Originally Posted by ChTatum
We have decided to try going to just one service on Sundays for awhile, expanding our morning service and also our Wednesday night service.
How many of you attend a church where there is only one Sunday service, and what is your feeling towards it?
I attend a church where there's only one Sunday Service. I spend more time at the church now than I did before when I was going to a church that had both morning and night services on Sunday.
We have drama team practice at 11am so hubby has to be there a little before they start practice to operate the sound system for them, we have leadership meetings some days, pre service prayer every service, some days I work in the church library from 11:30 till 1pm. Sunday School starts at 1pm... Worship service begins somewhere between 2:00 and 2:15 because they allow a short break in between for going around and making visitors feel welcome and letting the kids go to the bathrooms. Worship service is rarely over before 3:30-- and most days will run closer to 4pm. Then sometimes there are other things that we do on Sunday evenings, like visiting nursing homes, etc.
We have prayer meeting & choir practice on Tuesday nights... Mid week service & kidzchurch on Wednesday nights.
There's always something extra going on that people can be involved in if they are able to do so.. like Friday morning outreach where people go out into the community and visit with senior citizens, people who are disabled and not able to get out to church.
Sorry for rambling so much.. but yes, I really like things the way they are now with just one Sunday Service.