This next section is about one of the corroborative evidences that Sinaiticus is not an antiquity manuscript.
(The BEFORE and AFTER colouring by Tischendorf is the most helpful single evidence.)
Sinaiticus early date refuted by linguistic studies of the learned Scottish classical scholar James Donaldson (1831-1915).
James Donaldson looked especially closely at the Shepherd of Hermas and Barnabas. He put special attention on arguments that Constantine Tischendorf had made against the Hermas publications of 1856. This was when Constantine Simonides "jumped the gun" on the Sinaiticus Hermas, which led to an Anger & Dindorf edition of 1856, followed by a Dressel-Tischendorf edition.
Tischendorf said that the Hermas texts had linguistic features that showed them to be of late medieval origin. and supported the charges with linguistic scholarship. (Later, after 1859, Tischendorf put forth a very short and awkward retraction, understanding that the linguistic charges against Hermas could deep-six his push for the ultra-early dating of Sinaiticus.)
Tischendorf had accused the Simonides Hermas of being linguistically no earlier than late medieval. With features like Latin retroversion and a much later Greek vocabulary than the date assigned by Tischendorf. Donaldson argued forcefully that this was in fact an accurate analysis from Tischendorf,. And the accusations applied 100% to the Sinaiticus Hermas as well. as the Simonides Hermas.
His studies were never answered, although a gentleman named Brook Foss Westcott wrote that they "prove too much" (and thus should be ignored, since Sinaiticus was 5th century.) Circular reasoning as a fine art!
James Donaldson wrote about Hermas in 1864 and then about Barnabas in 1874.
Information on the Donaldson linguistic arguments are now online in discussion on two independent forums:
Bible Criticism and History Forum
Sinaiticus - Hermas, Barnabas linguistic, history anomalies
James Donaldson linguistic studies on the Greek Hermas and Barnabas manuscripts
Simonides also had published Barnabas in 1843. That Preface and the accompanying article from Star of the East in Smyrna are only partially translated, and the connections between that edition and Sinaiticus are rather fascinating.
Beyond that, the New Finds of 1975 include a decent section of Hermas that had been trashed, and is now available, and could add to the linguistic scholarship. Afaik, there has not yet been any comparison of the first Hermas edition of 1856 and the New Finds Sinaiticus
Steven Avery
In addition there are studies in a few other places on Facebook and off.
On Facebook, we have a
Sinaiticus group and a
PureBible group.
There is a special website at
Codex Sinaiticus Authenticity Research
And I place a lot of research up at :
Sinaiticus - authentic antiquity or modern?
David W. Daniels has a new book!
Is the 'World's Oldest Bible' a Fake?
David W. Daniels
These linguistic elements are on p. 153-155 and in Chapter 30: The Sinaiticus Smoking Gun