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Old 02-23-2007, 08:25 AM
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He Is Enough

What does it say to you about a company who would use as their marketing ploy a constant barrage of how terrible the competition is?

What does it say to you when a persons discussion constantly revolves around how stupid, mean, terrible or evil another person is.

Why do we sell this salvation so often with the ominous spectre of hell?

Hell will surely enter into the equation from time to time.


Should it be the focus?

Should it be the selling point?

Should it be the end all-do all in why you should follow Christ.

To me...

He Is Enough.

Here are the closing notes from a message I am preparing for this weekend.

Being a Christian boils down to…

Growing tired of the results of living it “my way”
Understanding my ways don't bring me the peace I want in my life
Understanding that He is wiser.
Learning of Him
Living what I learn.

Christianity is freedom from…

The inner struggles you face
From the fear/uncertainty that living your way creates
Falling on your face again and again.
Having to ask "Why do I keep doing this to myself?"

It is his mercy that brings us to our knees.

No need to incite fear for the “other” kingdom

This kingdom is good enough to want.

If we are going to reach this city, county etc it will be because…

This kingdom is good enough to want.
People are tired of the emptiness
People are hungry for something that makes a difference.
They want someone who will help them learn how to do it right rather than criticize them for doing it wrong.

Why keep pointing out where their road is headed? They know it isn't headed in good directions.

They want to hear that SOMEONE has the answer.

He is the answer....

This Kingdom is good enough to want.



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Old 02-23-2007, 09:16 AM
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good post!!!! I miss hearing about heaven and being in eternity with God Almighty.... Where I was from, I heard more about the don'ts and hell and sin, which I think needs to be taught, but very little did I hear about our goal. Heaven is our goal! That is our reward for walking the walk! A place where all our tears will be wiped away....Peace and Joy beyond measure....No more hurts, and no more pain...That has me sold out....!!!! People already know that their lives are in a mess. They know are hopeless; but if we, as christians, will give them hope <Jesus> and we share heaven with them, they are going to desire the things of God! not be turned off because of "rules and regulations" (which I believe with my whole heart)

I never met a chocolate I didn't like!

*sigh* I did nothing yesterday.... I wasn't finished so I did nothing again today!
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Old 02-23-2007, 09:58 AM
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Originally Posted by LadyChocolate View Post
good post!!!! I miss hearing about heaven and being in eternity with God Almighty.... Where I was from, I heard more about the don'ts and hell and sin, which I think needs to be taught, but very little did I hear about our goal. Heaven is our goal! That is our reward for walking the walk! A place where all our tears will be wiped away....Peace and Joy beyond measure....No more hurts, and no more pain...That has me sold out....!!!! People already know that their lives are in a mess. They know are hopeless; but if we, as christians, will give them hope <Jesus> and we share heaven with them, they are going to desire the things of God! not be turned off because of "rules and regulations" (which I believe with my whole heart)
Yes ma'am....

This thought came from one time when I was asked a question by someone who didn't go to church...

They asked "What would you do if you found out that there was no heaven.. no hell... none of it... what would you do if you found out it was all a lie"

Back then my first answer was, of course, a trailing chorus of "well it's not"

When I finally came off my high horse long enough to answer the mans question I told him...

If it was all a lie... If, when this life is over, I found that there is no God... no heaven... no hell... I still will have lived the better life.

This life brings peace, happiness, contentment etc.

Just like the laws of nature all of Gods laws are true.

If you crawl out on the end of that limb... it will break... it is a law of nature...

If you live this way... it will return to you peace & contentment... it is a law of God.

If you live the way of the world... It will return to you regret, hurt & pain... it is a law of God.

God didn't create gravity to punish those who climb trees... it is climbing trees that familiarizes us with the consequences of that law.

God does not return hurt & pain to punish those who do not follow his law... it is living after the ways of the flesh that familiarize us with the consequences of that law.

To live according to the laws of our creator has it's very own set of rewards that are laws which work for us.

With a proper understanding one doesn't need doses of fear and ridicule to live this life. This life is good enough to want... all on it's own.
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Old 02-23-2007, 10:26 AM
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Heaven shouldn't be our goal. Being more like Christ and living out His will and purpose for our lives should be our goal.

Heaven is our destiny.
Smiles & Blessings....
~Felicity Welsh~

(surname courtesy of Jim Yohe)
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Old 02-23-2007, 10:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Felicity View Post
Heaven shouldn't be our goal. Being more like Christ and living out His will and purpose for our lives should be our goal.

