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Old 02-12-2007, 02:46 PM
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Smaller is Better-A interesting Statistic

As a pastor of a new church plant, I have become all to familiar with all the church growth literature currently in Christendom, both from an Apostolic perspective and from what others in the larger Christian world have to say about, How to grow a church?

At times this is a very frustrating experience, for# of reasons, of which I won't list here. But I came across a specific book called Natural Church Development; the thesis is that Church Growth will happen naturally as long as people/pastors/saints don't mess with it. The key is building and facilitating 8 specific biotic (taken from nature) potentials into the church.

His research the most comprehensive done in history of the church (facts don't lie) it showed a # of amazing facts, many I won't share here but I thought I would share this one fact that his team discovered contrasting the converting power of smaller church versus the mega church. Read it for yourself.

"But couldn’t it be that the picture is different for really large churches (with more than 1000 at worship services)? While the smallest churches (with an average attendance of 51) typically won 32 new people in the last five years, the mega churches (with an average attendance of 2,856) won 112 new persons during the same time period.

In raw numbers, a single mega church won may more people than a single “mini-church.” If we remember, though, that the mega churches are 56 times the size of the “mini-churches,” then the following calculation expresses the potential of the two categories far more realistically.

If instead of a single church with 2,856 in worship we had 56 churches, each with 51 worshippers, these churches would, statistically, win 1,792 new people within five years – 16 times the number the mega church would win.
Thus we can conclude that the evangelistic effectiveness of mini-churches is statistically 1,600 percent greater than that of mega churches!"

Natural Church Development
A Guide to Eight Essential Qualities of Healthy Churches
Christian A. Schwarz
ChurchSmart Resources
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Old 02-12-2007, 03:08 PM
Sister Truth Seeker

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From my perspective....I like a smaller church...I think there is more unity when everyone knows each other.

In a large church it is easy for people to fall through the cracks and never be brought into the fold....

During the two years I was out of my church I went to a couple of church that were much larger...in both I felt like I could be in any function that drew a large crowd...in one of them I was not acknowleged in anyway....I would never want to go to either of them again.

My church always says hello to visitors and they are greeted with hand shakes from many!!!
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Old 02-12-2007, 03:21 PM
Nahum Nahum is offline
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Originally Posted by keith4him View Post
As a pastor of a new church plant, I have become all to familiar with all the church growth literature currently in Christendom, both from an Apostolic perspective and from what others in the larger Christian world have to say about, How to grow a church?

At times this is a very frustrating experience, for# of reasons, of which I won't list here. But I came across a specific book called Natural Church Development; the thesis is that Church Growth will happen naturally as long as people/pastors/saints don't mess with it. The key is building and facilitating 8 specific biotic (taken from nature) potentials into the church.

His research the most comprehensive done in history of the church (facts don't lie) it showed a # of amazing facts, many I won't share here but I thought I would share this one fact that his team discovered contrasting the converting power of smaller church versus the mega church. Read it for yourself.

"But couldn’t it be that the picture is different for really large churches (with more than 1000 at worship services)? While the smallest churches (with an average attendance of 51) typically won 32 new people in the last five years, the mega churches (with an average attendance of 2,856) won 112 new persons during the same time period.

In raw numbers, a single mega church won may more people than a single “mini-church.” If we remember, though, that the mega churches are 56 times the size of the “mini-churches,” then the following calculation expresses the potential of the two categories far more realistically.

If instead of a single church with 2,856 in worship we had 56 churches, each with 51 worshippers, these churches would, statistically, win 1,792 new people within five years – 16 times the number the mega church would win.
Thus we can conclude that the evangelistic effectiveness of mini-churches is statistically 1,600 percent greater than that of mega churches!"

Natural Church Development
A Guide to Eight Essential Qualities of Healthy Churches
Christian A. Schwarz
ChurchSmart Resources
Keith, this is a wonderful post. Sorry I didn't respond sooner.

