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Old 04-26-2018, 11:11 AM
houston houston is offline
Isaiah 56:4-5

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what i'm up to

I was on my way to Houston to drive Uber. I stopped at Buccees in Wharton to use the gentlemen's room. On my way back to the freeway I was flagged down by a young man who was standing outside of his vehicle. He was locked out of his work van... unnecessary details, he's from Florida..had a delivery to Brownsville, and was on his way to Illinois.

Being the fine Christian gentleman that I am, I stopped to help. I used my AAA membership to have a woman come out and get the door open for him. He was very grateful. He slipped me a $20. I had to use the gentlemen's room again. I turned around and stopped at Whataburger. When I got to my vehicle I realized that I didn't have my phone. I walked back in and asked if anyone turned in a phone. NO. OK, so I went back to Buccees hoping someone picked it up from the road and turned it in there because of the high traffic volume. NO.

Feeling defeated, I drove home. I called my phone several times hoping someone would answer. NO.

I logged into icloud to track my phone and it is near where the guy's van was located, but it is on the opposite side of the road.

I have a bad habit of emptying out my pockets and placing contents on top of my car when I'm looking for my keys. So, I guess my phone was on top of the car and flew to the side of the road when I made the U turn. I'm pretty sure this is how I lost my glasses at South Padre Island a few weeks ago.

I'm going to grab a coffee and return for my phone. PLEASE pray that it is still there. Right now Uber is the only thing I have going to make money. Also, pray for my safety. and that I make lots of $$ the next few days that I spend in the Houston area.

I was kinda feeling discouraged.. but I told myself God is in control (right, Evangelist Benincasa?) and my worry went away.

Man, I was having church during the drive... until this happened.

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Old 04-26-2018, 11:24 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: what i'm up to

I've said a prayer for you. Let us know when you find your phone.
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Old 04-26-2018, 01:39 PM
Originalist Originalist is offline
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Re: what i'm up to

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I've said a prayer for you. Let us know when you find your phone.
I second that motion.
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Old 04-26-2018, 04:49 PM
Originalist Originalist is offline
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Re: what i'm up to

Houston, I want to share a testimony to encourage you.

Eight weeks ago, my left knee basically failed. It was the resurgence of an injury I received in college in 1984. Rigorous exercise, including hiking, is a large part of the way I keep stress from consuming me. During this time I worked hard around my graduate studies to finish sub-teacher training for the county I live in. Even though I have 12 years sub experience in other counties, the county I moved to last year still requires substantial training. Three weeks ago I was forced to call in sick on my very first day of work because I came down with the shingles. The doctor attributed my shingles to stress. Without exercise, I've had no way to relive stress. So here I am about to enter into Summer break having made no money, and with a bum knee that will require surgery and prevents me from working on my feet. To say I was depressed would be an understatement.

But something happened this past Friday that made me understand how God sometimes uses seeming setbacks to protect us from greater danger. The very high school where I had signed up to work had a school shooting (see link). I have to assume that God was keeping me from a dangerous situation and possible bodily harm. Had I been healthy and well, I would have been there as I had already signed up for multiple days including that one! Out of the dozen high schools in my area, the shooting took place at that one. So concerning your lost phone, who knows what danger God may have been keeping you from. Perhaps we'd be reading about the murder of an Uber driver had your phone not been lost.

Old 04-26-2018, 05:31 PM
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Re: what i'm up to


I hate to hear your misfortune with the phone. Praying you found it.
"I think some people love spiritual bondage just the way some people love physical bondage. It makes them feel secure. In the end though it is not healthy for the one who is lost over it or the one who is lives under the oppression even if by their own choice"

Titus2woman on AF

"We did not wear uniforms. The lady workers dressed in the current fashions of the day, ...silks...satins...jewels or whatever they happened to possess. They were very smartly turned out, so that they made an impressive appearance on the streets where a large part of our work was conducted in the early years.

"It was not until long after, when former Holiness preachers had become part of us, that strict plainness of dress began to be taught.

"Although Entire Sanctification was preached at the beginning of the Movement, it was from a Wesleyan viewpoint, and had in it very little of the later Holiness Movement characteristics. Nothing was ever said about apparel, for everyone was so taken up with the Lord that mode of dress seemingly never occurred to any of us."

Quote from Ethel Goss (widow of 1st UPC Gen Supt. Howard Goss) book "The Winds of God"
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Old 04-26-2018, 06:20 PM
houston houston is offline
Isaiah 56:4-5

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Re: what i'm up to

Exhausted... didn't think to bring laptop so sign in on wifi at Whataburger across the street. So.. I looked and looked. Did not find the phone. I drove almost 18 hours since last night. I kinda fell asleep a few miles from Wharton. Woke when the road noise woke me at a curve. I'll never drive this many hours again. Also, I didn't stop for the coffee... so there's that.

I made it to my friend's home in Houston. I logged into icloud on his laptop. I can't do two way authentication because the code is sent to my phone. So, the tracker shows the phone on the side of the road as of the time I created the thread. I think if I can authenticate then it will show a current location. Someone mowed the lawn on the side of the road. So, could have mowed over it... or took it. But if taken i'd think it'd show a current location. Even if the phone is off you are supposed to be able to track the phone. Shrugs.
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Old 04-26-2018, 07:00 PM
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Re: what i'm up to

Originally Posted by houston View Post
Exhausted... didn't think to bring laptop so sign in on wifi at Whataburger across the street. So.. I looked and looked. Did not find the phone. I drove almost 18 hours since last night. I kinda fell asleep a few miles from Wharton. Woke when the road noise woke me at a curve. I'll never drive this many hours again. Also, I didn't stop for the coffee... so there's that.

I made it to my friend's home in Houston. I logged into icloud on his laptop. I can't do two way authentication because the code is sent to my phone. So, the tracker shows the phone on the side of the road as of the time I created the thread. I think if I can authenticate then it will show a current location. Someone mowed the lawn on the side of the road. So, could have mowed over it... or took it. But if taken i'd think it'd show a current location. Even if the phone is off you are supposed to be able to track the phone. Shrugs.
Praying you find it.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 04-27-2018, 04:57 AM
houston houston is offline
Isaiah 56:4-5

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Re: what i'm up to

I just got home. Now I know why I wasn't getting a curret gps location. I found the phone on the opposite side of where the gps was locating. Someone ran it over. The screen is completely smashed. It's like safety glass... holding together. Some of the internals are showing... but I'm hoping they are still functional. Going to take phone to repair shop in a few hours and see what they can do.
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Old 04-27-2018, 04:58 AM
houston houston is offline
Isaiah 56:4-5

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Re: what i'm up to

Strange... when I parked on the right side of the road and got out of the car something stood out to my eye across the street. I didn't think anything of it and looked on the right side. I decided to look across the street and there it was.
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Old 04-27-2018, 05:15 AM
houston houston is offline
Isaiah 56:4-5

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Re: what i'm up to

Just checked email. CA project is a GO. PRAY I get called for this job. I don't have a CA security license. Company will get me licensed BUT those that have license get preference. PRAY PRAY PRAY!!!
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