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11-23-2007, 05:19 PM
Registered User
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 3,289
Brother Bennycasa this is for you...
I am an avid reader of your postings, however it only lasts about a minute or so before I need to move on.
I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said, quoting someone famous...
I like your Christ
but I do not like his followers
because they are not like Christ.
I would like to suggest that you remove, "In Jesus Name" from your signature, because certainly not every time you put your fingers to the keyboard is what you say representative of something Jesus would endorse or even be proud of...
Frankly, I find it insulting and close to taking the name of the Lord in vain.
...and God bless you too by the way.

11-23-2007, 05:33 PM
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: H-Town, Texas
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11-23-2007, 06:25 PM
Philippians 4
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Location: Jackson, TN
Posts: 750
Originally Posted by Carpenter
I am an avid reader of your postings, however it only lasts about a minute or so before I need to move on.
I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said, quoting someone famous...
I like your Christ
but I do not like his followers
because they are not like Christ.
I would like to suggest that you remove, "In Jesus Name" from your signature, because certainly not every time you put your fingers to the keyboard is what you say representative of something Jesus would endorse or even be proud of...
Frankly, I find it insulting and close to taking the name of the Lord in vain.
...and God bless you too by the way.
There is something on the forum called PM (private message). I don't see why you would/should single out someone so rudely. It says alot about the type of person you are.
This thread is so uncallled for. RUDE!

11-23-2007, 07:48 PM
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 4,300
I love the Benster!!! His post are always heartfelt, many times humorous, sometimes they sting, but he always makes a point. I don't always agree with him, but I sure do root for him!!!!

11-23-2007, 07:54 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,356
Originally Posted by Carpenter
I am an avid reader of your postings, however it only lasts about a minute or so before I need to move on.
I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said, quoting someone famous...
I like your Christ
but I do not like his followers
because they are not like Christ.
I would like to suggest that you remove, "In Jesus Name" from your signature, because certainly not every time you put your fingers to the keyboard is what you say representative of something Jesus would endorse or even be proud of...
Frankly, I find it insulting and close to taking the name of the Lord in vain.
... and God bless you too by the way .
This is the best I have ever seen.
I can feel the warmth.
Brother Benincasa
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

11-23-2007, 08:10 PM
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 4,300
Remember, Carp called out DA too in some kind of OK Corral thread, so it ain't nothing new.
Carp is cool, he just punks out once in a while...itsallgood!
He can dish it...these 2 can take it!!!

11-23-2007, 08:53 PM
Lamb Saved & Shepherd Led
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Ever watch an artist use a chain saw to make an ice sculpture? They use that loud chain saw and throw all that ice as they work. It seems that all they're doing is making a mess of a perfectly good block of ice, but then in the end, surprisingly, there is a beautiful work of art. Benincasa is like that. Sometimes it may appear he is making a mess. But if you'll step back, with an open mind and Bible, and give him time, you’ll find that he was creating a great work after all.
A friend of mine said that men never get as mad as when you tell them the truth. Maybe that is why Benincasa is so often misunderstood? 
Keep up the good Word Elder Benincasa!!!
The Bible is open to those that want Truth, and if they want Truth, they find Truth. They watch individuals squabble over Bible symbolism on the Internet, and leave the Message boards to enter into the real world where live people dwell, and they find Truth. The World Wide Web is full of Internet Ayatollahs who speak their mind. There is only one Truth, and it is not hidden. No matter what anyone says, Truth still converts the sincere.
-DD Benincasa, 12/06/03

11-23-2007, 09:03 PM
Lamb Saved & Shepherd Led
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 3,729
Originally Posted by Carpenter
I am an avid reader of your postings, however it only lasts about a minute or so before I need to move on.
Ahhhh, there is the problem.  No wonder you don't get what EB says.
The Bible is open to those that want Truth, and if they want Truth, they find Truth. They watch individuals squabble over Bible symbolism on the Internet, and leave the Message boards to enter into the real world where live people dwell, and they find Truth. The World Wide Web is full of Internet Ayatollahs who speak their mind. There is only one Truth, and it is not hidden. No matter what anyone says, Truth still converts the sincere.
-DD Benincasa, 12/06/03

11-23-2007, 09:54 PM
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I don't get it., except that it is not nice to broB.
The post is a curious mix., reminiscent of something/one the Bible refers to as "double minded".
AND I have seen that this poster is but one of many threads that are equally rude, starters, so what else is new?
BroB, btw I do NOT agree with that assessment, you should know this already.
You can tell more about people
by what they say about others...than by what others
say about them.

11-23-2007, 09:57 PM
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I understand.
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