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WPF News Discussion of the WWPF meetings in Tulsa and related sidetracks.

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Old 01-30-2008, 10:38 AM
Dan'D Dan'D is offline
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Tulsa 6

You must remember UPC left the Tulsa 6, not the other way around. Think about all the changes that have gone on in the UPC over the last 10 - 15 years if it had happen all at one time every person at that church would leave. But because it has happen over a period of time we don't think about it.

The Bible and what God expect from us has not changed but churches have changed.

The Tulse 6 has a great following and there belief is grounded in the Bible. Over the period of time a lot of you will be eating your own words.

The UPC is not meant to be the spiritual leaders of the churches as much as organizational leaders. Each Pastor must lead his own church. Bro Haney will not answer to god about the church I attend. My pastor will answer to God regarding the church I attend. This is how it was meant to be. This is bible God chose my pastor to lead my church. Bro Haney was voted in. The resolution was voted in. Each pastor has the obligation to determined what is right for his church. He must answer to God for that.

I have spoke with many of saint that say a good percentage of the people in there church have a TV in there home. The reason is the Pastor has not felt that is was that important. AS well as other standards. The UPC has changed and it would take a blind person not to see that.

So again I say ”the UPC left us.”

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Old 01-30-2008, 10:40 AM
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Re: Tulsa 6

Dan'D...please go to my "Paradise Lost??" thread and tell me what has happened to the UPCI and other oneness organizations...

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Old 01-30-2008, 10:42 AM
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Re: Tulsa 6

Originally Posted by RevBuddy View Post
Dan'D...please go to my "Paradise Lost??" thread and tell me what has happened to the UPCI and other oneness organizations...


Or even my thread "Are We Missing the Little Picture?"
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Old 01-30-2008, 10:54 AM
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Re: Tulsa 6

Originally Posted by Dan'D View Post
You must remember UPC left the Tulsa 6, not the other way around. Think about all the changes that have gone on in the UPC over the last 10 - 15 years if it had happen all at one time every person at that church would leave. But because it has happen over a period of time we don't think about it.

The Bible and what God expect from us has not changed but churches have changed.

The Tulse 6 has a great following and there belief is grounded in the Bible. Over the period of time a lot of you will be eating your own words.

The UPC is not meant to be the spiritual leaders of the churches as much as organizational leaders. Each Pastor must lead his own church. Bro Haney will not answer to god about the church I attend. My pastor will answer to God regarding the church I attend. This is how it was meant to be. This is bible God chose my pastor to lead my church. Bro Haney was voted in. The resolution was voted in. Each pastor has the obligation to determined what is right for his church. He must answer to God for that.

I have spoke with many of saint that say a good percentage of the people in there church have a TV in there home. The reason is the Pastor has not felt that is was that important. AS well as other standards. The UPC has changed and it would take a blind person not to see that.

So again I say ”the UPC left us.”

I tend to disagree with the statement that "the UPC has left the Tulsa 6".
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Old 01-30-2008, 10:56 AM
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Re: Tulsa 6

Originally Posted by TrmptPraise View Post
Or even my thread "Are We Missing the Little Picture?"
Dan'D should post in the "What's for Dinner Tonight" thread. I'd like to know what the never-changed standards for food are!
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Old 01-30-2008, 11:36 AM
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Re: Tulsa 6

Originally Posted by Dan'D View Post
You must remember UPC left the Tulsa 6, not the other way around. Think about all the changes that have gone on in the UPC over the last 10 - 15 years if it had happen all at one time every person at that church would leave. But because it has happen over a period of time we don't think about it.

The Bible and what God expect from us has not changed but churches have changed.

The Tulse 6 has a great following and there belief is grounded in the Bible. Over the period of time a lot of you will be eating your own words.

The UPC is not meant to be the spiritual leaders of the churches as much as organizational leaders. Each Pastor must lead his own church. Bro Haney will not answer to god about the church I attend. My pastor will answer to God regarding the church I attend. This is how it was meant to be. This is bible God chose my pastor to lead my church. Bro Haney was voted in. The resolution was voted in. Each pastor has the obligation to determined what is right for his church. He must answer to God for that.

I have spoke with many of saint that say a good percentage of the people in there church have a TV in there home. The reason is the Pastor has not felt that is was that important. AS well as other standards. The UPC has changed and it would take a blind person not to see that.

So again I say ”the UPC left us.”

