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View Poll Results: Do you still support the War in Iraq?
Yes 100% 8 19.51%
No 13 31.71%
I have never supported this War. Bring the troops home. 10 24.39%
I still support the War but feel it needs new direction. 10 24.39%
I don't care. 0 0%
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Old 07-08-2007, 11:38 PM
jwharv jwharv is offline
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Do you still support the War in Iraq?

Do you still support the War in Iraq? We hear every day how the War is loosing support so how do you feel??????
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Old 07-09-2007, 12:46 AM
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it lacks tactical focus.... lacks an official point of closure/success.... thus is bound to fail....the US was never meant to be the World's Policeman....

Bush now has the blood of many brave soldiers on his hands.... due to his lack of direction and unwillingness to acknowledge making mistakes and gracefully backing away from that whole area....

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Old 07-09-2007, 01:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Malvaro View Post
it lacks tactical focus.... lacks an official point of closure/success.... thus is bound to fail....the US was never meant to be the World's Policeman....

Bush now has the blood of many brave soldiers on his hands.... due to his lack of direction and unwillingness to acknowledge making mistakes and gracefully backing away from that whole area....

It was a tactical blunder from the beginning, It was said before the war that the post war action was much more important and that much more troops would be needed to close off the borders and police the rebuilding process and that we never quite got it. The prison scandal too only hurt us. In hind sight we never should have been there and it seems perhaps we never really finished in Afghanistan nor have we decapitated Al Queda by getting Bin Laden. The rest of the European wimps did not support us and so we have had to foot most of the bill too which is an economic blunder too. I think we should have relied more on covert operations.

As for what we are there now doing? We seem to have a responsibility now for at least some time in stabilizing and rebuilding, but we can only be there so long and give so much when it seems all the want to do is kill each other and not co-operate so of course I say we need to bring our troops home at some point with or without a stable government and situation there. When that is I can't say nor am I paid a bundle to say
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Old 07-09-2007, 03:53 AM
DividedThigh DividedThigh is offline
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Originally Posted by Malvaro View Post
it lacks tactical focus.... lacks an official point of closure/success.... thus is bound to fail....the US was never meant to be the World's Policeman....

Bush now has the blood of many brave soldiers on his hands.... due to his lack of direction and unwillingness to acknowledge making mistakes and gracefully backing away from that whole area....

spoken like a true demo parrot, i support the war because we are trying to do something good, i didnt say we are succeeding i said we are trying, and by the way before you get to smart, my brother is over there right now, so instead of wasting your breath trying to convince me, pray for him, and one of my friends son in laws from texas that is also over there, dt
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Old 07-09-2007, 08:36 AM
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Originally Posted by DividedThigh View Post
spoken like a true demo parrot, i support the war because we are trying to do something good, i didnt say we are succeeding i said we are trying, and by the way before you get to smart, my brother is over there right now, so instead of wasting your breath trying to convince me, pray for him, and one of my friends son in laws from texas that is also over there, dt
spoken like a true demo parrot
Are you serious?!? You're calling me a Democrat based on my opinion on the War.... trust me buddy, theres lots of Republicans who would agree with me that this thing has gone on WAYYYYYY too long without a definite plan of closure.... Bush throwing more soldiers into the mix isn't going to "fix" anything....

i support the war because we are trying to do something good, i didnt say we are succeeding i said we are trying
I don't see where you previously posted on this thread, so I must have not been directing my comments toward you.... I didn't call into question the goodness of his intent, just the weakness of his military planning and oversight....

by the way before you get to smart, my brother is over there right now, so instead of wasting your breath trying to convince me, pray for him, and one of my friends son in laws from texas that is also over there, dt
I didn't make my statements with the intent to persuade anyone.... I was just speaking my mind, something that apparently is still acceptable here on AFF....

Get over yourself.... just because I no longer support a tactically-flawed military conflict, doesn't mean I don't support and applaud the many soldiers and military personnel that have been involved.... I clearly stated "brave soldiers" - this is obviously a military decision that they had no choice in....
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Old 07-09-2007, 08:59 AM
DividedThigh DividedThigh is offline
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Originally Posted by Malvaro View Post
Are you serious?!? You're calling me a Democrat based on my opinion on the War.... trust me buddy, theres lots of Republicans who would agree with me that this thing has gone on WAYYYYYY too long without a definite plan of closure.... Bush throwing more soldiers into the mix isn't going to "fix" anything....

I don't see where you previously posted on this thread, so I must have not been directing my comments toward you.... I didn't call into question the goodness of his intent, just the weakness of his military planning and oversight....

I didn't make my statements with the intent to persuade anyone.... I was just speaking my mind, something that apparently is still acceptable here on AFF....

Get over yourself.... just because I no longer support a tactically-flawed military conflict, doesn't mean I don't support and applaud the many soldiers and military personnel that have been involved.... I clearly stated "brave soldiers" - this is obviously a military decision that they had no choice in....
i was not insulting you or anyone i am just tired of all the people attacking the war and in effect our men, i am glad that wasnt your intent, obviously this is near and dear to me, i dont seem to be the only one on here that is a little touchy, lol, dt
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Old 07-09-2007, 09:08 AM
Rico Rico is offline
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Well, I voted Republican the last election and was very much in favor of the war, at first. It just seems that we have become too entangled in Iraq to be able to find a graceful way of exiting. It's time for the Iraqis to govern themselves in every way. The current government needs to stand or fall on its own.
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Old 07-09-2007, 09:10 AM
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Originally Posted by Rico View Post
Well, I voted Republican the last election and was very much in favor of the war, at first. It just seems that we have become too entangled in Iraq to be able to find a graceful way of exiting. It's time for the Iraqis to govern themselves in every way. The current government needs to stand or fall on its own.
i agree rico, i am glad that saddam is gone, but i dont think we are responsible for there people now, they have the means to have life and wealth, i just dont see a graceful way to get out of there, dt
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Old 07-09-2007, 09:13 AM
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My husband says it shouldn't be called a war...maybe a peace keeping mission at this point.
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Old 07-09-2007, 09:13 AM
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Originally Posted by DividedThigh View Post
i was not insulting you or anyone i am just tired of all the people attacking the war and in effect our men, i am glad that wasnt your intent, obviously this is near and dear to me, i dont seem to be the only one on here that is a little touchy, lol, dt
There is a BIGGGG difference between supporting a war and supporting the men who serve in a war.... one can easily a) not support a war due to its tactically-flawed strategies and no clearly-defined closure, yet b) support every soldier who bravely fight serving their country.... trust me, i have stood on the platform numerous times and called our church to prayer for our US soldiers and those that are serving associated with our church....

as a matter of fact, one of the drummers in your very own church previously served a LONNNNGGG tour over there....
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