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Old 07-29-2008, 11:02 AM
U376977 U376977 is offline
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Todd Bentley Quits!!

Apparently Bentley quits the next day after Nightline aired a story that not one claim to healing could be verified. Bentley told ABC that he would provide proof of 3 healings that could be medically verified and the person healed would be willing to talk to the media. He could not produce ONE!. And much was made of the fact that he kicked a young man in the stomach with stage 4 cancer as seen on ytube.

Freshfire--reports he is taking time off to rest.???


Your thoughts?
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Old 07-29-2008, 11:16 AM
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Re: Todd Bentley Quits!!

Too bad he didn't quit a long time ago. However, he hasn't truly quit. His kind never do. He'll raise his fraudulent head again somewhere else and woo some other gullible souls in. Pathetic!
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Old 07-29-2008, 11:42 AM
U376977 U376977 is offline
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Re: Todd Bentley Quits!!

I have never understood the form that Bentley and Hinn use. The people cannot get on stage unless they already claim to have been healed. Then Bentley and Hinn do the "BAM" but for what purpose? They are already supposedly healed? Why do they need hands laid on them again?

The healing pioneers to our generation had a prayer line, where the sick would come for healing. Not the already healed.
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Old 07-29-2008, 11:45 AM
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Re: Todd Bentley Quits!!

It's all spiritual manipulation and people who are looking for the dramatic and flamboyant are so easily caught in that web of deceit. It really angers me when I see it.
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Old 07-29-2008, 11:49 AM
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Re: Todd Bentley Quits!!

I don't think it is spiritual manipulation, but it certainly could for dramatic affect. Never know. But truthfully I think this "BAM" stuff is akin to one of our preachers screaming "IN JESUS NAME" so loud their voice breaks and squeals, while trying to push you in the floor. I have seem more people healed in the name of Jesus when it is pronouced and not screamed then I ever have seen with people screaming their heads off "IN THE NAME!!!!"
"If we don't learn to live together we're gonna die alone"
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Old 07-29-2008, 11:52 AM
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Re: Todd Bentley Quits!!

Originally Posted by JTULLOCK View Post
I don't think it is spiritual manipulation, but it certainly could for dramatic affect. Never know. But truthfully I think this "BAM" stuff is akin to one of our preachers screaming "IN JESUS NAME" so loud their voice breaks and squeals, while trying to push you in the floor. I have seem more people healed in the name of Jesus when it is pronouced and not screamed then I ever have seen with people screaming their heads off "IN THE NAME!!!!"
My mistake... I'm not talking about the Bam stuff, I'm talking about Bentley kicking people and punching people and then blaming it on the Holy Ghost telling him to do so and then people falling for that garbage and accepting that as God. I believe that God operates outside of our box, but that's just hogwash and I do believe it's manipulation, in order to gain a following and a huge financial base. IMHO...
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Old 07-29-2008, 12:33 PM
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Re: Todd Bentley Quits!!

I always tread lightly around topics like this and try to use wisdom in condemning people like Todd Bentley. My spirit never agreed with his methods and even his message. When signs and wonders become the thing you seek, instead of the Author of the signs and wonders then the mark is missed. When it's more about what I see and how I feel than being rooted and grounded in truth and faith, then error can occur easily. Signs and wonders will definitely follow those that believe, but the BELIEVING is an important step taken on sound doctrine and biblical truth. Not what some evangelist like Todd Bentley says over and over or yells Bam at 10 or 20 times.

The proof always comes out in time. Time is great at clearing up silly fads and false prophets. If he can't produce a single documented miracle to a program like Nightline something is very wrong. The saddest part is there will be people that are irreparably broken and unreachable due to this "revival" and their lost faith in Todd Bentley. That's the eternally serious part.
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Old 07-29-2008, 12:34 PM
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Re: Todd Bentley Quits!!

Originally Posted by MikeinAR View Post
I always tread lightly around topics like this and try to use wisdom in condemning people like Todd Bentley. My spirit never agreed with his methods and even his message. When signs and wonders become the thing you seek, instead of the Author of the signs and wonders then the mark is missed. When it's more about what I see and how I feel than being rooted and grounded in truth and faith, then error can occur easily. Signs and wonders will definitely follow those that believe, but the BELIEVING is an important step taken on sound doctrine and biblical truth. Not what some evangelist like Todd Bentley says over and over or yells Bam at 10 or 20 times.

The proof always comes out in time. Time is great at clearing up silly fads and false prophets. If he can't produce a single documented miracle to a program like Nightline something is very wrong. The saddest part is there will be people that are irreparably broken and unreachable due to this "revival" and their lost faith in Todd Bentley. That's the eternally serious part.
You are so correct. That is the greatest tragedy of it all.
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Old 07-29-2008, 12:51 PM
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Re: Todd Bentley Quits!!

Originally Posted by AbundantGrace View Post
My mistake... I'm not talking about the Bam stuff, I'm talking about Bentley kicking people and punching people and then blaming it on the Holy Ghost telling him to do so and then people falling for that garbage and accepting that as God. I believe that God operates outside of our box, but that's just hogwash and I do believe it's manipulation, in order to gain a following and a huge financial base. IMHO...
Ah, I see. Same page now
"If we don't learn to live together we're gonna die alone"
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Old 07-29-2008, 01:14 PM
LUKE2447 LUKE2447 is offline
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Re: Todd Bentley Quits!!

This is seriously pathetic! He should be hailed as a false prophet from th highest rafters and then politely dropped from that same rafter! Ok maybe not but a nice swift kick to the package would do it for me. All the while yelling PRAISE GOD your healed!
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