SO which one of the Tulsa 6 are you? I don't remember any of their names being Dan D..
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Old 01-30-2008, 12:05 PM
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Re: Tulsa 6

Originally Posted by stmatthew View Post
I tend to disagree with the statement that "the UPC has left the Tulsa 6".
That's right.

The idea that the UPC left the T6 is silly.

If it is truly the case, then why were the T6 so derelic and neglectful in preaching the Word of God? Why did they let the UPC depart, if indeed that is what they did? The Word of God WILL accomplish that wherein it was sent. It (the Word) will not return VOID.

So, if they claim that they have been preaching it all along the past 10 to 20 years, why wasn't the Word of God any more powerful than to let them depart? Could it be that what they have been preaching, if they have been preaching, IS NOT the Word of God after all, but some illusion of the mind that has no power, no affect, not quick, not sharp but only a dead seed that only rots in the ground having no life in it at all.

I am totally convinced that the preaching of the Word will return results. It will either lead men to repentance, or it will cost the heads of the Prophet that proclaim it. Sometimes both are the end results. BUT PREACH THE WORD. Let the seed fall into the ground. Don't just walk away calling the rest of us "backslid."
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Old 01-30-2008, 12:25 PM
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Re: Tulsa 6

Originally Posted by Dan'D View Post
You must remember UPC left the Tulsa 6, not the other way around. Think about all the changes that have gone on in the UPC over the last 10 - 15 years if it had happen all at one time every person at that church would leave. But because it has happen over a period of time we don't think about it.

The Bible and what God expect from us has not changed but churches have changed.

The Tulse 6 has a great following and there belief is grounded in the Bible. Over the period of time a lot of you will be eating your own words.

The UPC is not meant to be the spiritual leaders of the churches as much as organizational leaders. Each Pastor must lead his own church. Bro Haney will not answer to god about the church I attend. My pastor will answer to God regarding the church I attend. This is how it was meant to be. This is bible God chose my pastor to lead my church. Bro Haney was voted in. The resolution was voted in. Each pastor has the obligation to determined what is right for his church. He must answer to God for that.

I have spoke with many of saint that say a good percentage of the people in there church have a TV in there home. The reason is the Pastor has not felt that is was that important. AS well as other standards. The UPC has changed and it would take a blind person not to see that.

So again I say ”the UPC left us.”

I think I know how you can see it from that perspective. But to really understand the thousands of churches and ministers across the board you really need to look more closely at the history of the UPC.

That history reflects a movement away from many of the original positions held by the majority of men in the org and even in the pre-UPC Oneness Movement. Most "conservatives" (I know, the labels are uncomfortable and ill fitting but that's the best we've got right now) will say that there has been "progress" in the movement as such teachings as "The Light Doctrine" were silenced for a more stern "Water & Spirit" position. The changes were made in the editing of the Required Reading Material for UPC ministers in the 1990's.

The very fact that this "progress" was being made shows that the UPC was changing all the time. Many people were uncomfortable with the changes and we lost quite a few of them in 1992. Those men hadn't changed at all. The UPC had changed and forced them out. The UPC "left them."

And now there has been something of a backlash against that "progress" and change as exlemplified in the recent Resolution #4 debate. Resolution #4 at Tampa, in fact undid a change in our by-laws and halted some of the "progress" that the so-called "conservatives" had been implementing for years.

There was a huge movement of change within the UPC to "straighten up the ship." These changes are documented over the years in the changes in the Fundamental Doctrine and the Articles of Faith. Now the majority has resisted further change and even undid one change. This isn't the "UPC changing." It represents a movement of moderation and one where many are seeking to "get back to our roots."

Given the standard use of the terms "Conservative" and "Liberal," by passing Resolution #4, the UPC has made a truly "conservative" turn for the first time in a long time. In some people's eyes, this vote stopped the "progress" that they had been making within the org. Understandably, they are concerned about that. But I don't think it's accurate to say that the "UPC left" them. The only ones who were really abandoned over the years were those who were forced out in 1992 - and ironically, perhaps those who left with the AMF.
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Old 01-30-2008, 12:31 PM
Ron Turner

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Re: Tulsa 6

This post is a joke.
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Old 01-30-2008, 12:32 PM
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Re: Tulsa 6

Originally Posted by Ron Turner View Post
This post is a joke.
Fill us in with which post, and why you feel that it is a joke.
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