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Old 02-06-2008, 03:09 PM
SecretWarrior SecretWarrior is offline
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CeCe Winans under fire for singing at Gay church

CeCe Winans under fire for singing at Gay church"

Atlanta - Despite a plea from Witness Ministries Executive Director and other former homosexuals, gospel music star CeCe Winans elected to hold her "Throne Room" concert at a homosexual affirming church in metropolitan Atlanta.

Winans' tour date will bring her to Victory Church on March 26 where she is scheduled to perform, then hold a "VIP Reception" following.

Despite attempts to personally speak with Ms Winans about the pastor and church's very public attempts to normalize homosexuality in the Christian community, Winans released a statement via her website in which she stated she would not "back down to the enemy, in any way."

Pastor Darryl Foster, who initiated the alert for other Christians to contact Winans about the church, said, "We are deeply disappointed CeCe has chosen to appear at Victory Church without appropriately addressing the serious situation there. She is, however responsible for her own decisions, and we respect that."

Pastor Foster made pleas to the Winans tour asking them to cancel the appearance out of respect to the Biblical admontions which forbid fellowship with other Christians who promote false doctrine.

"CeCe is mistaken when she says she is going to minister at Victory Church. How do you "minister" to apostate Christians when the Bible says do not keep company with them?, said Foster.

Foster believes Victory and other homosexual affirming black churches intentionally conceal their false doctrines and policies in order to deceive and attract artists like Winans whose appearances lend credibility to wayward churches.

"Victory Church is not the 'world' as Winan's statement claims. They are Christians in open rebellion to the Word of God and its moral standards. If this were a group of sinners, I would be the first to applaud her going, but the Bible strongly warns against what Winans is doing .

"If CeCe were a pastor or preacher, she would have never gotten an invitation to speak at Victory Church. Kenneth Samuels has closed ears to the true gospel, but will quickly invite a singer who may not necessarily have any convicting message in their songs. This is just another example of how some Christians are ditching the Bible's fresh relevance and authority when it comes to dealing with contemporary issues," said Foster.

"And I'm not so sure that music ministry is what God has ordained to save and deliver. In Romans 10:14-15, it clearly tells us that it is the preaching of the gospel, not singing which brings one to saving faith to God. Perhaps that is why we are seeing so much compromise and weakness among new believers. How can they hear without a preacher and how can he preach except he be sent?"

The trend of engaging those in music ministry is a developing tactic employed particularly by homosexual churches. Many hold in open contempt any traditional teachings of sexual morality. Recently, a website was launched attacking black pastors who preach against homosexuality. Many Christian leaders and popular singers are simply unaware that they are being used in a intentional effort to inject heavy doses of false doctrine into the church. Too many churches have embraced the worldly "virtue" of tolerance at the expense of truth. Tolerance is nothing more than false love offered by satan to divert Christians from speaking the truth in love as the Bible commands.

"Perhaps CeCe is not aware but we are in a season of unprecedented attack on the church. And unfortunately, the ones leading it are religious homosexuals who operate under a spirit of revenge and anger. The true test of her "ministry" at Victory Church will be if she will evoke what the Bible says about homosexuality --before she sings.

Witness encourages CeCe to "not back down" by:

Expressing to the pastor her beliefs and hold the pastor accountable for false doctrine he promotes.

Call for unrepentant homosexuals in leadership to repent and submit their lives to Christ.

Not to Mention that many homosexuals have been set free and delivered from that sin.

Winan's company asserted that they checked Victory's website before they accepted the invitation about a month ago. But even at that time a company official said that they had received concerns about the church's homosexual affirming policies. This caused them to make calls to certain ministers in Atlanta who could allegedly only confirm the rumors.

here is the link to the story:
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Old 02-06-2008, 03:23 PM
Weary Pilgrim Weary Pilgrim is offline
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Re: CeCe Winans under fire for singing at Gay chur

Isn't CeCe Winans and Sandra friends ?

