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Old 04-11-2007, 10:13 AM
Tina Tina is offline

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From the Inbox

A Special place to share those things we receive in email that just don't fit anywhere else.


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Old 04-11-2007, 10:14 AM
Tina Tina is offline

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Reality Clock
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Old 04-11-2007, 10:21 AM
Tina Tina is offline

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Too Busy for a Friend

One day a teacher asked her students to list the names of the other
students in the room on two sheets of paper, leaving a space between
each name.

Then she told them to think of the nicest thing they could say about
each of their classmates and write it down.

It took the remainder of the class period to finish their
assignment, and as the students left the room, each one handed in the papers.

That Saturday, the teacher wrote down the name of each student on a
separate sheet of paper, and listed what everyone else had said
about that individual.

On Monday she gave each student his or her list. Before long, the
entire class was smiling. "Really?" she heard whispered. "I never
knew that I meant anything to anyone!" and, "I didn't know others liked
me so much" were most of the comments.

No one ever mentioned those papers in class again. She never knew if
they discussed them after class or with their parents, but it didn't
matter. The exercise had accomplished its purpose. The students were
happy with themselves and one another. That group of students moved

Several years later, one of the students was killed in Viet Nam and
his teacher attended the funeral of that special student. She had
never seen a serviceman in a military coffin before. He looked so
handsome, so mature.

The church was packed with his friends. One by one those who loved
him took a last walk by the coffin. The teacher was the last one to
bless the coffin

As she stood there, one of the soldiers who acted as pallbearer came
up to her. "Were you Mark's math teacher?" he asked. She nodded:
"yes." Then he said: "Mark talked about you a lot."

After the funeral, most of Mark's former classmates went together to
a luncheon. Mark's mother and father were there, obviously waiting to
speak with his teacher.

"We want to show you something," his father said, taking a wallet
out of his pocket. "They found this on Mark when he was killed. We thought
you might recognize it."

Opening the billfold, he carefully removed two worn pieces of
notebook paper that had obvi o usly been taped, folded and refolded many

The teacher knew without looking that the papers were the ones on
which she had listed all the good things each of Mark's classmates
had said about him.

"Thank you so much for doing that," Mark's mother said. "As you can
see, Mark treasured it."

All of Mark's former classmates started to gather around. Charlie
smiled rather sheepishly and said, "I still have my list. It's in
the top drawer of my desk at home."

Chuck's wife said, "Chuck asked me to put his in our wedding album."

"I have mine too," Marilyn said "It's in my diary."

Then Vicki, another classmate, reached into her pocketbook, took out
her wallet and showed her worn and frazzled list to the group "I
carry this with me at all times," Vicki said and without batting an
eyelash, she continued: "I think we all saved our lists."

That's when the teacher finally sat down and cried. She cried for
Mark and for all his friends who would never see him again.

The density of people in society is so thick that we forget that
life will end one day. And we don't know when that one day will be.

So please, tell the people you love and care for, that they are
special and important. Tell them, before it is too late.
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Old 04-11-2007, 10:31 AM
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Old 04-11-2007, 10:34 AM
Tina Tina is offline

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I liked the old paths, when
Moms were at home.
Dads were at work.
Brothers went into the army.
And sisters got married BEFORE having children!

Crime did not pay;
Hard work did;
And people knew the difference.

Moms could cook;
Dads would work;
Children would behave..

Husbands were loving;
Wives were supportive;
And children were polite.

Women wore the jewelry;
And Men wore the pants.
Women looked like ladies;
Men looked like gentlemen;
And children looked decent.

People loved the truth,
And hated a lie;
They came to church to get IN,
Not to get OUT!

Hymns sounded Godly;
Sermons sounded helpful;
Rejoicing sounded normal;
And crying sounded sincere.

Cursing was wicked;
Drinking was evil;
and divorce was unthinkable.

The flag was honored;
America was beautiful;
And God was welcome!

We read the Bible in public;
Prayed in school;
And preached from house to house
To be called an American was worth dying for;
To be called a Christian was worth living for;
To be called a traitor was a shame!

Sex was a personal word.
Homosexual was an unheard of word,
And abortion was an illegal word.

Preachers preached because they had a message;
And Christians rejoiced because they had the VICTORY!
Preachers preached from the Bible;
Singers sang from the heart;
And sinners turned to the Lord to be SAVED!

A new birth meant a new life;
Salvation meant a changed life;
Following Christ led to eternal life.

Being a preacher meant you proclaimed the word of God;
Being a deacon meant you would serve the Lord;
Being a Christian meant you would live for Jesus;
And being a sinner meant someone was praying for you!

Laws were based on the Bible;
Homes read the Bible;
And churches taught the Bible.

Preachers were more interested in new converts,
Than new clothes and new cars.
God was worshiped;
Christ was exalted;
and the Holy Spirit was respected.

Church was where you found Christians
on the Lord's day, rather than in the garden,
on the creek bank, on the golf course,
or being entertained somewhere else.

I still like the old paths the best !
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Old 04-11-2007, 10:38 AM
Tina Tina is offline

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Hello God, I called tonight
To talk a little while
I need a friend who'll listen
To my anxiety and trial.

You see, I can't quite make it
Through a day just on my own...
I need your love to guide me,
So I'll never feel alone.

I want to ask you please to keep,
My family safe and sound.
Come and fill their lives with confidence
For whatever fate they're bound.

Give me faith, dear God, to face
Each hour throughout the day,
And not to worry over things
I can't change in any way.

I thank you God, for being home
And listening to my call,
For giving me such good advice
When I stumble and fall..

Your number, God, is the only one
That answers every time.
I never get a busy signal,
Never had to pay a dime.

So thank you, God, for listening
To my troubles and my sorrow.
Good night, God, I love You, too,
And I'll call again tomorrow!
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Old 04-11-2007, 11:38 AM
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Excellent idea!
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
PhD in Petulant Tantrum Quelling
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Old 04-11-2007, 11:45 AM
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Pressing-On Pressing-On is offline
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Not to throw a kink in the system, but I thought I remembered BOOM saying something about opening the Forum to spreading a virus that may be attached to some e-mails.

Could he respond to that?

Sorry, Tina. I just want to know.
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Old 04-11-2007, 12:06 PM
Tina Tina is offline

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There's no way to put a virus on the forum by copying text from an email. we're not putting attachments from email here.
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Old 04-11-2007, 01:23 PM
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Malvaro Malvaro is offline
Bro. Y, I'll never forget...

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Another month ends

All targets met

All systems working

All customers satisfied

All staff eagerly enthusiastic

All pigs fed and ready to fly.
"Rules without relationship lead to rebellion." Dr. James Dobson

"You don't need a license to preach, or teach, or win souls." RonB

"In all my perplexities and distresses, the Bible has never failed to give me light and strength." Robert E. Lee (1807-1870)

Never tell a young person that anything cannot be done. God may have been waiting centuries for someone ignorant enough of the impossible to do that very thing. ~ John Andrew Holmes
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