This information is not surprising at all. It affirms what we knew, doesn't it?
People want church to have a "family" feel and environment. They want to go where someone knows their name and shares their life experiences.

Mega-church cannot replicate this feel. It's the difference between Wal-Mart and the corner drug store. Wal-Mart has a broader selection, but it's way cold and corporate.
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Old 02-12-2007, 03:35 PM

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Something else that is worth noting is that when the Jerusalem church was a mega church (having several thousand members), God sent along persecution to break up that church and the result was that the gospel was spread to other communities.
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Old 02-12-2007, 03:49 PM
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As many of you know, I attend a mega church in Nashville.

I kind of wish our church only ran about 600-800. That way, you know most of the people, but they're all not neccessarily into your personal business.

I know very few of our church members personally! I know folks that were in our Sunday School classes, and those that sit around us each Sunday. I guess it's really kind of sad.

Our church is constantly seeing new visitors and members, but the back door seems to be just as active as the front door!
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Old 02-12-2007, 03:55 PM
Drama Queen Drama Queen is offline
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Originally Posted by Sister Truth Seeker View Post
From my perspective....I like a smaller church...I think there is more unity when everyone knows each other.

In a large church it is easy for people to fall through the cracks and never be brought into the fold....

During the two years I was out of my church I went to a couple of church that were much larger...in both I felt like I could be in any function that drew a large crowd...in one of them I was not acknowleged in anyway....I would never want to go to either of them again.

My church always says hello to visitors and they are greeted with hand shakes from many!!!

I personally like a larger church. But maybe that's because that's what I'm use too.

Even thou the POA is a large church, everyone does know everyone. You may not be best-buds with everyone... but at least you have a few choices on whom you hang with! That's one of the down sides to smaller churches... your limited on your "church" friends.

It's really hard to fall in the cracks at the POA because they are sooo organized and have people in place ready to get you involved and connected. I do realize that at most larger churches this is not always the case.

What can I say... THE POA ROCKS!!!
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Old 02-12-2007, 04:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Drama Queen View Post
I personally like a larger church. But maybe that's because that's what I'm use too.

Even thou the POA is a large church, everyone does know everyone. You may not be best-buds with everyone... but at least you have a few choices on whom you hang with! That's one of the down sides to smaller churches... your limited on your "church" friends.

It's really hard to fall in the cracks at the POA because they are sooo organized and have people in place ready to get you involved and connected. I do realize that at most larger churches this is not always the case.

What can I say... THE POA ROCKS!!!
I think the atmosphere & the attitude of the Church will always reflect the leadership it has...

I have never been to POA although I have freinds who have and they have told me that it seemed that Bro. Anthony & Sis. Mickey touched everybody at the service...
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Old 02-12-2007, 04:06 PM
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Originally Posted by revrandy View Post
I think the atmosphere & the attitude of the Church will always reflect the leadership it has...

I have never been to POA although I have freinds who have and they have told me that it seemed that Bro. Anthony & Sis. Mickey touched everybody at the service...
Your right... and they do! It truly is an unique church.
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Old 02-12-2007, 04:13 PM
Rhoni Rhoni is offline
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I love big churches...Jackson was the first "big church" that I was in and I loved it...I knew everyone and still practice the same habits I alwasy have...I walk in and go up and down each row and shake hands and speak with everyone.

I think it depends on your personality to decide which type of church is best for you.

I like programs, diversity, people, people, and more people.

Small churches tend to be clickish and small minded, Us four AND no more...I can't deal with it.

Blessings, Rhoni
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Old 02-12-2007, 04:19 PM
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This is a true story. On Sunday late afternoon, Pastor Hardwick got married at a special wedding ceremony at the church. The church was packed!

Anyway....I ran into a couple that I had not seen in over five years. I said "Hi!", and at first they didn't recognize Mrs. Pianoman and myself!

I asked where they attend church these days! They said that they've NEVER LEFT!!!!!!!!! They attend the same servives as we do, but they sit on the opposite side of the auditorium!
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