She was recently at Steve and Becky Fender's church. I hear great things about her so I'm surprised that she would associate herself with a church like this. It's likey to hurt her good reputation.
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Old 02-06-2008, 03:26 PM
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Re: CeCe Winans under fire for singing at Gay chur

Cece Winans is a woman of integrity and 100% against homosexuality. She stated that she would like for us to do a tour together. I would be proud to travel with her, she loves God and stands up for him in secular settings.
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Old 02-06-2008, 03:32 PM
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Re: CeCe Winans under fire for singing at Gay chur

Originally Posted by SecretWarrior View Post
...not "back down to the enemy, in any way."
Who is the enemy referred to?
Mrs. LPW

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Old 02-06-2008, 03:34 PM
Weary Pilgrim Weary Pilgrim is offline
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Re: CeCe Winans under fire for singing at Gay chur

Originally Posted by Sandra View Post
Cece Winans is a woman of integrity and 100% against homosexuality. She stated that she would like for us to do a tour together. I would be proud to travel with her, she loves God and stands up for him in secular settings.

Then ask her why she is singing at a church that affirms this lifestyle.
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Old 02-06-2008, 03:36 PM
PastorD PastorD is offline
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Re: CeCe Winans under fire for singing at Gay chur

I was with CeCe just a few days ago.....sat with her, ate with her, prayed with her. Wow, she has an awesome anointing on her life.

When she sings Alabaster Box.....it is over!
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Old 02-06-2008, 03:37 PM
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Re: CeCe Winans under fire for singing at Gay chur

Originally Posted by Diamond Jim View Post
Then ask her why she is singing at a church that affirms this lifestyle
You know, this is just a dumb question if you think about it.

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Old 02-06-2008, 03:42 PM
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Re: CeCe Winans under fire for singing at Gay chur

Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
You know, this is just a dumb question if you think about it.

How do you reach the lost?
I know these people are lost.. but they don't think they are. And they aren't just your average sinner either. They call darkness light... it's a dangerous place.
There are thousands upon thousands of "Christians" who don't believe God would put anyone in hell.. and many more who don't think God would put someone in hell because of their feelings. Oprah sings this from the mountain tops...

This is a dangerous place for CeCe to walk.
Mrs. LPW

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Old 02-06-2008, 04:02 PM
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Re: CeCe Winans under fire for singing at Gay chur

CeCe is a Holy Ghost filled woman and who are we to question where the Lord would have her minister? Remember, homosexuality is NOT the main issue! Often, the life of the homosexual is filled with a lot of brokenness, shame by those in the church, being rejected over and over and over; one who often doesn't measure up to everyone else; one who is is either frustrated because he/she doesnt like the fact that they are attracted to the same sex or; one who embraces the attraction and searches for Mr. or Mrs. Right, (of the same sex) and is let down time and time again, feeling more rejection, abuse and loneliness. They are really in search of LOVE - in the true sense!

Are we not compelled as Christians to accept them, embrace them and not be afraid to come alongside and help them figure life out? Too often, the church looks at the outside of the person with disgust and they dont take time to look at the heart and show them the love of Christ!

I fear that many will have to give an account to God one day because of the way they treat his children.

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Old 02-06-2008, 04:09 PM
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Re: CeCe Winans under fire for singing at Gay chur

Originally Posted by Mrs. LPW View Post
I know these people are lost.. but they don't think they are. And they aren't just your average sinner either. They call darkness light... it's a dangerous place.
There are thousands upon thousands of "Christians" who don't believe God would put anyone in hell.. and many more who don't think God would put someone in hell because of their feelings. Oprah sings this from the mountain tops...

This is a dangerous place for CeCe to walk.
Would you agree that it would be worth CeCe to walk in a dangerous place if one could be saved from damnation? There is no way that you or I could know why this door has been opened for her to go and sing. How could we make such a judgement call of the leading of the Lord?

Isaiah 53:5: "But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."(KJV)

"God sends no one away empty except those who are full of themselves." Dwight L. Moody
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