Heaven is our destiny.

Just to verify... Did I say that? Or were you just making a point?
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Old 02-23-2007, 10:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Digging4Truth View Post
Yes ma'am....

This thought came from one time when I was asked a question by someone who didn't go to church...

They asked "What would you do if you found out that there was no heaven.. no hell... none of it... what would you do if you found out it was all a lie"

Back then my first answer was, of course, a trailing chorus of "well it's not"

When I finally came off my high horse long enough to answer the mans question I told him...

If it was all a lie... If, when this life is over, I found that there is no God... no heaven... no hell... I still will have lived the better life.

This life brings peace, happiness, contentment etc.

Just like the laws of nature all of Gods laws are true.

If you crawl out on the end of that limb... it will break... it is a law of nature...

If you live this way... it will return to you peace & contentment... it is a law of God.

If you live the way of the world... It will return to you regret, hurt & pain... it is a law of God.

God didn't create gravity to punish those who climb trees... it is climbing trees that familiarizes us with the consequences of that law.

God does not return hurt & pain to punish those who do not follow his law... it is living after the ways of the flesh that familiarize us with the consequences of that law.
To live according to the laws of our creator has it's very own set of rewards that are laws which work for us.

With a proper understanding one doesn't need doses of fear and ridicule to live this life. This life is good enough to want... all on it's own.
That is soo true...For a long time it was in my head that God was sitting on edge, waiting for me to mess up....I felt like I was walking on egg shells, afraid of a God of mercy....All along I knew that wasn't so, but it was the atmosphere I had been in.... Yes you do reap what you sow....I believe that completey. But when you focus on that, you get a lot of people who slowly loose their joy in living for God! But when you focus on the beauty of living for God, you will find folks that wont want to straddle the fence, or just try to get by.....they'll want to live a close to heaven as they could!!!!!

I never met a chocolate I didn't like!

*sigh* I did nothing yesterday.... I wasn't finished so I did nothing again today!
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Old 02-23-2007, 10:32 AM
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Originally Posted by LadyChocolate View Post
Where I was from, I heard more about the don'ts and hell and sin, which I think needs to be taught, but very little did I hear about our goal. Heaven is our goal!
Originally Posted by Digging4Truth View Post

Just to verify... Did I say that? Or were you just making a point?
No you didn't. I was referring to what was said in a post by LC ........ "Heaven is our goal!"
Smiles & Blessings....
~Felicity Welsh~

(surname courtesy of Jim Yohe)
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Old 02-23-2007, 10:36 AM
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Good thought DFT.
However, how can true love (God's love) be known without a contrast between
his love of us, with his hatred of sin, and need to judge it.

In fact in the Bible there are many comparisons between his attributes.

Love vs hatred of sin.
Grace vs What we rightfully owe, but can never pay.
Eternal life vs Eternal Damnation.
Joy vs pain
Healing vs sickness.

We can not ever fully understand what we have until we understand the opposite of it in Gods Kingdom.

We need to have a hell to appreciate Heaven.

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Old 02-23-2007, 10:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Felicity View Post
Heaven shouldn't be our goal. Being more like Christ and living out His will and purpose for our lives should be our goal.

Heaven is our destiny.
Originally Posted by Digging4Truth View Post

Just to verify... Did I say that? Or were you just making a point?
I said it.... But heaven is my goal, and yes, I desire to be more like Christ while I am here and want to share God with everyone I know....but my life is centered around making heaven my home.....if i center my life around being Christ like and fulfilling His will, and i live sold out, I'm gonna make He that endureth to the end shall be saved....Heaven is my goal....enduring to the end is what i have to do to obtain my goal!

I never met a chocolate I didn't like!

*sigh* I did nothing yesterday.... I wasn't finished so I did nothing again today!
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Old 02-23-2007, 10:38 AM
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Originally Posted by LadyChocolate View Post
Yes you do reap what you sow....I believe that completey. But when you focus on that, you get a lot of people who slowly loose their joy in living for God!

That is so true... When you sow for harvests sake (although a harvest is always the result of sewing (it's a law ) ) then you have less (or no) reward in sewing.

When you sew for sewings sake you are a success everyday.

The parable of the sewer did talk about different soils and how the seed fared in each type of soil... but the sewer paid no attention to that... he just sewed... for sewings sake.

Let the life you live be its own reward or you will have lived an entire life for the purpose of future reward which will leave you...ironicly enough... with an unrewarding life.
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