Originally Posted by Rico
Could you imagine pulling something like that off in a really big city, like Los Angeles? Holy macanoli!!! Everyone would know about the apostolic church then! They'd be renting out football stadiums for church services on a regular basis!! It's blowin my mind just thinking about it. It's a shame something like what I've described has about the same chance that a snowball has in............well, ya know.
I would respectfully disagree that it's not viable.
It would take a special pastor. In my opinion many traditional Oneness churches do not grow because the pastor feels he needs to be in control of everything and is afraid to delegate.
From a purely evangelistic POV it makes sense. Smaller groups would make more individuals involved, and develop their own personal gifts.
Occasional large gatherings in my opinion are also necessary, there is an special atmosphere when hundreds or thousands gather. Large gatherings could also make sure the "network" for lack of a better word stayed on the same page as far as vision and doctrine.
The problem is, and always will be balance. How much control to be centralized and how much in the hands of the house leaders.