marriage then it will end in divorce.

Blessings, Rhoni
Since two become as ONE, both are either guilty or innocent., whatever the case may be.
It is a duty for both to keep their marrige together., whatever it takes.
Soooo, NO I don't believe that the "innocent"(?) may remarry.
Adults can surely KNOW better., but will use whatever argument or excuse to get ones WAY.
I've seen someone hold on to the vows even w/infidelity of the other spouse, then when someone very attractive and available came along - boom! All of a sudden this 'excuse' is brought up before ALL and obtains divorce only to immediately remarry., THAT one was just as guilty of having the kind of impulses (fleshly attraction) that the other one whom was unfaithful, DID. ALL humans are as capable of sin as the other., there is no way either is "innocent"., one just did it FIRST.
Perhaps it should be an issue of "first" vs "second" instead of "innocent" vs guilty. *shrug*
The one remarrying is sleeping with someone other than the one spouse allowed; I see it simply [logic] enough- while either one is alive, they kill (by divorce) the "till death do us part" vow they made when getting married., when/if they do "remarry"., GOD is not mocked.
Never mind "frustrated" gee if someone can't get a handle on their flesh, they make light of the power/strength GOD can provide.
I also see it as abuse when people say "OH, GOD forgives anything"., well of course He is a very forgiving GOD, yet He is also "righteous" and very 'legalistic' (if you will) about HIS WORD which is basically His LAW., this is of course JMHO Men often use "legalistic, legalism" but it is a man-made term, and GOD is unique., His ways are not our ways - why do people pretend to FORGET this? One canot claim to love and follow JEsUS without knowing Him and His WORD, which does say this!
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Old 05-13-2009, 09:55 AM
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Re: Do you believe the innocent party in a situati

blueeyes, it really doesn't matter what we think or what any given organization teaches. What matters is that you read the Word for yourself (pertinent scriptures), and live according to your convictions.

btw, I believe there are innocent parties--meaning a party who did NOT break the marriage vows. No one is *innocent*--we all make mistakes--but that doesn't mean there can't be a right side and a wrong side in a covenant, especially when one has been broken.

If a thief steals from a store, the store is the injured or innocent victim/party--but that doesn't mean the store's owners have never done anything wrong in their lives. Or, if they have, that it somehow negates the wrong of stealing.
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Old 05-13-2009, 10:06 AM
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Re: Do you believe the innocent party in a situati

Originally Posted by blueeyes View Post
Do you believe the innocent party in a situation of adultery can remarry?

I saw this question on an old forum here, and I myself question the biblical reference to answer this question. I know many within the apostolic faith who believe that the innocent party is able to remarry within the church and receive God's blessings. However I am not sure....
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Old 05-13-2009, 10:08 AM
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Re: Do you believe the innocent party in a situati

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
blueeyes, it really doesn't matter what we think or what any given organization teaches. What matters is that you read the Word for yourself (pertinent scriptures), and live according to your convictions.

btw, I believe there are innocent parties--meaning a party who did NOT break the marriage vows. No one is *innocent*--we all make mistakes--but that doesn't mean there can't be a right side and a wrong side in a covenant, especially when one has been broken.

If a thief steals from a store, the store is the injured or innocent victim/party--but that doesn't mean the store's owners have never done anything wrong in their lives. Or, if they have, that it somehow negates the wrong of stealing.

Good points...all of them.
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