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Old 06-29-2007, 03:50 AM
berkeley berkeley is offline
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I've been purged: Fasting tips.

The past week I have been in the process of purging. And I feel that the proccess is complete.

I plan to start a fast, but I need some help:

I have hypoglycemia. I don't know if it will be dangerous to my health to go for a few days without food.

Should I drink a few health shakes for health safety? Or should I walk in faith and trust God to keep me well??

I really appreciate your thoughts. Serious answers only, please.

-No Wax
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Old 06-29-2007, 05:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Berkeley View Post
The past week I have been in the process of purging. And I feel that the proccess is complete.

I plan to start a fast, but I need some help:

I have hypoglycemia. I don't know if it will be dangerous to my health to go for a few days without food.

Should I drink a few health shakes for health safety? Or should I walk in faith and trust God to keep me well??

I really appreciate your thoughts. Serious answers only, please.

-No Wax
Low blood sugar? Might be a good idea to not fast from food or not completely. Sometimes I just do a day fast. If or when I do an extended fast I will still take something. I might have maybe some fruit here or there, or instead of just water I might have some juice
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Old 06-29-2007, 05:45 AM
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I confess that I haven't really fasted since I began to have some health issues several years ago. According to my doctor I should not fast more than just over night. As you can tell from the time stamp, I keep some pretty odd hours, so eating "regularly" and eating "right" is a time consuming chore as it is.

I have stretched fasting out into the next day but haven't felt comfortable doing more than 24 hours. I used to go several days when I was young but a chronic infection destroyed a big piece of my heart muscle.

I wouldn't presume to give you medical advice. But spiritually, don't dedicate more than you can reasonably achieve. God will give you both strength and grace. Fasting is a great tool for understanding yourself, among other things. Listen to your body- not your "flesh." Do the things that will make you stronger in the long run.

Which reminds me, a very dear friend who I'm sure many of you know is recovering from a close call involving his own over taxed heart. Please remember to pray for MW in the Detroit area and send him a note of encouragement. (Do we only make references by initials here?)
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Old 06-29-2007, 06:41 AM
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Berk, my husband is diabetic. He fasts regularly, often for extended periods, but never a total, no food and drink fast. He fasts two meals a day. When he is fasting, he will drink something early in the morning to be able to take his meds and not eat until dinner. When fasting for long periods he eats small meals on the weekends and presumes the fast again on Monday. This is just his personal way of fasting, and I know that yours will be between you and God, but I would not suggest putting your body at risk if you have health issues.
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Old 06-29-2007, 08:06 AM
Brother Price Brother Price is offline
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Here are some fasting tips:

Usually someone will do a midnight to midnight fast. Traditional Jewish fasts start at sundown and go until sundown the next day. This is the best type to have, IMHO.

Perhaps as well, you can do a juice fast, where you drink only juice and water. This may help in regulating the sugar levels you are battling now while you do without physical food.

Unless the Spirit explicitly leads you to do so, I would not do an extended fast. This involves a strong spiritual constitution, and not many people can physically endure such a feat.
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Old 06-29-2007, 08:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Brother Price View Post
Here are some fasting tips:

Usually someone will do a midnight to midnight fast. Traditional Jewish fasts start at sundown and go until sundown the next day. This is the best type to have, IMHO.

Perhaps as well, you can do a juice fast, where you drink only juice and water. This may help in regulating the sugar levels you are battling now while you do without physical food.

Unless the Spirit explicitly leads you to do so, I would not do an extended fast. This involves a strong spiritual constitution, and not many people can physically endure such a feat.
this is good advice Berk.
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Old 06-29-2007, 08:19 AM
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I think you should talk to your doctor first.
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Old 06-29-2007, 09:56 AM
Pragmatist Pragmatist is offline
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With low blood sugar issues a breakfast to breakfast fast is better. DO NOT drink juice, it is mostly sugar and will cause worse issues. Make sure you get adequate protein in your last breakfast meal.
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Old 06-29-2007, 10:08 AM
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Ask your doctor first, and then go on a fast that will keep you alive but still require sacrifice on your part.

You can fast from anything. It doesn't have to be total abstinence from foods. You can simply fast from all meats and breads. Or eat only fruits and vegetables.

My father was diabetic, and I'll have to check with my Mom to be sure, but I think he would fast, and eat only plain bread (when he was feeling weak), and/or sip V-8 juice. (Plus he still took his insulin of course.)
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Old 06-29-2007, 10:42 AM
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If you are going to do an extended fast it is really important to eat right when you break your fast. Putting junk food and sugar back into your body after fasting can be very damaging to your system. Before you begin your fast take a day or two of eating better foods with no junk foods or sugary foods to help your body. When doing juice fast it is important to get the juice with less sugar. When using juice from concentrate they have a way of getting around listing what they put in the concentrate. So it could have more sugar then listed. If you can juice your own that's best.
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