oh yes, the child and his tantrum
a nice little demonstration of my nice friendly switch (for the young ones here, it's a small skinny branch of a tree) cured it! I may have seen it once, but only once! LOL
I never met a chocolate I didn't like!
*sigh* I did nothing yesterday.... I wasn't finished so I did nothing again today!
oh yes, the child and his tantrum
a nice little demonstration of my nice friendly switch (for the young ones here, it's a small skinny branch of a tree) cured it! I may have seen it once, but only once! LOL
My mother passed down the wonderful heritage of the "switch"! I passed it on!!!
I never met a chocolate I didn't like!
*sigh* I did nothing yesterday.... I wasn't finished so I did nothing again today!
At what age can you start applying the rod of correction to the seat of the pants?
Because my little two year old is bringing new meaning to the term "terrible twos"
My grand daughter turned two in October and in spite of her compelling beauty, she gets spankings for misbehaving or tantrums. Then, after the spanking, she is put on the spot for two minutes (one minute for each year of age). She wants to avoid the spot more than the spanking.
Recently she was visiting at my house (I am POP) and got put on the spot. After about 30 seconds of sitting on the spot in silence she put her face in her hands, folded over and put her hands on her knees and then started saying "I need HELP. Somebody HELP me. POP why won't you HELP me!" It was all I could do not to run over there and grab her up and "HELP" her!
At what age can you start applying the rod of correction to the seat of the pants?
Because my little two year old is bringing new meaning to the term "terrible twos"
I, being the mean mother I am (jk) when they were two, I did swat them on their behinds. I liked the switch because it would sting enough to get the message across but would not "harm" the child. A belt will hurt the bone. I never want to do anything like that. When they associate the tantrum with the stinging, they will stop if you are consistant! But in the mean time, we shall start a prayer chain for you for the next couple of years! LOL
I never met a chocolate I didn't like!
*sigh* I did nothing yesterday.... I wasn't finished so I did nothing again today!